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What are the good IT positions to train for????

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Guest danmoro

Don't bother with MCSE for NT 4.0. It goes by the wayside at the end of 2001. If you decide to go for MCSE, wait for the 2000 track.



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Computer Networking with out a doubt .... CISCO is definitly the way to go to make the big bucks ... It costs a $1,000.00 to the take test and you have to fly out to Cali. and I think they have a training center in N.C also ... If you understand all other aspects of network engineering you shouldn't have a problem w/ CISCO ... The MCSE is a good thing to get also ... But UNIX systems right now are the thing to learn ...the Internet is ran off UNIX ... Don't waste your time with NOVELL .... You must learn and understand TCP/IP also, the protocol that is used in all WANs ... But whatever,.. I can type forever explaining what you need to know or what you should learn ...But most of all, You must be serious and dedicated if you are going to enter the IT field ... specailly Networking ... trust me, I know ... I'm up to my ears with text books & notes ..but i love this shit ..it all pays off in the end

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Go with the Win2000. Unless your already NT4.0 certified. Another good route to learn is repackaging. Wise, SMS Installer, MSI, this for software distribution via SMS. There's a million ways to go in an IT Field.


It's all in the music

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The money is in software development.

Some good things to learn are:

Java, CGI, C++, Delphi many people are converting old legacey systems to GUI apps. So there is lots of work in these areas.

I wouldn't think that the money is going to be in Website design. There are too many packages available that do all the work for you. In a few years time most web sites will be done by graphic artists with Code monkeys knocking up small un-interesting programs.

Modeling software like Rational Rose are very good to know and you can earn big bucks. Rational Rose is the future of development.

But the highest paying computer language at the moment is M. Not many people know about it but you are looking at a minimum of $70,000 if you have any experiance, because the banks, shipping companies and hospitals use it.

Also if you can code in assembler you can earn good money writting drivers and system tools but it's hard to learn and not used extensivley.

God thats the most work i have done in a few weeks. icon10.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics:

The money is in software development.

Some good things to learn are:

Java, CGI, C++, Delphi many people are converting old legacey systems to GUI apps. So there is lots of work in these areas.

I wouldn't think that the money is going to be in Website design. There are too many packages available that do all the work for you. In a few years time most web sites will be done by graphic artists with Code monkeys knocking up small un-interesting programs.

Modeling software like Rational Rose are very good to know and you can earn big bucks. Rational Rose is the future of development.

But the highest paying computer language at the moment is M. Not many people know about it but you are looking at a minimum of $70,000 if you have any experiance, because the banks, shipping companies and hospitals use it.

Also if you can code in assembler you can earn good money writting drivers and system tools but it's hard to learn and not used extensivley.

God thats the most work i have done in a few weeks. icon10.gif

b2b what the fuck is M? never heard of it, but if you wanna make cash learn JAVA. 70k is bullshit. I know people making 150-200/hr coding java in nyc. thats savage. i personally work in networking where theres good money too but nothing like programming. mcse and cisco are both fine, will get you good cash for atleast like the next 5 years. after that it is gonna get shady cuz most of these apps and OS are getting self sufficient. hope this helps. peace


deez nuts

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I said a minimum of $70,000 and thats not NY wages where there is compensation for the higher living cost.

If you can show me a Java poition for $200,000 anywhere on the interenet i will take it now. Java is easy to learn so i would be surprised if people could earn that much for a basic programmer pos. The people you know must have other skills?

M is MUMPS. It's a really basic language but hardly anybody knows it. You can get $100 an hour as a contractor in NY. Cache witch is a database that uses mumps is the fastest databse in the world and it's being increasingly used for Web servers (ameritrade use it).

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i dont know bout fulltime wages as my friends and i all do consulting exclusively. trust me people are making 100-200/hr doing java, and not even high level stuff, i'm talking just coding. market is so crazy and supply/demand is so in the favor of contractors that compaines are outbidding themselves for qualified people.


deez nuts

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Originally posted by danmoro:

Don't bother with MCSE for NT 4.0. It goes by the wayside at the end of 2001. If you decide to go for MCSE, wait for the 2000 track.

at least get your mcp NOW!

it's one test

if you wait for nt 2000 you would have to take I think 3 tests for the mcp

hey if you get your mcse now and get the

2000 one also you have a better chance to get a job

companys are proubably not gonna upgrade till 2002

and if they do upgrade right away

with the new mcse they would think you would'nt know how to uninstall the old network

study and spend the money

(something i am not doing)

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being in IT recruitment I'm reasonable well positioned to make a call on this one......rare skills like MUMPS are great to have and u can earn shitloads of $$, but ultimately u r specialising on one platform, which limits options down the road.....Java tho works on any platform therefore you have a lot more options down the track.....any back end/infrastructure skills (like cisco)are good as well......having said all that it depends on the individual, basically do a very introductory course of a development nature and one of a network nature and see which one you take to more!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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