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SF friday night review- anyone else there?

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I was there friday night. I only go there fridays because I can wear sneakers and sweat pants and actually have room to dance. The crowd was barely over 16 is was full of prom kids. You should have gone saturday night. Last night was amazing there . At 8 am thedance floor was still packed. Jona performed and JP was really on it last night. If your looking for that old factory feel stick to saturday nights. Fri is for little kids and relaxtion.

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shit, you are completely right-- i noticed that from exit to SF there was this huge line of limos, it could only be prom kids. yea, i prefer saturdays, but i wanted to go out on friday to have 2 days to recooperate before heading back to work. wink.gif

hope you had fun!



*turn it around baby*

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I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

I haven't been to Soundfactory since the dead of winter, so I figured that I would give it a try again this past weekend.

I got there at around 2:30, and was surprised to see that there was no line, and on top of that, people were leaving as we were getting in (I've noticed this whenever it's a 18+ night at all clubs). I was surprised that Paris wasn't at the door, b/c we all got dipped out just in case. But the people at the door were letting ANYONE in- jeans, ravers, garbage bag, whatever. I guess I'll keep that in mind for next time.

As soon as we got in, the first song we heard was the remix of Faith Hill's "Breathe", which was a strange way to start off the night. But the dance floor was packed! I was surprised, considering that there was no line and that most people head out to the beaches. The hip-hop room, however, cleared out really fast (at around 3:30).

The vocals continued until about 4, and then there was harder house. I didn't really hear any songs that really caught my attention, it seemed like the intention was just hard bass. There was a lot more build-ups than usual, which was a nice plus.

In addition, there is definitely a lot more undercover/security walking around! I must have had flashlights shined on my face at least 5 times, which started to get really irritating. The music was still pumping until 7, and the crowd was completely DEAD. They were starting to take the stage apart and everything, which was our cue to leave- it was disappointing, I was enjoying the music, but kinda strange when you're the only people there. frown.gif

so, to the end the night (day?), we all headed to Jones Beach, and got all blazed and sunburned. wink.gif

sorry for the rambling-- if anyone else was there, let me know what you guys thought, and if you guys saw me? i was wearing the blacklight responsive purple wig. smile.gif




*turn it around baby*

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I was there Saturday as well. I thought the music was a little weak up to 5:30 or 6 and some jerkoff pulled the fire alarm which was a killer. After that however, the music was absolutely sick. Some of the best I ever heard, JP really turned it on. I had a blast, and the dancefloor was still pretty crowded at 9:30.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i was there on friday also.. (i kno its a lil late to reply to this ) i go every friday..ever since memorial day weekend its ben a different crowd.. alot younger too.. the music is usually pretty good..& lately even paris has been letting anybody in..w/b & tell me what u think of sf fridays


*Get the f*k off my dance floor..SF <3 *

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this week pink will be perfroming live @ SF on friday nite

for all yous goin

email for a list





GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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