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I am 190lbs and ripped allot of people in the clubs probally think I am on juice , but I am not. I work really hard to look good I am in the gym 2 hours a day, some of these kids deserve there credit. Plus juice doesn't just make you grow you have to earn it and work out hard! But there are alot of juice heads in the club and sometimes makes me want to do it. Next time take a look they rarley have a woman with them and most girls think it's disgusting anyway Peace Lance!

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juice heads! funny how some of ya people almost fear them. ya have to think about this though... a 200lb dude trying to swing at a 150lb dude. who do ya think is quicker. i hate juice heads cause its the juice that gives them the attitude. otherwise they are only hurtin themselves. and they really don't bother you much. ah just the thought of them dancin is too funny. anyway why fear them...because they look(keyword) stronger. ha! take it from someone that use to workout with some of the seals from little creek amphib. base. our bodies are capable of doing 300% more than our minds allow us to think. next time a juice head gives ya static..if its worth it to you...just keep on swingin and don't stop. whats the phrase oh yeah....speed kills.

just think to yourself as m.ali would...float like a butterfly sting like a bee. if ya get hit oh well.. a little pain isn't gonna kill ya. and for the chickens walking side by side with 'em..ha another joke. there a bunch of hoochies as well. at ohm this hooker was all smiles and shit givin me that sexy look meanwhile mr. juice himself was walking behind her holding her hands(oh how sweet) so i grabbed her by her hand and she stopped to talk and the dude just got all sorts of bent out of shape. oh that was funny. anyway he gave me a good shove with his twenty inch arms(and probably a 3 inch penis below) and moved along. fuck all that shit..hide the drugs and women...don't forget a good population of juiceheads are ya know playin for the other team. so yet another reason for us all to laugh and enjoy as we watch these big meatheads dance around like they're all that.

aaaaaaah just smoke a phatty it'll all be good.

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Dont do it bro, i am about your size too, at 5'11", its not worth the after affects, looking good is great but how good do you think a girl thinks your body is when you can't get your dick hard. sorry for the vulgarity but its true..alot of friends do it and its usually from an insecurity problem.

pimples, red skin, body hair growth, hair on your head loss, testicular atrophy(shrunken nuts) and eventually penile atrophy (small wee wee) just continue to work out eat good and frequently every day and your on your way. when your 40 and have the body of a 28 year old (cause natural muscle retains much more than juice muscle) and there laying in a hospital bed with tumors on there liver(most roid abusers ruin there livers, and will probably wind up with liver cancer, nock on wood i hope it doesn't happen to any one, but studies show this,look at lyle allzedo(sp?)then you will see who the real cool cats were back in our clubbing days, moderation bro...

p.s. want to try a real good supplement, it makes you a bit bigger and hard as a rock, try l-glutimine... awesome shit...

Originally posted by freshl7freshl7:

I am 190lbs and ripped allot of people in the clubs probally think I am on juice , but I am not. I work really hard to look good I am in the gym 2 hours a day, some of these kids deserve there credit. Plus juice doesn't just make you grow you have to earn it and work out hard! But there are alot of juice heads in the club and sometimes makes me want to do it. Next time take a look they rarley have a woman with them and most girls think it's disgusting anyway Peace Lance!

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Dont do it bro, i am about your size too, at 5'11", its not worth the after affects, looking good is great but how good do you think a girl thinks your body is when you can't get your dick hard. sorry for the vulgarity but its true..alot of friends do it and its usually from an insecurity problem.

pimples, red skin, body hair growth, hair on your head loss, testicular atrophy(shrunken nuts) and eventually penile atrophy (small wee wee) just continue to work out eat good and frequently every day and your on your way. when your 40 and have the body of a 28 year old (cause natural muscle retains much more than juice muscle) and there laying in a hospital bed with tumors on there liver(most roid abusers ruin there livers, and will probably wind up with liver cancer, nock on wood i hope it doesn't happen to any one, but studies show this,look at lyle allzedo(sp?)then you will see who the real cool cats were back in our clubbing days, moderation bro...

p.s. want to try a real good supplement, it makes you a bit bigger and hard as a rock, try l-glutimine... awesome shit...

Originally posted by freshl7freshl7:

I am 190lbs and ripped allot of people in the clubs probally think I am on juice , but I am not. I work really hard to look good I am in the gym 2 hours a day, some of these kids deserve there credit. Plus juice doesn't just make you grow you have to earn it and work out hard! But there are alot of juice heads in the club and sometimes makes me want to do it. Next time take a look they rarley have a woman with them and most girls think it's disgusting anyway Peace Lance!

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i totally gree on the fact about giving credit were credits due, i too am in the gym 2 hours a day 5 days a week and bust my fuck ass, and your right that these juicers have to work for it too, but basicly if your on juice you can eat like shit, and workout minimally and still grow.. it gives people like us bad names, it gives the whole health community a bad name, we work out for our selves, to be more confident, look better, feel healthier, be better althletes or better dancers, and taking roids contridicts the whole means to the reason most of us started working out in the first place... just my .06 cents...

Originally posted by scramble360:

Dont do it bro, i am about your size too, at 5'11", its not worth the after affects, looking good is great but how good do you think a girl thinks your body is when you can't get your dick hard. sorry for the vulgarity but its true..alot of friends do it and its usually from an insecurity problem.

pimples, red skin, body hair growth, hair on your head loss, testicular atrophy(shrunken nuts) and eventually penile atrophy (small wee wee) just continue to work out eat good and frequently every day and your on your way. when your 40 and have the body of a 28 year old (cause natural muscle retains much more than juice muscle) and there laying in a hospital bed with tumors on there liver(most roid abusers ruin there livers, and will probably wind up with liver cancer, nock on wood i hope it doesn't happen to any one, but studies show this,look at lyle allzedo(sp?)then you will see who the real cool cats were back in our clubbing days, moderation bro...

p.s. want to try a real good supplement, it makes you a bit bigger and hard as a rock, try l-glutimine... awesome shit...

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I'm 6'00", 165lbs and I still get more dope chicks than any jice heads, why, cause I'm a DJ, and we get all the girls...lol

All kidding aside, not all jice heads are bad news, most of my friends are actually roid freaks, and some of them are actually very, VERY into the music. There is however, a particular type of jice head I cant stand:

He knows nothing about music, sweats JP becasue he is only bandwagon jumping and has heard him play only once or twice, not because he is actually a fan of his music, gets so mangled on G he can't even walk, tries to remove his shirt in classy lounges like Ohm, pushes girls out of the way as he runs to his "spot" on the dancefloor where he just bobs his head anyway, stands on the stairs at factory all night long taking up space, and is afraid to go to vinyl or twilo because "ooohhhh the gay people are there"


And as for girls, yea, the hottie in the addidas pants and sports bra with the dope sneaks who can really go nuts on the floor turns me on way more thna the barbie doll....

And one last thing, get nice, not mangled. Mangled is not attractive...., and neither is e-breath! LOL




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Yeah - isn't it SO WEIRD how all juiceheads love GHB??? And they get SO MANGLED too!!!

Oh - and you can have the Barbie doll look (blonce hair blue eyes), as long as ya got the commfy outfit rippin' up the dancefloor...

Gene - thanks for the compliment... hehe

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Originally posted by Addaboy1:

Did I hear my name mentioned?? *grin*

Now, now kiddies!!! Scramble you Siiiieeekkkk. Blondeee you siiiieeeekkkkk. Gene you siiiieeeekkkkk too!!

Truth is none of you can dance! None of you flex, bop or bounce like the true dancers....the juice heads! Make some room kids here they come!!! Gotta love em! lol


No, no you can't do that!

Oh move, I know him...yes I can!!!!"

Hey blondeee, what's that thing with the hands that Scramble can't do??

Scram, what's that a nordic track that girl is on?

Tired argument, you all and your JUICEHEADS (tomato can included) SUCK ASS!

Thank you.



PS - As for Juiceheads and SF...I'm sorry, but am I not reading my club flyers properly, does SF advertise free Creatine or something...what brings all their puffy asses out in masses? Oh well, just watch out for TURF BURN...damn that hurts!

yo Ad, Scramble is getting better at the "hands thingy" ...I saw him do it last week, he must have been practicing.



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I agree with all of you. I myself am a workout fanatic. Gym, diet, everything. I am 5'10" and about 175. I have never touched juice even though a couple of people asked me which I take as a complement and never will. I do not want want that oversized look, it looks ridiculous and oversized guys all do the same dance. You know what one I am talking about.

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I know what dance the funky juicehead. they stand in place jump up and down and pump there arms vigorously...

(in factory)

"yo you hear this song, who spinnin tonight junior vaqelezzzz?"

don't get me wrong i have some boys that are on the sauce but for the majority....

welll lets just close this post as this...


Originally posted by muthaload:

I agree with all of you. I myself am a workout fanatic. Gym, diet, everything. I am 5'10" and about 175. I have never touched juice even though a couple of people asked me which I take as a complement and never will. I do not want want that oversized look, it looks ridiculous and oversized guys all do the same dance. You know what one I am talking about.

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