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Crazy Acid Stories.......- everyone has one

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i just read your story dollabill25

that was histericle

everytime I met someone tripping on acid by the end of the night they always seemed to be annoying also


one time at this rave in a cave (it was in a real fucking cave) I was tripping on mesc and had a repetitive conversation like that one.

and when I asked what they took... they explained to me they were sober and tried to intervine me?

my friend jay started in on them telling them they need drugs to become normal, telling them that they are the exact oppisite of me and him and that drugs will work.

it was histericle


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

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"Don't go to Blockbuster on Acid" Jacobs Ladder

3 girl, 3 guys, all tripping out. Went to Blockbuster, girls wanted to stay outside and smoke a cig. We said we would be out in 10 minutes.

We somehow got lost from each other in the store, go figure. I found myself crawling on the floor in the corner towards the kiddie nook, a little play area. I crawled through the entrance to find little toys, and small plastic chairs and a TV playing CARTOONS!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

One by one the guys found me and we were just having a blast watching cartoons!

Finally the girls come in and like are laughing their asses off, "where the hell have you been?" "Waht we've only been in here 10 minutes"...NOT!!! we were in there 45 minutes and had no clue cool.gif.

Well we ended up renting Jacob's Ladder...Bad move!!! Just don't watch that on acid, it's way too disturbing. A downer...but hey the Cartoons were a Blast..I highley recommend Blockbuster on Acid!! biggrin.gif

- Pete




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Originally posted by sirdante:

body to brain: "Dead rodent!"

lol thats nasty

I came home one time from limelight wigging out totally sideways

I took X on the ferry ride home, knowing my parent would not be there. it was a saterday morning

I was in my room listening to music when I heard my gate open, it was the mail man.

i was expecting cut cards in the mail. (it was 93 I was still in HS)

I went outside barefoot, as I am walking through the grass it starts to feel good, So I start to walk slower and enjoyed every step I took.

(all my neighbors were out with there kids, washing there cars or what not- I must of looked like a freak -at that moment I was in total ecstacy right at the peak of my trip) I check the box no card -good.

The grass felt so good that I decided to hang out outside for a while and tour my moms garden

as I am walking to the back I steped on something wet and soft

It felt good the first second or two

then I jumped back to see what it was

a fucking slug

I freaked out screamed like a bitch and ran in the house.


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

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tranza I just read your post

yeah k will fuck with your mind hardcore

the time I fell into a hole I was @ this park upstate

I felt so sick all I wanted to do is lay on the grass

as I layed there I had so many sick thoughts of never coming out of the hole - people told me it would be like acid -not even close made me see triple of everthing it was like dmt, and a 110 fever all in one.

it was the first time I ever felt anything like that -hated it

after that I bumped a little at a time never wanting to do more than two or three -


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

[This message has been edited by gonzojournilist (edited 09-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by schwingep:

Well we ended up renting Jacob's Ladder...Bad move!!! Just don't watch that on acid, it's way too disturbing. A downer...but hey the Cartoons were a Blast..I highley recommend Blockbuster on Acid!! biggrin.gif

- Pete


any store on acid is fun, after a club or a rave. a deli will be home for you and your friends the next 20 minutes

I always wanted to see jacobs ladder tripping on acid (too late now)

saw it high on pot and it freaked me out..

shit I saw it sober once and it freaked me out

such a great movie


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

tranza I just read your post

yeah k will fuck with your mind hardcore

the time I fell into a hole I was @ this park upstate

I felt so sick all I wanted to do is lay on the grass

as I layed there I had so many sick thoughts of never coming out of the hole - people told me it would be like acid -not even close made me see triple of everthing it was like dmt, and a 110 fever all in one.

it was the first time I ever felt anything like that -hated it

after that I bumped a little at a time never wanting to do more than two or three -

Yeah I wish I knew that the first time I did it.. But it's all good now.. wink.gif



Twilo Sucks..

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Alrighty, here's my story...

It was a few years, I was down in Maryland with some friends in the summer time. We were going to hit a party that was taking place in the woods when they still had them. Its a shame, all houses and condos now. Anyway, we had a friend in MD who had all the connections. He said he knew this guy who had mesc, viles of mesc. All of our eyes lit up. eek.gif We said.." umm...sure let's go. " We get to this house. Its almost falling apart. Couple of windows are boarded up and the front door is almost coming off. We walk in , it's totally pitch dark except the light coming from the basement. We were thinking, ok, this is something like out of a cheesy horror movie. We walk the down creaking stairs and we see two couples just goin' at it in two corners like there was no tomorrow. There was the guy who we supposed to meet. He looked like a hippie reject from Woodstock. Shitty blue bellbottoms, acid tye dye shirt, and long ponytail. He was at a table sitting and there were shit on the table from needles to pills, you name it. Our buddy talks with him and a few mintues later, he gets 4 long test tubes of mesc. We get back into the car and we start to take it. I feel little effects from it. I started to see trails on the roads from headlights and light posts.

As we arrived to the party, its totally in the woods and we're still at the car just chillen a little bit finishing what we had left. We walk in, I grab a drink and sit by a tree until I feel the groove of the party. I'm drinkin', then all of a sudden, every person there starts looking like human glo-worms and the trees are dancing. I look at my watch and time stopped and I'm starting to hear a Run-Dmc song in my head. Now as the night goes on, I walk near a fire that some people started and I see a polar bear warming his hands. I sit down and I start having this conversation with the polar bear about everyday life. I remember telling the bear I'm so tired, so the bear curls up in a ball and I lay my head on his back. After that, I blacked out.

I wake up, don't know what day it is, and I realize I'm in someone's barn sleeping on hay. I walk out and I'm on a fucking farm somewhere in Maryland?! The owner comes out and asks if I'm alright. I said " Yeah, fine just lost." He said I was in Frederick. That was cool, because I wasn't too far from where my friend live. He brings me in fixes me breakfast. I'm wondering what happened to my buddies. I call my buddy to get my ass picked up. His brother picks up the phone.I ask him where he is, he says " He just called, he's on the beach in Ocean City." I was laughing hysterically. An hour later, his brother came to pick me up.

It was a few hours later that my friend came back home. What happened with the other two guys, one got lucky with a girl, and the other was in someone's home, sleeping under their kitchen table and woke up while the family was eating breakfast. Last time I ever take that stuff.

The absolute last final time I did acid was at a rave, Countdown 9. It was in Jersey. I think it was almost year or two ago, not sure though. This is what did it for me. Can't remember how much acid I took, I decided to sit against the wall and relax. As I stared onto the dancefloor, I saw myself on the dancefloor dancing with my friends. That's when I said, that's it no more acid for me.

Drugs are bad, m'kay?


Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. spin.gif


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OK Here Goes, The Acid Story of all Acid Stories:

Limelight 1994 I was friends with two promoters who were throwing parties in LaLaLandia. The theme of these parties was that every week they would have a different "punch". Sometimes it was X punch, sometimes it was acid punch.

This week, it was acid punch. My friend Shady, the promoter, told me to look for him at 2:30 because that was when he was gonna start giving out the punch. He said he was gonna only give people a little bit, but he was gonna give me a whole cup.

At 2:30, after a full moon and a 40 jar of K, I look up and see a line of people with cups in their hands. I jump up and grab a cup and get on the back of the line. As soon as I get up to him, he looks at me and says "Shit Bro, where the hell were you? There's no more left." Then, he says "wait, here." Let me explain. The acid punch consisted of a glass Tropicana Orange Juice Container and a half sheet of acid. He flips the container over and smacks it on the bottom and the half sheet falls onto his palm. He rips off 10 of them and hands them to my friend Tom and gives me the rest. I look around and see people tripping off only the juice and think, "All the acid was probably sucked out of them." So i put the whole 40 hits in my mouth and start chewing. Remember, I'm X'ing my face off and you know how good it feels to chew shit when you're hit. So I just keep chewing, even after I start tripping, I kept on Chewing and finnally swallowed it.

6:00 and the lights come on. I'm tripping balls and my friends think I'm gonna die. I drove to the PATH train in Harrison, but was in no condition to drive. The friends who I took to the club found other rides home because they were afraid to go home with me (thanks guys) So my friend Tom says he'll drive my car home. Me and him go to The pool hall for a little while and I decided that there were too many god damn people there for me. We were waiting for the train and the walls were breathing, it was sick. We kept hearing this wierd moaning noise too.

We go back to his house and watch the best trippin' movie of all time:


That movie was SICK!!! It was still playing at theaters, but he had a bootleg copy.

11 AM, I go to work at the good old Post Office, Tripping my balls off. I thought this little Indian chick I worked with was an Alien. I kept playing Cranberries "Zombie" over and over and over in my car.

I tripped for three days straight. And for two days after that, every time I smoked, I would start tripping again. On the third day, I actuallly thought about checking myself into an insane asylym.

So that's why I'm One CRAZY MOTHAFUKA!!!





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shawdowchaser that was histeracle


half a sheet is quite a lot

about 6 years ago, I attended a party named CYBERIA @ the thunderground in staten island, it was a local staten island thing, a real small party only basically about 200 people showed

the promoter made this punch with the mixture of X, acid, mushrooms, pills that his mother took, and fucked up vitamins he bought?


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro... docmorph.gif

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