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Can You Club Sober?

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feel like i've replied to this post 1000 times.

anyway, yes i can club sober and outlast all my friends and most of the club as well. i can remember picking up all my friends and driving to the city once but we had to stop so they could get pills. now don't get me wrong i will take them sometimes, but i don't have to. anyway, i bought two just to have b/c new years was coming up and i wanted to have them just in case i couldn't get ahold of them. so as we're getting ready to go in the club they all took them really early and told me to take them as well. i said i wasn't doing them that night i bought them in case for a later date. None of them believed me except one kid who really only drinks and he had a big ass bottle so told me i could hit that. I was like, "nope, not drinking either". Now they really all thought i was lying and swore to me that before the night was over i would have done something. 7 am rolls around and where are all my friend(cept the one drinking cuz he's always up) all sitting on a couch like zombies and i'm still wiling out.

it feels good walking out in the morning not f*ed and theres not too many people left and just being able to say to myself that i outlasted most people while the majority were all mangled.

when you get lost in the music and your sober, its soooooooooooo much better then when your fucked up biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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I totally know what PFloyd40 is saying. I finally went clubbing sober last weekend. I had a great time dancing my ass off. At first I was dissapointed that I wasn't rolling when I saw everyone else rolling. But then by the end of the night when everyone was just sittin and coming down I was still up dancing and then I realized how good it felt to be sober and still dancing hard towards the end of the night. When I left the club it also felt good to be clear headed and I was happy at the fact that I wasn't all cracked out.

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Originally posted by bre5379:

I have went to a club straight. It is not that bad at all. It felt good the next day. You don't feel like shit.

Quite a few moving stories in this thread, but also consider that a lot of people roll differently and, well, take different rolls! I never feel like shit the next day; in fact, that's usually the best day of the weekend - I'm up in two-three hours and spend the rest of the day in an awesome afterglow.

But I must say - my hat's off to you lads and gals that party straight till dawn!

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I'll go out sober any night. biggrin.gif Music is like a drug for me, I guess, I lose myself. I think that if you have to go to a club on drugs (which i used to do) then you shouldn't be there . . . I mean I'd still do drugs, don't get me wrong, but I know a lot of people who will NOT go out without drugs, and if you can convince them to, they bitch the whole nite, and look uncomfortable, and don't dance, etc. And that ruins my nite.

People are free to do whatever they want, I don't mind seeing people fucked up in clubs, cause sometimes i am . . . it just makes me angry when people say they want to go out, don't know who the dj is, and don't care what kind of music it is, but as long as they have their pills or whatever, it doesn't matter to them. Then they come home the next day raving about how great the place was, in their minds, but all they really talk about is how fucked up they were. ridiculous.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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yeah...it's totally possible to have a great time w/o drugz at a club. I do it all the time. It's a very mental thing. If you want to be there to enjoy the music, you will - You just have to take more breaks and pack a power bar or something. Good luck - clubbing sober is fun and it freaks out your rollin' pals when they are coming down are you are still going! smile.gif



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