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More Zombie Nation - getting sick of it yet? Tuff

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Ministry of sound are handeling the release, for some reason this picture is how they are promoting it.

Zombie Nation Punch Up

Paul Oakenfold was right when he said that Zombie Nation was going to be 'absolutely massive.' Apparently, it is. Kernkraft 400 has so far been the biggest dance record of the year in Germany and has also proved to be a slammer in the US, the UK and the Netherlands.

But the trance sensation caused a bit of a rift at Creamfields between DJ rivals Dave Clarke and Richie Hawtkin. Clarke said of playing the record at Bugged Out! 'I knew what their smiles would look like before I'd even played it.' Presumably he wasn't trying to put a smile on Richie Hawtkin's face at Bugged Out, Creamfields. Hawtkin absoutely loathes the record as Clarke knows, but he still decided to complete his set by playing his own remix of Zombie Nation - twice! Little Rich got a bit hot under the collar and made a gesture at Clarke with his middle finger. The two DJ's began a rather heated argument on stage. Hawtkin got the last laugh during his set when he threw the record out in to the Arena ... temper nation!

Zombie Nation Bitz (... more stuff on DJ Splank's piece of electro-trance genius):

Zombie Nation reached no. 13 in the German chart & no. 6 in the Dutch chart

Ministry of Sound are responsible for the UK release on 18th September.

2 weeks ago Zombie Nation reached 61 in the national chart ... and that's just from import sales


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This off Radio One's website...

Who the hell are Zombie Nation?

Zombie Nation is the artist behind the biggest tune of the Summer in Ibiza, 'Kernkraft 400'. The record was first released on DJ Hell's label, International DeeJay Gigolo, home to Dave Clarke who did the remix.

So does that mean that all the DJs in Ibiza have been playing it all summer long?

Not exactly, only 8 DJs had a copy half way through the season and they were responsible for creating the huge buzz.

But I thought the biggest tune in Ibiza this summer was the Spice bashing Spiller?

No chance. DJ Spiller might be seven foot tall but 'Groove Jet' is tiny by comparison.

Is there a seven foot tall DJ behind Zombie Nation?

Not exactly, just DJ Splank. A man who's declared mission in life is "to overthrow all conventional values no matter how loved".

And how exactly is he doing that?

By infiltrating football stadiums.

Surely you mean nightclubs?

No, I mean football stadiums. Zombie Nation have sent an exclusive chant mix over to the nation’s football clubs and are getting a fantastic response. Clubs like Southampton, Derby, Dundee United, Crystal Palace and Watford are using it for the entrance of their players, it really gets the fans in the mood for the game.

I see. Ayr United use Sham 69's 'The Kids Are United' to get the crowd in good voice before the match.

No they don't! After twenty years of Sham 69 they've ditched the punk anthem and decided to use Zombie Nation. However, rumors that the fans have traded their traditional half time pie-and-a-pint for a bottle of water and pack of chewing gum are totally unfounded. You can hear that tune just about anywhere these days.

Oh really? Is it being played on the radio?

It's all over Radio 1 and has been an Essential New Tune for Tongy, a Tried and Tested cut for Jules and has been Dave Pearce's Record Of The Week.

What about across Europe, is it as big there as it has been in Ibiza?

Even bigger, so far it is the biggest dance record of the year in Germany, it spent three weeks inside the Dutch Top 5 and is steadily climbing its way up America's Billboard Chart. It looks certain to be a Number 1 when it is released in the UK.

OK. You can hear it in clubs, football stadiums and on the radio. I bet you can't hear it in schools.

Do you wanna bet. The ring tone for Zombie Nation has been disrupting classrooms worldwide. Seb Fontaine couldn't move in Amsterdam airport without hearing mobiles ring with the Zombie Nation ring tone and when the Radio 1 Website put a link to the Zombie Nation ring tone it received over six thousand downloads a day. After Pete Tong played it on his show the demand went through the roof.

I want a ring tone like Tongy's. Where can I get it?

If you know how to program ring tones into your phone then try this code 2456202024566#6455004062 and see what happens. It's about as close as we can get.

It's a top tune, and everybody loves it, but how long do you think it will be before people start getting cheesed off with it?

I don't know. I suppose you'll have to ask all those people who bought DJ Jean's 'The Launch' that question.



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