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Just a shitty day


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I am going to sound so corny, but what you guys have is special. If you can get through not seeing eachother alot I think you can get through alot of things (in my opinion). I know the feeling though. It just hurts right? It feels like someone took a little bit of your heart. You will be okay. Try to go up there this weekend and surprise him!!!

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I am actually going to see him on Friday. They are having a margarita party. (Go figure, I hate tequila with a passion) Then we are coming back home for the rest of the weekend. Don't worry about sounding corny girl, I am super corny. Listen to this... I lost my virginity to him when I was 18, I was waiting till marriage, but... I guess I din't make it. No one ever believes me, someone told me that I don't look like the type of girl that would wait. Gee... thankx, I look like a slut!?!?! O-well.

It is so odd though, neither one of us feel that we deserve each other. When we met... this may get long and sickening, but I will try to keep it short... we both just had so much stuff going on in our lives that we didn't do anything about it. And he thought that he didn't stand a chance with me. (I swear he must have been on crack, he is beautiful, smart, and still yells at me if I open my own door!). Then we ended up runninginto each other 4 months later and started dating. The most fucked up skanky couple in my city introduced us. Who would have thought? Thankx for listening. Love, SIN

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Try to think about this weekend. Maybe it will get you through this now. I know in my relationship (here we go with being corny again!!) I am just so lucky that I finally found him. I was in a really bad relationship before him and I thought that there was no hope. But when we met I knew that something was there. It was funny because neither of us thought anything of it until we went to a club. It is hard to explain. Just cherish what you have with him. He seems like a good guy...


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I had a pretty shitty relationship before my current boyfriend too. It sucks, now my boyfriend is stuck trying to help me deal with a bunch of shit he shouldn't have to. It is odd, no matter what happens between us I just know that things are always going to work out. It is so comforting. Talk to you later. -Sin

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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

Sniffle... sniffle... whine whine.

I have to wait a whole nother week to see my boyfriend, I miss him so much. I just want him to come home! I hate long distance relationships, just one more semester. Sorry about my whining. I just had to get it off my chest. He isn't even that far away, just three hours. I guess I am just feeling lonely today. -Sin

my girl for the past year and a half, just moved to Spain 2 weeks ago for her entire jr. year abroad. i feel your pain, but i would wish for a 3 hour commute


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Sniffle... sniffle... whine whine.

I have to wait a whole nother week to see my boyfriend, I miss him so much. I just want him to come home! I hate long distance relationships, just one more semester. Sorry about my whining. I just had to get it off my chest. He isn't even that far away, just three hours. I guess I am just feeling lonely today. -Sin

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You are so sweet! Russ and I have been dating for two years, and the whole two years has been a long distance relationship. We had our summers together, and then I would see him everyweekend and sometimes little surprise visits during the week, but he started med school this year so he is always so busy. Even when I am down there I don't get to see him a whole lot. Sniffle Sniffle. Next year he comes back here to do his remaining years. It just gets so hard sometimes. At least we will be more grateful for the time we do get together. -SIN

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