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Can anyone help?

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O.K., I'm going to try to make this as short and easily exlained as I can, so maybe one of you can help me out... There's this girl that I am friends with, who I have known for years, but only have been friends for a month. Since we started talking, we have hung out about 3 times a week during the week days, and all weekend. Neither one of us has made a move yet, and thats probably (at least on my end) because she has a boyfriend. Here's where it gets confusing. She does talk about him, but never stuff like how happy she is or how much she likes him. She'll just say

stupid shit like "Me and Anthony went there" etc. I have noticed a few times she has thrown what I have interpetited as hints. She has said shit like "The way you carry yourself and your voice is very sexy" and also shit like "I always end up meeting a new friend right as a relationship is ending for me. And I end up dating them. I feel like I should warn them or something." And also the fact that she spends just about every fucking day with me and not her boyfriend, kinda leave me wondering WTF. I don't know if I should say something in fear of a few things. 1) making our friendship non-exisitant b/c now it's a weird situation, 2) being denyed and looking stupid for taking her kindness as hints. If I do tell her, how? Do I just lay it on her, or should I give her some little song and dance. This usually isn't a problem for me b/c I am never really afraid of loosing the girl as a friend, so if I do say something, I don't care if it gets weird. But with this girl, it's a little different. We have a lot of fun together. When we go out, we're a good team. We even work out at the gym together now. I'm sure I know what to do, but i guess I just need some people to tell me what they would do so I can check myself. Thanks for the help...



You know everything will flow...

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Went through the same thing for like a year or two with this girl back in college. We were always together. Hung out, etc.. Go out just me an her. Hold hands, talk about everything, do stupid fun shit together. I was head over heals! Said things like "You would make the perfect husband" etc. I guess not for her!!!

Bro, tell her! Thank god I didn't waste more time on this. Yeah we don't really talk anymore, but only b/c we both graduated and drifted apart! Trust me. Say it. You have enough friends in life...losing one won't make/break you.

Go for it.


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