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When I was talking to U before I was in nice AC office and happy. Now when I left without my umbrella I am completely wet and angry cwm23.gif


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"

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I knwo what you mean bre about the rain and all crackedout driving. Im PETRIFIED of driving in the rain. A few years back I skidded out with a friebird in the rain, lost all control, slammed into a wall, and even cracked the rim...imagine that. And that was sober.

Im sooo afraid of driving in the rain now that I cant stand it. Ill lay on the floor to try and fool myself...sad huh.



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Originally posted by bre5379:

One time I was driving home from Exit on Thanksgiving Eve. It wasnt even raining, just misty. I was doing like 15 mph seriously and started skidding down 11th Ave. It was horrible. Thank god I didn't hit anything.

I hope you or anyone was hurt Misskittie...

Misty??? Hmmm thats along the lines of my day. It was drizzling the day this happend and I was doing about 12 mph. Go figure right. The whole front end of the car was cracked up. I wasnt hurt thank God. I was just incredibly shooken up. I pulled over, got out of the car, and sat on the ground in the rain and cried for about an hour before I went home. But I was ok and everything was fine...just freaked out for life...lol

Hopefully you too work ok. A scare isnt all that bad but when you get freaked to drive all other times it is kind of sucky!



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Originally posted by misskittie:

Does the rain on the weekends befoe clubbing bring your mood down or is it just me? When its a nice night out and im goin to the city it hipes me up but therain makes me cruddy. You?

cwm14.gif When it rains, it's always making you feel down. No wonder in England they never come out with new developments... it's always raining there! I would make myself FLY to FLorida ASAP!!



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Originally posted by nycedee:

this is the worst fucking day. and tomorrow is only wednesday!

oh i like wednesdays they are kinda like my fridays at this weird job i have .. yay no work thursday

anyone wanna go out thursday night to this lil restaurant in the lES with me for drinks ... ??? cwm35.gif



lets go jets .....


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