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is it commercial b/c everyone likes it?or does everyone like it b/c it is commercial?


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i think it becomes commercial when it's commercialized. and it is starting...ministry of sound and dj keoki have commercials for their cd's on mtv! also, commercialization happens through air play on mass media such as radio. fortunately, this is still sort of underground - in nyc anyway...

now, my problem with this is that things always seem to go down hill when the masses get hold of it. when something is hot, people start jumping on the bandwagon, even if they aren't really that into it, and big business has to get their piece and start churning out cookie cutter crap! all those ridiculous boy bands are a good examples of this.

just my 2 1/2 cents...



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I think it is commercial if u hear on the radio(103.5) or MTV...Just because a lot of people like something doesn't nessicerily(spelling) make it commercial...If u like it cause it is commercial u are just plain ignorant...MikeMc. cwm32.gif


STRENGTH Guest List Exit Saturdays...

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and also you might not realise it but you like alot of stuff b/c it is commercialized.. maybe not directly but def indirectly


EXIT's 1 year Anniversary Party this sat. 09.23.00 for Guestlist: 201-725-8858, oasis9389@aol.com

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i think it's commercial if the piece is produced primarily to make money and satisfy other people's needs/wants/desires.

it's not commercial if it is produced primarily because the artist thinks it's a great piece of music.



he he he he ha ha - but this is no laughing matter

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OK here is the test If anyone of the following people know thinks it's cool or are into it you know it's commercialized:

1)Parents of course)

2)Anyone under 16 (ankle bitters sorry you can't love Progessive & the Back Street Boys)

Get my drift?

3)Your DOCTOR or any professional Health care advisor. Make that any 40 or over trying to be down. (ex: Dentist asks "So you like that song "WHO LET THE DOGGIES OUT")


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Originally posted by oasis:

BUT do the masses hop on b/c it is soo good or b/c of the commercialization

and is it commercialized b/c it is gooD?

they hop on because it's commercialized! it's sort of drummed into the masses, so that eventually they like it.

just because something is good doesn't mean it will be commercialized. and just because something is bad doesn't mean that it won't be. most of the commercial crap out there is just that, crap!

illustrative of both of these points is little miss spears...will anyone argue with me that this girl is sooo much more talented than many other singers out there?? hell no! but she sure is commercialized, ain't she? and the teeny boppers just looove her!



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oooooo sounds like the board is getting philosophical.

well here's my opinion...

Underground music and or club, in the sense that neither are commercial is totally untrue. The fact is the prime motive behind opening these clubs is clearly money. Anyone who feels this isn't true is sadly mistaken. The only possible way for these establishments to not be commercial is if they were free. Walk in, listen to the music, sit down, dance, enjoy yourself and never pay a dime b/c this is "the underground". It's the only way people can consider anywhere uncommercial. Even places like vinyl are still commercial. That is not to say in the least, that DT does not care about his fans, which all know is not true. Nor does it imply that Vinyl is a carbon copy of exit w/ KTU being emitted through the speakers. The point is vinyl is a business. People make a living running the place, end of story.

The commerciality of "it" is not determined,for example, by society ramming riffs and beats down our throats, or consumers extreme preference for a drum roll. "It" already exists as commercial. This was determined from the first day a price tag was put on the individual expression be it musical, artistic, athletic etc... When money is involved its commercial, end of story. The "everyone likes" or doesn't like factor is nonexistent.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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yes floyd a little socrates in that ques for the board....

but i think a good example would be

my luv is your luv

we all loved that song months maybe even a year before it hit the radio

and now it is the definition of commercial music..


EXIT's 1 year Anniversary Party this sat. 09.23.00 for Guestlist: 201-725-8858, oasis9389@aol.com

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Great question. I can't buy into it anymore, this idea of "commercial music". After people like and wanna here it dj's play it for them all the time. You here it too much and then its main-stream or commercial. Would "Zombie Nation" be considered commercial if it wasnt played on 103.5 and didn't get much play from dj's. It still would be the same song right? But its commercial for the amount of air play it gets. Other thinngs factor into that particular song I know, just an example.

Listening to Eddie Baez taped off 92.7 right now, off the hook!!!

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