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Gotta love People that do not limit themselves to the Dance Floor!!

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I mean this in all sincerity!! Ok so I made the regular rounds last night From Float to EXIT to TWILO and everywhere in between. I have to give it up to people that feel the music so much they dance anywhere they can. I do like the fact that FLOAT has that one dance floor and the rest of it is like loungy. It's like dancing in your house. Exit PACKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEDDD!! And I knwoyou all Saw Claudia the SF bunny working it @ EXIT. You work!!

OK so here it is name the funkiest or strangest place you ever danced just because YOU FELT THE NEED TO GROOVE!! cwm4.gif

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Actually, I hardly dance on the dance floor. Because I'm so tall (6'1" and can be up to 6'7" in heels), I hate being on the floor. I stand out like a sore thumb! So I basically dance everywhere but there. I'm known for just letting loose anywhere when I hear a great song, whether it's in a store, resteraunt, or outdoors when someone is playing an awesome song in their car!

Back in 91-92 I used to work at my Aunt's yougurt shop. When it was time to clean up at night, we would throw Blackbox in the cd player. Let's just say I was quite the entertainer for my co-workers and some customers who didn't know we were closed. biggrin.gif

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aah!! i think it's just awesome when people are just high on life and nothin else, just buggin to their own beat whenever, wherever.. it kinda shows a sense of security in that person too..showin their true colours..

kraziest place i ever busted a move?? i think it would have to be on the plane to milan last year with my friends.. definitely an adrenaline rush, we all just got up and started singin and dancin in the aisles while the the attendants were tryin to tell us to sit our asses down and buckle our seatbelts lol..


peace!! --daniela


"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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That is great!!!!! cwm27.gif

Hmmm ok can I tell you I have bugged in the strangest places too many to mention. One place I fully was feeling it, was at my friends Baptist Church in Harlem. All I have to say is WWWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTT they really should make more Gospel Remixes. And I know Rauhofer plays the Hell out of "Shackles" but I still remember that day when I hear it. cwm38.gif

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last year, my friends car got a flat tire on the way to Karma in Chicago. . .

if you would have driven by within the next hour on I-55, you would have seen two carloads of people dancing in the grass next to the stalled cars (blaring all kinds of music) waiting for AAA. . .

we never got offered so many rides in our lives. . . cwm29.gif


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

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there's this little bar by my house that used to be beat. My friends and I went there one wednesday, put a few quarters in the old jukebox, and danced all around the bar. Two weeks later, the owner hired a DJ, who loved tranze. Pretty soon, the place was amazing!! I guess you could say we really added to his business!! cwm9.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

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in my gym locker room, weraing nothing but my walkman, and a towel. i got caught. and laughed at. cwm36.gifeek.gifcwm25.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

i know you're out there...i can feel you now. i know that you're afraid...that you're afraid of us...afraid of change..i dont know the future..i didnt come here to tell you how this is going to end. i came here to tell you how it begins. im going to hang up this phone, and im going to show these people what you dont want them to see. im going to show them the world....a world with out you....a world withough rules or controls a world without borders or boundries..... a world where anying is possible where we go from there is a choice i leave to you--Neo

Clubbers dont fall-the trip, and roll-Erm

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