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You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.

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Originally posted by shterenta:

You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.

DOn't chicks on e help u get laid???


Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite ax.

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hey guy, ever hear of "DEMON RUM"??? who cares what your messed up on whether it be alcohol or drugs, it doesn't matter. It's still an altered state of mind. Drunks ruin the vibe just as much as crackheads.

And dont' ever call me a crackhead again you beer belly cirrohsis infected alcholic asshole. I will outlast you in a club sober anyday. It's true it's true rolleyes.gif Don't generalize about me when you dont' even know me and call me a crackhead. I'm just trying to engage in an intelligent conversation which you obviously can not handle, and argue my point of view. Doesn't mean i have ever touched a drug in my life, which i will admit i have, but that is irrelevant.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."



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Originally posted by shterenta:

You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.

you know, you have a point, i mean, the last time i went to a completely drug-free gig i made the BEST FRIENDS and had the GREATEST TIME!! everyone was there for the music and there were absolutely no problems. . . until the end, when we fell asleep in a field of poppies. . .

Scarecrow69, Tynman, C.Lion, where have you all gone??



"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

"I need to go home."

"You ARE home." -_Almost Famous_

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Originally posted by shterenta:

You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.

Roll your ass off on ecstasy--then come talk to me.....Tell me if you feel the same way!!!




Feeling this way, makes me feel like falling....

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Ohhh I am Evil, thanks for telling me.

Better go out and start acting evil now.

Sorry but I hope your being sarcastic now, like I have said nearly 50% of the world population have taken drugs at some point. Your categorizing half the world a Evil?

What about Bob Geldof, doing his bit for world hunger... used to take drugs.

Freud, doing his bit for the understanding or the human mind... evil.

Leonardo di caprio - Evil.

Whitney huston - role model to our kids, evil.

Actually if you knew how many high profile people, regularly take drugs you would be amazed. This contry wouldn't function if you took all the people who took drugs and put them in hell.

Come on. (actually I could have come out with some better examples, never mind).


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Why does it matter what other people do at clubs...Instead of worrying about everyone else, u should try to focus on having a good time...i've gone places sober and i've gone places fucked up...but no one else that i didn't know influenced the time i had....so Sharenta needs to stop judging everyone and just have fun with herself...

If they arrest everyone in the clubs...there won't be anywhere for anyone to go anymore... cwm29.gif

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Originally posted by beautious1:

Roll your ass off on ecstasy--then come talk to me.....Tell me if you feel the same way!!!



word! to each their own though. what u dont seem to understand is that drugs and the club scene go hand in hand. whether u like it or not drugs are a big part of the club economy.


cwm42.gifhttp://www.sausagenet.co.uk/pi/grapeape1.jpg grapeape

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how about we find the idiots selling drugs in the clubs and beat them up for spoiling our fun!!! although i'm not an advocate of crackheads, i'm no angel myself and have been known to drop half a bomb when i go out. but i don't ever buy in a club and i take it before i get in...

don't the idiot dealers know that if someone wants to buy more that a few pills, chances are they're the police?? stupid, stupid, stupid!

and as f-ed up as this may sound, i'd rather party with people on e than with a bunch of sloppy drunks anyday.



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Originally posted by shterenta:

You SOBs seem to miss out on one important point. That all the druggies that go to these clubs mess up the whole scene. Legit people such as myself can't have any fun because of you damn crackheadz. I wish there was a raid in every club in the city Every night. That'll show you. Drugs are evil and so are the people that do them. It's all true.

I always find it funny the way people love to invoke drugs as the great bringer of the end of the scene, without the mearest inkling of understanding that it's the drugs that built the scene.

Withoug drugs, E especially, there would be NO scene, and no fun for legit pinheads such as yourself to have.

When you wake up to that fact, I'll listen to what you say.

now bugger off.


It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u


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shertrenta,,,go fuck your self how does that one sound..imsurprised people held out on that one for so long but i wont..so again go fuck yourself..if people wanna do drugs its there prob not yours. and sloppy drunks are worse cause they are annoying. and if the club is raided do u think they are gonna let you in cause youre drunk.. use your brain, and the more raids the less club nights and eventually the club closes so u can be drunk at home and be wack..i know everybody here agrees with me..


i only speak the truth

peace image-jaune.jpg

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Clubs stop serving alcohol at 4, then stay open till around 10AM some much later. Think about it, how many fights would their be if Twilo was packed with a bunch of drunks, 40 maybe 50. Theirs just too many bad drunks out thier, not to mention its llike 1000 degrees in these places. Face the whole club scene is based on drug use, come on you know it is!!! I love drugs... The more the better... Who's got the bombs??? Dont like seein people cracked out stay at the bars, shit most dj's are more cracked out than the heads their spinnin for.


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Hmm... alcohol or e... alcohol or e... hmm... tough choice. But as matter of pure economics fuck Alcohol. And I bet the boys at Budweiser ain't happy with peeps buying just water...

Free party... by having the raid at 6 am and they gimme my money back. They can raid all night long then.

Decriminalize drugs... okay, maybe just weed and E... anyone remember all those movies with Prohibition? Look at us now, it works, we don't even drink that much anymore... the mystique is gone...

And face it, the War on Drugs was lost the second they declared it.


Dream a little dream...

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Why don't you mind your business a little better asshole...You really feel that because you don't like something, it shouldn't be? Where else are people going to do them...If you don't like the scene, don't go to these clubs...I'm positive that people doing drugs like xtc at these clubs are doing nothing at all to you personally. That is probably why you are so upset, you see all these people having such a great time in a world that you will never understand. So i have an idea, stay home, nobody will miss you.

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Originally posted by funkysoulbro:

So i have an idea, stay home, nobody will miss you.

Personally I think she/he needs an ass whooping or get slightly runned over by a drunk driver... let's see how much she/he likes alcohol then.

I said slightly only...


Dream a little dream...

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You guys are all bastards. I can't even post my opinion on here freely without getting screamed at. Drugs are evil because they are the fundament of all crime. That's why police and gov't takes drugs seriously. When i say drink, you all bastards right away think it means being drunk when it doesn't. Drinking is social drinking, 2-3 beers is okay not a bottle of Vodka like you all probably drink. So in other words Eat shit and Die.

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Originally posted by shterenta:

You guys are all bastards. I can't even post my opinion on here freely without getting screamed at. Drugs are evil because they are the fundament of all crime. That's why police and gov't takes drugs seriously. When i say drink, you all bastards right away think it means being drunk when it doesn't. Drinking is social drinking, 2-3 beers is okay not a bottle of Vodka like you all probably drink. So in other words Eat shit and Die.

hey, maybe this board isn't the place for you then!



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Originally posted by shterenta:

You guys are all bastards. I can't even post my opinion on here freely without getting screamed at. Drugs are evil because they are the fundament of all crime. That's why police and gov't takes drugs seriously. When i say drink, you all bastards right away think it means being drunk when it doesn't. Drinking is social drinking, 2-3 beers is okay not a bottle of Vodka like you all probably drink. So in other words Eat shit and Die.

No one is respecting you opinion b/c your making generalizations about everyone on this board, of whom you probably do not know any personally. This board is a diverse community of music and club enthusiasts all the same, yet all different. Some enjoy house, some techno, trance, breakbeat and garage, and some rock and industrial. We represent and eclectic group, yet you took it upon yourself to place a label on all of us. If you can not refrain from doing so, distinguish us collectively as "nightlife" advocates. In our own way, each and every one of us supports having a good time, be it an afterhours club, lounge, concert or dinner and broadway play.

You think drugs are bad, great. The fact is that alcohol alters your mind as well and your being very naive by swallowing what the government is spoonfeeding you. What is the differnence between being altered by drugs or alcohol? Granted, social drinking noramlly will not cause violence, point taken. But you are angry b/c we assumed you were an alcholic, yet you presumed we were all crackheads. By your logic, if people are moderate in their drug use they should be considered no differnt by you, and just as well, all those crackheads should be treated just as the drunkards should. In my opinion, this is a good way to look at the situation, but you do not seem to follow the path you created.

just my $.02



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."



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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

No one is respecting you opinion b/c your making generalizations about everyone on this board, of whom you probably do not know any personally. This board is a diverse community of music and club enthusiasts all the same, yet all different. Some enjoy house, some techno, trance, breakbeat and garage, and some rock and industrial. We represent and eclectic group, yet you took it upon yourself to place a label on all of us. If you can not refrain from doing so, distinguish us collectively as "nightlife" advocates. In our own way, each and every one of us supports having a good time, be it an afterhours club, lounge, concert or dinner and broadway play.

You think drugs are bad, great. The fact is that alcohol alters your mind as well and your being very naive by swallowing what the government is spoonfeeding you. What is the differnence between being altered by drugs or alcohol? Granted, social drinking noramlly will not cause violence, point taken. But you are angry b/c we assumed you were an alcholic, yet you presumed we were all crackheads. By your logic, if people are moderate in their drug use they should be considered no differnt by you, and just as well, all those crackheads should be treated just as the drunkards should. In my opinion, this is a good way to look at the situation, but you do not seem to follow the path you created.

just my $.02


Well said.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Just my opinion, but I hate drunk people. I hate it when a guy or girl has been drinking too much, they think they can grab on you, lean on you-they are tripping and falling, saying STUPID shit-and they just stink. I hate stinky drunk people.

Especially when they have to get like an inch from your face to talk because they can't see, breath nasty breath in your face, then practically knock you over as they grab you because they are about to fall.


Oh by the way isn't Alcohol just a legal drug, same shit.

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I've seen so many more bad things happen when people are drunk than I have when they're rolling. I can't even read this entire post I just scanned it. Too political it seems.

Raids suck, drunks suck, end of story.



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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