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Originally posted by russ reign:

dont take clen... it's disgusting for girls to do rippping agents... a girl i used to date took them and started growing hair on her lip......ok that was over pretty quick...lol

Let's not confuse clenbuterol with steroids. And define "ripping"? Are you referring to steroids? Of course those will throw the hormonal system out of whack and make hair grow in all sorts of places. But clen is not a steroid. It's a beta-2 and beta-3 adrenergic agonist, to be specific. Has absolutely nothing to do with steroids or hair growth.

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yes, i am serious... i know that clen isn't a steroid....for someone who has never done juice and is 6 foot 165, I know a hell of a lot about steroids and other supplements because my roomate in college was the biggest supplier of steroids to every college football team in LI, Queens, and NYC..... made thousands, then he got busted...

by ripping agent, i mean, clen is intended to be used in association with certain types of steroids by men who don't want to get gyno (bitch tits) it helps to reduce bloating and rips you up.......

and yes, it does have hormones taht limit estrogen production, that's what reduces the gyno in men that are taking it.....

just a friendly word of advice

Originally posted by bre5379:

Russ, are you serious? I never heard of that.



"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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Originally posted by russ reign:

yes, i am serious... i know that clen isn't a steroid....for someone who has never done juice and is 6 foot 165, I know a hell

of a lot about steroids and other

Woo-wee... I'm very proud of you.

Originally posted by russ reign:

by ripping agent, i mean, clen is intended to be used in association with certain types of steroids by men who don't want to get gyno (bitch tits) it helps to reduce bloating and rips you up.......

and yes, it does have hormones taht limit estrogen production, that's what reduces the gyno in men that are taking it.....

What do you mean by "it"? Clenbuterol by itself has no hormonal action whatsoever. If you use it by itself, you'll just get the adrenergic effects - increased metabolic rate, increased heat production, reduced appetite, wired, etc. None of these have anything to do with gynecomastia, hair growht, or all that. Those require some serious messing with the hormonal system, and clenbuterol ain't gonna do it.

Here's a copy from the FAQ off of MFW:

Clen and Al are beta-adrenergic agonists, like ephedrine, used for the treatment of asthma. However, they do not activate beta1 receptors which are found on the heart. This alleviates the potential for rapid heart beats and arrhythmia associated with ephedrine. Although many people report rapid heart beats in the first couple of days of use.

On the other hand, both clen and al will activate beta2 receptors more strongly than ephedrine resulting in more side effects and a greater desensitization of receptors. In addition, the half-lives of these two compounds are longer than ephedrine, especially clen which has a half-life between 48 and 60 hours.

These beta agonists can aid in fat loss, however, there use should be kept very short. In addition, these compounds are often used 2 days on, 2 days off for a 2 week period followed by at least two weeks off the substance. Clen is commonly taken between 60 and 120 mcgs in divided doses per day. The potential for side effects is quite large. The side effects include headaches, dizziness, tremors, nausea and insomnia. Long term use of these substances could potentially result in chronic thyroid insufficiency. Clen is not available in the US and albuterol is prescription only. And, no, your albuterol INHALER will NOT help you lose fat. This is because the inhaled drug will not act systemically. Albuterol does come in tabs, but the inhaler version is much more common. Yes, clen comes in tablet, liquid and powder forms.

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That stuffs like a hardcore "ripped fuel", I wouldn't mess with it especially if your a girl. Start a low carb intake diet during the day with a close-to-no carb diet after like 6PM, and do cardio every day. Thats the safest and most effective way to do it. All these supliments while dieting put a tremendous strain on your kidney, its just not worth it.

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you'll just get the adrenergic effects - increased metabolic rate, increased heat production, reduced appetite, wired, etc.

- this is what I mean by ripping agent...of course if you have these effects it will rip you up.....that's just a term i used.....ok fine I'll leave this alone, just a kind word of advice from someone trying to help out........but whatever........


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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Originally posted by russ reign:

fine I'll leave this alone, just a kind word of advice from someone trying to help out........but whatever........

That's cool, I didn't mean anything personal.

By the way, wanted to say this: did I post all that stuff because I endorse using clen? No. Do I? No. It just annoys me that when people hear words like "supplements" immediately think of steroids and the screaming begins: "OHMYGOD your balls are going to fall off, your tongue is going to turn purple, and you'll grow hair on the tip of your nose" (or something equally ridiculous). I don't like hysteria. If Breann reads about the real side effects of clen (like possible decrease in thyroid function) and decides not to use it - great. But if she runs from it like the plague because of fear that she'll grow facial hair (which is untrue), that's sad because it resembles the scare tactics used by the government in the anti-drug national embarrasement (err, "war").


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Originally posted by bre5379:

You didn't see any results? Were you eating right and exercising?

Yes I was eating right, I always do and yes I was exercising too. And that was the scary part, when I would exercise I would get all light headed and felt nauseous. I didn't like them at all.

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Sorry about that Bre, I guess I wasn't refering to your particular situation when I did the post, I was talkin more in general. Women should NOT take anything of that extreme like steroids. It's just that I seen alot of post topics on these different weight loss tactics and people gotta realize that some just are horrible for you. I guess my post was pretty dumd in the context of your situation, but in regard to the general topic of these suppliments I still stay behind the statement I made.

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hey beautiful if you want to rip up just do primo or winnie or both like me, then we can stick the needles up each others ass, and become needle buddies. my girl used to do it for me she dumped me now i'm looking for a partner, she also selled me g but not anymore, so if you sell g thats a bonus.

as for the clense you can take it 2 days on and off but a real good quick way do it is in this order straight through day 1 and so on. the amount of pills 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 . thats if your doing a 100 pack cycle, and honstly the best way you will loose alot of weight but even more when your off of it because your body depends on it for a couple more weeks.and it is not a steriod and the only side affects is anything with stacker 3 but stronger. i hope this help you sweety, now i'll go cry all night because i have no girl did i tell you guys i have a blk iroc-z w/t-topps.

thank you


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