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Humping every opportunity you can get

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Do any of you (esp. men ) have a hard time turning down sex ?

It seems some guys just don't care as long as a girl has a hole to stick it into. I think females are more selective about sex partners ...but it seemes a lot of men don't care- as long as she's a female.

Biologically- men are supposed to have sex with many as they can - or whatever ... ..

So if some random unattractive girl came up to you made an offer ...would you just hump away ?

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Originally posted by greekstud:

i have never heard anything more stupid than what you just said. are you kidding me???

Excuse me Mr. High Standards.

Believe it or not- there's tons of unattractive desperate men- who can't get as much pussy as you.

And they hit on us women at bars and clubs.

Trying to grab every opportunity they can !

EVERY girl at least once in her life has gotten hit by one these animals. And It seems these men don't have any standards..

Yuck ! (another gross reaction)

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-02-2001).]

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not a dumb question.....

but im sure there are some men who will bang anything with a heartbeat....just go to any east side bar and im sure you'll see many of them.

most of the better specimens of the male species however are a little more selective...or at least thats what they want u to think!!!!


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not a dumb question.....

but im sure there are some men who will bang anything with a heartbeat....just go to any east side bar and im sure you'll see many of them.

most of the better specimens of the male species however are a little more selective...or at least thats what they want u to think!!!!


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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

Do any of you (esp. men ) have a hard time turning down sex ?

It seems some guys just don't care as long as a girl has a hole to stick it into. I think females are more selective about sex partners ...but it seemes a lot of men don't care- as long as she's a female.

Biologically- men are supposed to have sex with many as they can - or whatever ... ..

So if some random unattractive girl came up to you made an offer ...would you just hump away ?

yikes ! not meeeee .. thats for dam sure .. i'm am one picky ass mutha fucker !

although i kinda get your point .. this summer for example if teh nigth wasnt that successful .. my friends would go "hoggin" , which pretty much meant they were gonna go get anything that was willing to come home with them ... i never understood it .. never in a million year would u catch me doing that shit .. the only way i see that hapen in is if i really have no idea what i am doing .,., and in that case i prob couldnt get it up anyway (thank god)

and anyway ... lets not forget .. there are shit loads and shit loads of slutty nasty girls out there that will fuck anybody with a cock .... and more interesting than the guys is that .. .i bet slutty girl are more apt to have multiple (meaningless) partners in any particular nigth than a guy , just cuz its easier for a girl to get laid ... does that make sence to you all ???



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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

Originally posted by greekstud:

i have never heard anything more stupid than what you just said. are you kidding me???

Excuse me Mr. High Standards.

Believe it or not- there's tons of unattractive desperate men- who can't get as much pussy as you.

And they hit on us women at bars and clubs.

Trying to grab every opportunity they can !

EVERY girl at least once in her life has gotten hit by one these animals. And It seems these men don't have any standards..

Yuck ! (another gross reaction)

[This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-02-2001).]

I wonder if they just got out of jail.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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I believe and guys can tell me if I am wrong, but most guys have as much sex as possible when they are younger. Its through time that I found out what I really liked. As far as today, Never lower my personal standards, as guys get older the pool gets bigger and the wallet gets fatter.

A women can be hot in many ways, looks are not the only thing. I have fooled around, slept with, gone out with women that some people didnt believe where hot. But to me they where the coolest people and made me happy.

So do we sleep with every girl.... NO, just the ones we think are cool.




[This message has been edited by kingpharaoh (edited 01-02-2001).]

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I have to agree with KingPharoah. As men get older it nots just sex that they're interested in. I won't be able to get it up if I'm not into the women & if there ain't no intangible spark there, I've been with certain women who I regret getting involved with. But you live and learn, I think alot of it also has to do with overactive hormones(hence you do it more so when you're younger).

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not that the offers come all that often, but over the last few years, I've been in the habit of turning down the easy lay. Just knowing that I could is almost as good as closing the deal. I like to have to work for it, so when it's too easy, I'd rather pass.

But, there was this really cute girl in Australia that I'm kickin' myself for passing up. ;-) doh!

hope this doesn't make me too much of a frizeak!




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I think just about any half-decent looking guy can get laid on any given night in this city, so any guy who isnt getting it that night, doesnt want to. Thats not to say you should, personally I would rather go home alone and take care of business on my own than screw someone for the sake of it and have to pretend im enjoying what I think should be a somewhat personal experience and pretend I enjoy the person's company...then theres the problem of there are only so many time you gnaw your own arm off to get away the next morning

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"El que coge feo, coge doble"

Slogan in spanish by which these guys ur talkin about set their standards.

Translated is somn like: "He who f*ks ugly, f*ks twice"

I'm also one picky motha f**r... Defenetely quality over quantity! cwm34.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


De Caracas para el mundo!! estedecaracas.jpg

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a friend of mine goggled up something fierce at the beach years and years ago. And, this is the gem he came up with in defense of the trouncing we were dishing out. . .

'but guys, her hand wasn't fat'.

So, then we stopped busting on him about the girl's looks and made fun of him for getting a lame handjob. he just couldn't win, at least not that night.

Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

i'm not a man, but i know a few guys whos motto is "pussy dont have a face"



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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

i'm not a man, but i know a few guys whos motto is "pussy dont have a face"

I also heard the motto...."you don't fuck the face!"


What Makes a Man Run?

People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents.

The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

- Glenn Cunningham

AIM: Spragga25

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I think it all has to do with the person... there are many chickies who are just as insatiable as the guys you speak of... generally, I think it's true that guys are less selective when they're trying to sow oaths and gather experiences (mostly in their younger years) and they become more selective as life wears on... but like I said, it takes all kinds...

Like that great theme song said...

:::well the world don't move to the beat of just one drum... what might be right for you may not be right for some...:::

- meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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