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My loyal New York citizens. As much as it pains me, it is true, I will be forced to shut down that Twilo drugden. Bastardino is indeed on top of it. I leaked misinformation to my cronies at the NY Post that an African American (Black) citizen overdosed, then stuffed in a closet. My hope that Fatso Sharpton would march through Twilo thereby shutting it down, turned fruitless, hence, I must now close it through the legal way. Not to fear my children, you have the godgiven right to petition and march in protest down here in City Hall, however, I will be forced to shoot you all on sight. heh heh. If they attempt to move to Exit, I will leak misinformation that a Korean was stuffed in a closet, BLUEANGEL will lead a protest, thereby shutting down EXIT. heh heh. I will ALWAYS win. heh heh.


-I's tough running New york City

-Met Fans can all go to hell

-I hate that fat fuck racist Al Sharrpton

-I will raid all drug infested clubs

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This does suck, especially when I was just starting to like Twilo, but there is no doubt that to this day the best layout in the city is still Tunnel, and it is just sitting there waiting for someone to take it. I think that Home should go there, and that would be an awesome situation. I also think(and hope) that EXIT is the next place to go down via Guliani. I have no doubt that that place has serious connections. I would not be surprised at all if they had something to do with the closing of Tunnel. As far a Twilo goes, it has not received the same heat as other clubs in the past, and npw it is their turn to sweat. I don't think that they can survive at all w/o a liquor license, so we will see what happens.

my .02

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I read an article that Club Bed in South Bbeach is comin to NYC. Matressess's everywhere...waitresse's in lingerie....sounds very chill.

i thought that place bed was more of a restaurant ... i think twilo might be good spot for groove jet to open and long as they give it a face lift and make it a lil nicer than a big black room .. .. i say " DOWN WITH TWILO" fuck them ... get em out !



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Originally posted by rudyguliani:

My loyal New York citizens. As much as it pains me, it is true, I will be forced to shut down that Twilo drugden. Bastardino is indeed on top of it. I leaked misinformation to my cronies at the NY Post that an African American (Black) citizen overdosed, then stuffed in a closet. My hope that Fatso Sharpton would march through Twilo thereby shutting it down, turned fruitless, hence, I must now close it through the legal way. Not to fear my children, you have the godgiven right to petition and march in protest down here in City Hall, however, I will be forced to shoot you all on sight. heh heh. If they attempt to move to Exit, I will leak misinformation that a Korean was stuffed in a closet, BLUEANGEL will lead a protest, thereby shutting down EXIT. heh heh. I will ALWAYS win. heh heh.




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Originally posted by blueangel:

It's sad but true Twilo is having some SERIOUS trouble. frown.gif I thought it would never happen but now I won't be surprised if they do get shut down. wzbigcry.gif

However, I would NOT want PVD or S&D to go to Limelight!! Are you nuts??!! It's already that packed and crowded in Twilo can you imagine how packed it will be in little Limelight??

My choice would be that they go to Exit ONLY if they improve the sound system. The venue is pretty, definately larger than Twilo OR Limelight and the have one kick ass light system!!


i agree



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or digital_cpu@hotmail.com

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Since at this point of time it is undeniable that Twilo will shut it's doors forever, I just wanted to know if we want to organize a "Thank God Twilo Is Closed" dinner. TGTC. I will be in charge of arranging everything and perhaps after dinner we could all go and piss on the building that once was Twilo. Let me know how many of yas are interested.

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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

Secret rooms? tell all... cwm13.gif

they have these secret rooms where they take od'ing kids to, so that they wont have the ambulances and shit come there and fuck up there game plan. They also have these rooms for the kids they catch with drugs, they bring them there and either rob them blind in exchange for secrecy or they beat the shit out of them for fun, those bastards!!!!

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Originally posted by neydogs:

they have these secret rooms where they take od'ing kids to, so that they wont have the ambulances and shit come there and fuck up there game plan. They also have these rooms for the kids they catch with drugs, they bring them there and either rob them blind in exchange for secrecy or they beat the shit out of them for fun, those bastards!!!!

You dumb ass...Do you read the enquirer, or the star.??? sounds like it...

Theres no secret rooms...There's rooms that regular patrons are not allowed in, but everyclub has those...Twilo has a security roon that has camera views and back offices down the hall from the upstairs bathroom. And a bathroom by the side of the power bar that you can even go to if you know it's there--------asshole!

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even though i'd be gunned for someone else to take over twilo so i could hear something other than progressive house on twilo's amazing sound system, it'd still bad for everyone if twilo closed. just one more shovel of dirt on the grave of NY clubbing. home must be nervous about coming to new york after seeing how clubs get treated here.

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