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Eddie Baez-anyone left that is still a fan?

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Bassboy - my comment wasn't directed at you specifically, or even anything in this thread for that matter, it just seems like so many people in general are bashing Eddie of late and that's not cool...

That's all I was saying...

Originally posted by bassboy:

Russ..who is bashing him?

I agree that you can't lose respect for someone just because they change their style. I don't think that anyone here is bashing him directly anyway. Secondly, out of all of the replies in this thread, how many people here have pointed out how great his personality is. I have done this most of all. Unfortunately that is not the issue, and by becoming a public figure(which you are trying to do as well Russ), you are automatically subjecting yourself to the public criticism that comes with such postion. John Digweed's attorney doesn't come out in his defense when people think that one of his albums suck. Thirdly, Yes, he was busy as hell putting his LOgic CD together, but that is by no means an excuse for his tragic fall from fame. By engaging himself in such a demanding project, he should have weighed the effect that his absence from the scene would have had on his popularity. And Finally, I am a tremendous fan of his, and did not start this thread by any means to bash Eddie. I am merely disappointed in what he has been up to lately to a great degree, and I think that by being someone who paid 25$ a week to hear him play that I have earned that right. How can you disagree with that?


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Well Happy New Year All. I am back from Italy and I pop online and see this. Well I will put my two cents in myself since a see Eddie almost every day of my life.

YEs things for a while we out of hand and not good. However it was due to the fact that in his situation as in many of ours sometimes the people that we surround ourselves with are not neccessarily good to be around. They may claim to be your friend but actually have other motives. Eddie is completely clean now. Whatever peope claim to think they know about what he was and was not doing well they can talk. But he in completely clean now and has a bunch of great songs that he will be releasing on his own record label soon.

So to all you Eddie Baez Fans thank you for your support and we will be having a big announcment for you soon. One Love.




Failure is not an Option!!

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I feel that Eddie has somewhat downfell. He used to be amazing slamming his hard progressive trakcs and just spicing it with tribal drums and loops that left you in goosebumps. But it is also true that the man had a K problem and did in fact goto Rehab. *FACT*, drugs can fuck you up. Maybe it is too late for him? But I will always remember the few nights I heard him at the tunnel, they left me in awe.

He'll be back.. cwm7.gif

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