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With a major in Psychology, i feel that you are in need of attention and perhaps you were neglected as a child, which also could be the reason that you have that lion as your icon, a need to feel like you are tough and strong enough to survive without the attention. Perhaps the same reason little boys pull the tough-guy thug act . . . to make it seem like they don't need friends or attention.


how bout them apples? wink.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by brandie:

With a major in Psychology, i feel that you are in need of attention and perhaps you were neglected as a child, which also could be the reason that you have that lion as your icon, a need to feel like you are tough and strong enough to survive without the attention. Perhaps the same reason little boys pull the tough-guy thug act . . . to make it seem like they don't need friends or attention.


how bout them apples? wink.gif



I feel that you are right about the attention thing because I love attention, hence I have many friends. As for being neglected as a child, your wrong... I was spoiled rotten! And my lion icon? It symbolizes my sign.... LEO born 8/13/77 And I happen to GROWL a lot so keep posting drama... I'm bored and I love to ROAR!!!!! Since your a shrink, can you help me with this BITCH problem that I am having???



AOL: Italiamale1977

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