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Sf friday review (dj Skribbles)

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when we got there around 130 or so there was no line, so we stood out in the cold debating for fifteen minutes on if it we should go in or not. or just go to exit. then when we finally pushed are ways in side. it was defentily worth it.

the setup: amazing, I havent been there in like a year and i thought the place couldnt look better. even the basement was fixed up. The fourth floor is really nice, not to crowed up there though and no one was in the hot tub. But hip hop, WHY its in the basement, no need for it to be upstairs too.

the sound system: ten times better and it supposed just keep on getting better 264 speakers DAMM. however when they played vocals it sound a little bit to trebbile.

the music: omg i thought dj skribbles was going to play like he does with moody, guess not. All vocals hours of commerical vocals. it not like i got there like 1100 it was 230 by the time we settle in on the floor. oh well i guess thats what you except from a mtv star. luv and lodi were not as bad as alot of people say.

oh well all in all it was a good night. nice change, good lookeing crowed, good vibe, but i will probally venture back to exit next week.

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I was there and had a mixed nite...first of all i was supposed to meet up with people from school and people got sick and didnt wanna drive cuz of the snow, so i ended up going with just one of my girls.

Ok, so we get there and didnt have any pills cuz it was a last second event, but luckily i ran into a friend who helped us out, BUT, we took these zorros, and my friend was puking and her legs felt like lead...me, it didnt effect me at all, all i felt was a little shaky and nausious...

anyway, the place looks great, the fourth floor is really nice too. the music-- ok I danced for about 45 minutes on the main floor because the music was horrible, m.o.p, so around 4 we decided to check out the 4th floor again, only this time, i started dancing, yes, to hip hop, i dunno, it was making me move more than wutever they were playing on the main.

anyway i ended up dancing for 3 hours up there, cuz they busted out some old school michael jackson and shit, mad fun.

So overall i had a fun nite but i think i need better pills and better music.

by the way if u were there, i was wearin a hot pink tube top and blue sparkly pants and i was with a tall blonde, ny frind, the whole nite.

luv, visionz



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