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Any Psy-Trance or Goa Trance fans on here?

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So i'm sititng here bored at work, i figured why not ask if any of you are into psychadelic trance. i love all kinds of music but recently have beomce quite enraptured by psychadelic trance, and the whole scene surrounding it. Everyone is quite relaxed and friendly more so then even at other places i go regularly. So if you are inot this music or scene, please reply.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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I went to the Tsunami night that the had a Vinyl...liked the music, but the scene was a bit too ravey for my current tastes...although I would go back if to check it out if they had it again. Anyway, where do you find these kind of specific events...none of the clubs really cater to this type of music/scene.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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Synthetic Sadhus have goa trance parties once every month I think. I went to one in january...I have to say thats the only rave I ever enjoyed. One reason could be that there were only like 500 people there, and the crowd was older.

Anyone know when the next one is?


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Synthetic Sadhus have goa trance parties once every month I think. I went to one in january...I have to say thats the only rave I ever enjoyed. One reason could be that there were only like 500 people there, and the crowd was older.

Anyone know when the next one is?

oh, "raver_mania" synthetic sadhus was only rave u ever enjoyed, eh? whaaaateva...

anyway, i was at the last synthetic party...don't know when the next one is...

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Well the next synthetic saddhus party is february 3rd. But before that on Jan 19th Tsunami is throwing a party at Tunnel. Yes i know tunnel is a shady venue, but Tsunami traditonally thors good parties. This one is their cd promotional party for their Tsunami compilation cd. One place to to find out about a lot of psytracne events is to go to brainmachines.com and join the mailing list, or just wait for me to post different things from time to time.

Hey Junglekittn- if you like trance, maybe you should change you name to ummmm trancegirl or something like that. cwm4.gif


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by junglekittn:

oh, "raver_mania" synthetic sadhus was only rave u ever enjoyed, eh? whaaaateva...

anyway, i was at the last synthetic party...don't know when the next one is...

Hey, raving is a state of mind...don't necessarily have to just go to "raves" smile.gif. I guess all the other raves I've been to have been massives and I don't enjoy those at all. I'd really like to go to an illegal. I hear the graveyards are pretty happening.

How was the last synthetic party?


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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raving is a state of mind? woah dude, i don't wanna know what goes on in your head wink.gif. anyway, the last synthetic party was slammin, but i didn't stay long. mik-e was there for a while. mik-e how was it?

and yes, maybe i should change my name *back* to trancegrrl...but i don't dig it as much as i dig d n b, so there :P

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the last synthetic saddhus was a great party. the music was great and there wasn't too many people. Even the security was relaxed and chilled out. All in all a great party.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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I hear Hallucinogen tossed down an amazing set at his last Synthetic Saddhus set. And I went to an amazing Tsunami party at 138th/3rd Ave 6 months ago -- it was at a roller rink, chill security, amazing vibe and unparalleled music.

The Tsunami release party at Chelsea Piers a few months back was ok -- beautiful venue, but not the best acoustics and there were a few train-wrecks (sound system crapped out a few times). I missed out on the one at Mars 2112 -- and I'm glad I did, since that was the sickest night I've ever had at Limelight (the Gatecrasher that kicked off their residency there).

Not sure if I'll make the up-and-coming SS party -- Twilo has an amazing lineup in February, and Howells is due to show up there in 2wks as well. But rest assured, my heart belongs to Tiesto on Feb 16......



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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i was really let down by Hallucinogen that night, as were many of my friends. He really didn't do anything that great, and his selection was not, as one friend put it, very psychadelic. It was better than you could see at other palces, but really not what i had expected.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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i was really let down by Hallucinogen that night, as were many of my friends. He really didn't do anything that great, and his selection was not, as one friend put it, very psychadelic. It was better than you could see at other palces, but really not what i had expected.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Well I went to a tsunami party at Vinyl on New years 98/99 and it was great. Not really my scene, buyt a fun time. Then this summer I went to Israel and heard of lot of that stuff. I even went to a rave out in the desert outside of Jerusalem. Fuckin Unreal. All they play there is Goa and Psi trance. I bought an infected mushroom cd and it is pretty cool.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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