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Question for all the snowboarders

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I went snowboarding for the first time last night and had a great time. I'm thinking about buying a snowboard when the season's done(cheaper). Anybody got any advice. And my big question is whether to get clickers or the regular strap ons. Someone told me clickers can be bad because snow gets inbetween the boot and snowboard. Is that true and is it even a problem?

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i can't answer this question but would like advice too!! i went last year and had soooo much fun but every muscle in my body hurt for like a week after! i can't wait to do it again but with all the trips i'm taking this year i'm on a major budget!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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My personal favorite board maker is Burton. I have ridden K2, and a few of others that aren't even worth mentioning.

What type of ridding do you do?

I mostly board very steep technical terrain (trees, cornices, rocks, etc). I don't do much of the half-pipe shit, although I do like jumping. I'm a long board type, 168 and I want to get a longer board. If you are more into doing tricks, you'll want a shorter board (in the low 150's).

I use 3 buckle bindings. I have used 2-buckle and step-in, as well as hard boots (ski boots). I find that I get the best control for level of comfort with the 3-buckle bindings. The hard boots are too uncomfortable and hard to walk in, exp. when you are going O.B. or waaaaaaay off of a ski run. I found that I had the least amount of control with the step-ins (could've been due to improper fit, or the boots weren't stiff enough for my size). I also, did find the step-ins a slight annoyance with the snow factor (as you had mentioned), but the can occur with all setups, just not as easily with the buckle bindings. The one advatage to the step-ins is that normally it quicker to get in and out of the bindings (although only by a matter of seconds), and in the case of K2 you can purchase other products, aka snow shoes that fit the same binding (step-in snowshoes) for doing back country. The most important part is fit and level of control, no matter what setup you go with.

Hope this helps





a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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definetly get a k2 boards..and get the click..they are more secure on your feet then the straps...just my opinion hope this helps peace!....BTW...there are some good snow board shops in Norwalk CT


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i have both step-ins and strap bindings....but i still prefer the straps because the shoes are lighter because the support is on the straps...the only draw back is the time it takes to bind urself

as for the step-ins the shoes are a lot heavier and harder to walk on...and snow tends to build up in the creases...but the good thing about it is that its pretty fast and convenient

BINDING: burton, clickers, K2

SNOWBOARD: salomon, K2, burton

good luck cwm7.gif




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Thanks. Last night was my first time so I'm about as beginner as you can get. I liked it a lot though. I'm short, does that mean I should get a shorter board. And getting in and out faster isn't really a concern, I figure as I get better even with strap ons I can do it fast enough. Also how much do think I'll have to spend to get a decent board and boots. I want something to learn on but still be usefull as I get more experienced. Thanks again.

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yeah princeton has blow out sales al,l teh time

u can vget a decent package there starting at bout $300 ... they are pretty helpful ( if they think ur gonna buy something) ... as for the click-ins .. i get mad jealious when i see those fuckers snap in and take off ... but i like to know my straped in and are giving my ankles some extra protection ... u get pretty good at strapping in pretty quick .. the clickin in are good for flays and skating .. but whatere ,, try and avoid that anyway ..

if u go with clciks def get teh high backed ones .. i dont think the ones with no backs look safe at all .. anyways ... good luck . enjoy .. maybe we'll see you out there .,,



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BOARD SIZE: rule of thumb is that the board should measure between ur chin and the tip of ur nose (mouth area) that's should be the right size for beginners

BINDINGS: get the strap-ons...i think its better...plus cheaper

SHOES: with the shoes u can be more flexible depending on the style and bindings u get

CLOTHING: anything waterproof and stylish is a must

GOGGLE: there's a lot of them out there but i prefer bolle

hope this helps cwm11.gif




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ok, this is just my opinion but it helped me out alot.....when i first started riding, i had a k2zepplin, an older model that was mroe for freeriding..it was wide and really light. it was awesome for learning how to carve, then i realized that i was more into freestyle and pullin off stunts and halfpipe so i got a freestyle board. my advice would to first get a freeride board, you can do tricks and carve the mountain to see what you actually like to do, then if you like freestyle look more towards a burton freestyle, or like i have now a SIMS infinite which is an excellent board. and the bindings are preference, i don't use clickers but i use burton stepins with the high back, they are excellent for me and i would suggest them, so thats my advice smile.gif


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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Originally posted by jasonct5:

Thanks. Last night was my first time so I'm about as beginner as you can get. I liked it a lot though. I'm short, does that mean I should get a shorter board. And getting in and out faster isn't really a concern, I figure as I get better even with strap ons I can do it fast enough. Also how much do think I'll have to spend to get a decent board and boots. I want something to learn on but still be usefull as I get more experienced. Thanks again.

yeah your height and weight are important in choosing your board ( even mor eimportant than the graphic believe it or not ) the salesman will know what u need and show you board rigth for you ...

shorter boards are easier to manage too .. with boots .,.. just try on every boot in teh store til u find teh ones u like .. boots are the most important purchase !! .. if they are not comfy you will be hating life !!!

last year i bought new boots made by Nike .. and i love them !!! more comfy than any other boot i tried on ! ... but i have funny feet i think so just try every boot on the wall !



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oh yes, forgot to add....ask your retailer, 90% of them that work in a board shop know what they are talking about, let them know your a begginner and they will hook you up with the things that will help you get started cwm17.gif


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

... but i have funny feet i think so just try every boot on the wall !

yo joey is ur feet really funny....can u ask ur feet to say a joke....i need a good laugh today






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Originally posted by jasonct5:

Yeah same with me. My ass hurts so bad and my elbows and knees are all bruised up.

yea man, comes with the learning process....haha...just wait till you learn jumping and tricks. i went to jump a fence the one time and i did the biggest faceplant in the history of snowboarding hahaha, good luck, just keep practicing, eventually you will get hurt less and you'll get better


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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Originally posted by twiloman:

yea man, comes with the learning process....haha...just wait till you learn jumping and tricks. i went to jump a fence the one time and i did the biggest faceplant in the history of snowboarding hahaha, good luck, just keep practicing, eventually you will get hurt less and you'll get better

Tell me about it. The worst is when some smart ass 10 year old makes a comment as your face is planted in the snow. Can't really say anything. The worst last night was when I finally figured out how to stop and control my speed I had my board perpendicular with the mountain and when I tried turning back the front of my board dug into the snow to much and I went face first into the snow. I thought snow was supposed to be soft!

[This message has been edited by jasonct5 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by twiloman:

yea man, comes with the learning process....haha...just wait till you learn jumping and tricks. i went to jump a fence the one time and i did the biggest faceplant in the history of snowboarding hahaha, good luck, just keep practicing, eventually you will get hurt less and you'll get better

Tell me about it. The worst is when some smart ass 10 year old makes a comment as your face is planted in the snow. Can't really say anything. The worst last night was when I finally figured out how to stop and control my speed I had my board perpendicular with the mountain and when I tried turning back the front of my board dug into the snow to much and I went face first into the snow. I thought snow was supposed to be soft!

[This message has been edited by jasonct5 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Yes agree, Burton does make some good boards (I have a SuperModel 159 myself) but can't over look the RIDEs (have a Timeless) and the Salomons which are excellent all around boards.

As for bindings i've had the clickers and ended up getting rid of them cuz they are not as responsive as the straps. Also comfort is a factor. Straps are way more comfortable than clickers. I'd recommend Preston/Ride bindings, Burton and the K2s are good as well.

Boots...(don't cheese out here) spend the extra duckets here or you will regret it later on. Burton makes some good boots, but i must say that Salomon kicks some major ass(what do you expect coming from ADIDAS).

Advice 1: spend the extra!!! The reason why i say this is because if you are serious about the sport then you will improve faster than you think and outgrow your gear in one season.

Advice 2: your pants and your gloves are very important. Pants: Bonfire, Burton, and Quicksilver make very nice ones. Gloves: mittens will keep your hands warmer than will regular gloves.

Advice 3: when you are up on the slopes, please loose the attitude!!!!!!

If you all need any more info i'd be more than glad to help you pick your gear out for you. All ya gotta do is email me drgnfly2k@yahoo.com .

Peace and happy riding... maybe we can all go together sometime... =)


-- DrgnFly --

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I take a different look at the snowbaord issue - I like the carving boards - i.e: Hard boots, plate bindings and narrow stiff boards. These are not for the terrain parks or the half pipe, but are for serious carving and turning and going down the mountain.

I took the day off yeaterday from work and went to Stratton and ended up riding with two binding company manufacturers - Catek and Bomber. There were better than 80 plate riders there. Compared to maybe having 4-5 plate riders at any mountain on a given day, this was a neat experience.

Alpine boards are not typically found in any board shops. Rossignol, Sims, Volant, etc. all make alpine boards. I think that they are more fun to ride, but do take a much greater physical toll from you. These are the boards that you can see the riders carve the turns and have thier shoulders 6 inches from the snow as they go around turns.

See www.bomberonline.com and the message board there for carving info - it is the website of the binding manufacturer.

I know that this was way off the original topic, but I thought that I would share anyway.



AIM: JDoggNY2000


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yea it is stupid when a kid makes a smartass remark...

i dunno, clickers are ok, but strapons are good too....im tellin you the burton highback stepins are the best ive ever used, thats just my opinion tho, they have a strap on the boot for extra support so its kind of like a strap in with the ease of a step in, def. worth the money you have to pay for them, have to buy a special boot tho that kinda sux but its worth it


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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(clappin)... doode i think alpine boards are nice as hell. i always envied alpine riders for their carving abilities and their speed. I remember one time i was at Gunstock, NH (one of my favorite mtns) and i was cruisin on down when out of nowhere this doode just zoomed pass me. I got the chills just watching him go. Anyways, we get to the bottom of the mountain and i spot him at the line. I got to go up on the lift with this 'guy', and found out that he is 58 years old. He said he just retired and had skiied all his life. And just for fun he bought a snowboard few years back and had been hooked since. Just by talking to this guy gave me such an adrenaline rush. I couldn't help myself but to give him a cheesy line like "i wanna be where you are at your age". Sorry i strayed from the topic here. But yes alpine boards !!! they rawk. Is there anywhere to demo them or rent them? I would love to try them.



-- DrgnFly --

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