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last thought on Women=Cars

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I thought about that analogy. It makes sense. Men gain power by having an expensive car and an expensive girl.

But the thing is - Have you noticed that most guys w/ the cars - are the ones who don't get the women in the first place ?

And most hot guys don't need to drive a Benz to get girls because girls go up to them for free.

I've been on dates w/ guys w/ BMWs and Land Cruisers to a beat up Toyota- and guess what ?

The expensive car guys are the more desperate ones it seems.

Oh and here's a funny one -

American blonds = Chevy, Ford, Buick.

I'm Italian so that makes me a = Diablo, Ferrari

So then exotic girls = imported cars.

Last thought on GRADES.

Some guy gave us women grades. GRADE A / GRADE B.

These are USDA standards for prime beef.

Why do men have to classify us women like we're not even human beings ? like we're some dumb cattle or something ?

Maybe some girls like the attention, but I don't. Very degrading.

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why do you generalize? Till you've hung out with EVERY SINGLE male in this world you cannot refer to us as "men" in the general sense.

Like you said yourself..."Some guy gave us women grades" - how did that translate into all men??

I agree a lot of men are like that - I dislike it cuz I give everyone equal respect. However, have you noticed a lot of women tend to flock to these "rich" guys, who treat them like trophies anyway?? Explain that.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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THat is very true- a lot of women flock to rich guys to be trophies.

You know why I'm bashing this topic so much ?

I'm a product of that trophy wife/ powerful man duo . And it's one disgusting , pathetic


It seems nobody believes in love any more.

As everyone gets older and starts making $$$- they follow into that same pattern.

Be personally- I can never be any man's trophy because I don't think any man can afford me.

Now I feel like losing out because I'm not playing the rich man's trophy role like society tells me to.

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Did it ever cross ur mind that men who drive luxurious phat cars may like them & worked very hard to get them???

Rich women treat themselves & buy jewelry, men buy cars. There are exceptions..those mid life crisis balding divorced men who buy a porsche to feel young, vibrant & attract women. Dolcemimi u stereotype & generalize way too much!

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

[bBe personally- I can never be any man's trophy because I don't think any man can afford me.

Now I feel like losing out because I'm not playing the rich man's trophy role like society tells me to.

I see a very simple solution, find a guy who will love you for you and not your looks. Believe me, there are guys like that out there. Nobody is forcing you to stay with a jerk to only wants to show you off to his buddies.

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

THat is very true- a lot of women flock to rich guys to be trophies.

You know why I'm bashing this topic so much ?

I'm a product of that trophy wife/ powerful man duo . And it's one disgusting , pathetic


It seems nobody believes in love any more.

As everyone gets older and starts making $$$- they follow into that same pattern.

Be personally- I can never be any man's trophy because I don't think any man can afford me.

Now I feel like losing out because I'm not playing the rich man's trophy role like society tells me to.

By saying you were a "product" of that relationship, I'm assuming your parents are like that. Please, correct me if I'm wrong. I feel for you.

Believe me you're not losing out by not playing that role...IMO, the benefits you get from that are far overshadowed by the pain and "emptiness".

True love is out there, but might not always be easy to find, or in the form you want it to be. Keep an open mind and a loving heart and the rewards are priceless!!



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Dolcemimi- I wish to apologize. I didn't realize you were female. Had I known that I might have chosen my words differently in replying to your previous post.

Oh No need to apologize apotho-whatever !

No need to tip toe around a gal because now I know that's how men REALLY think !

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