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Let's keep the juice heads out of Websters on Tiesto night

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yo az-tec i got no beef wit pooh or whatever is name is if we ever do meet up we probabaly would have the best time since we both say whatever the fuck we want.



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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Heh.. Disturbing that more and more ppl are replying with the same attitude.. And I'm NOT a bitch smile.gif I CAN be one when provoked but generally I'm not wink.gif

oh and i just wanted to say, i totally hear you with the glow sticks.. my fav is when they come up in my face.. when i'm not even rolling, i'm also not a big fan of whistles... but who am i to say, hey if it makes ya happy at a club.. do it!

Hmm i wonder if i should second guess some of my friends who happen to be big bult and italian, if i should bring them to venues like twilo or websterhall.... wouldnt want people to think differently because i associate with people like that.. (pun intended)

i'm not directing this comment to anyone! so please no one take it personal, and i'll even eat my own words, because yes im not miss innocent when i go out all the time.. but no one should ever say there all about the music, untill they can go there totally sober and totally enjoy the nite.. because if it was 'all about the music' drugs wouldnt be such a big problem in the club scene, and no club would need to worry about a liquor license.. they just wouldnt need them..






"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

[This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-06-2001).]

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Juiceheads don't even go to Webster Hall. Juiceheads aren't the only 1's grabbin & groping!... what bout all the ugly gross nasty guys who invade our space & cop feels ???

I'd prefer to be groped by a tan chisled diesel beef than some ugly nasty hideous guy.

TRANCEWHORE I think ur just jealous cause they're ripped & attract hot girls...instead of tryin to ban muscular guys at the tiesto show...y don't u join a gym

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LikMyLipz LMAO.. I know exactly what you mean. I hate whistles (almost killed Trippintrance at Oakie LOL..), all glowing things, blinking things blah.. Just hate it! But that's a part of this whole scene so I live with it.. And SF is usually packed with juiceheads.. Do I care and do they ruin my night? HELLLZZZ NO!

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i'm all about the afterhours!

you gonna be there next sat?

i'm gonna be there i took a month off from the place.. i'm going though factory withdrawls... hehehehe






"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

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ok if we are going to get on the men who is to say that woman dont be doing the same shit. dont get me wrong there are some woman who may deserve the title "goddess" and then there r those who take it without true right. I am not trying to dig on yall but the fact still remains to all there own. Personally i dont grab up on woman because they deserve better. But i have witnessed people taking liberties with strangers and that aint cool.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I'm going tonight and I'm DEFINITELY going next weekend. MY BDAY party smile.gif SF withdrawals are painful, so let me corrupt you and give you your dose LOL.. Hope you come out next Sat!

i'm deff gonna be there next sat.. hmm i might go to blu tonight.. debating.. but sf is all mine next sat!





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

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First of all, I have to give a big shout out to Evil, good looking, you want down on the limo, you got it......Ladies who replyed, I'm not jealous of juiceheads at all, I'm not trying to keep all of them out, just the ones that have that attitude and start fights and grope the ladies, that's not cool. Thats not what its about. I'm just trying to look out for the ladies who don't like that kind of stuff.

PS..I hope everyone who replied to this is there on the 16th, even the juiceheads, and we all trip face, and have a great time...

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well i would have to say that i am also tired of hearing about guidos and juiceheads. I mean come on who r u or me to say who should go to a club or not??? A club is there for everyone to have fun. Juiceheads and guidos r not the only ones who take drugs and u guys know that, so why stereotype, why would u guys say that wheyn most of the ppl on the board take it too??/

And mostly all the guys grope and bother girls, not only juiceheads or guidos, at least in my own experiences the guidos and juiceheads understand when i say i dont wanna dance, but some reuglar guys dont (the ones u guys dont call juiceheads, guidos). I am tired of all this hating. cwm23.gif

and oh yeah i hate webster hall, so i dont know if i ever would step foot into that club again, maybe only the exception of maybe one of my favorite dj's to spin.



aim: amafrk1


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wow, i'm sorry to bring back a dead thead, but i just read this and I think it very cool that so many people here are psyched to see Tiesto that night. I can't wait, i've never been to webster hall before, but it will be a phat night.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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