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-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"My Brain is haboobled, and my baffled is habraybled"-a drunken aramis ponte

-----"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte



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I SECOND THAT!!!!!!!!! We miss you Mikey!

Stop vanishing on us :-(



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Mikeys a bitch....dont even bother with him.

The boards better off without him anyway.



Mikey bro- I am soooo pumped for March!!!!

Call me.......we need to talk.




And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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"Well spank my ass and call me a bitch" - Terrence & Philip

Ha ha......what's up peeps.....Once again I apologize for the disappearing act but I had some things I needed to attend to the past few weeks and its been very hecktic for me......honestly.........anyhow, I'm back in NY and ready to get the fuck down........I have a queue of people to PM, IM, call, etc(although I'm reluctant to because I think everyone's pretty pissed at me for this).......so give me a minute as I am sitting in my room full of dirty clothes, overflowing garbage baskets, and open beer bottles........not to mention I need to get my school shit straight and get messy tonight.........I missed everyone the past few weeks and I hope we all can get together Friday for a nutso night wherever is may be........I will slowly be in touch with all of you asap.........lol

let's see.....

ooana, trippintrance, az-tec, melichacha, misskittie, deanna11, kingpharoah........hmmmm.....this is gonna hurt.......talk to yas soon......



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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Originally posted by tyco:

"Well spank my ass and call me a bitch" - Terrence & Philip

Ha ha......what's up peeps.....Once again I apologize for the disappearing act but I had some things I needed to attend to the past few weeks and its been very hecktic for me......honestly.........anyhow, I'm back in NY and ready to get the fuck down........I have a queue of people to PM, IM, call, etc(although I'm reluctant to because I think everyone's pretty pissed at me for this).......so give me a minute as I am sitting in my room full of dirty clothes, overflowing garbage baskets, and open beer bottles........not to mention I need to get my school shit straight and get messy tonight.........I missed everyone the past few weeks and I hope we all can get together Friday for a nutso night wherever is may be........I will slowly be in touch with all of you asap.........lol

let's see.....

ooana, trippintrance, az-tec, melichacha, misskittie, deanna11, kingpharoah........hmmmm.....this is gonna hurt.......talk to yas soon......


Not mad at ya bud, just miss ya :-) :;;;;;;big hugs:::::::: GREAT to have you back with us.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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:: Looks up from her book in which she was devising an evil punishment for Mikey ::

Aw, damn... well, I guess I can't be mad now... hehe... It's cool -- drop a line whenever you get the chance... punk... lol cwm7.gif

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me


... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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