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few thx to peeps at Limelight last night

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Just a few yells.

Ez, Shadow, da crew as always.

Connie!!!! Hehe, very cool chilling with you babe!

Joeydollaz - thx for hooking us up in the top room, I always appreciate

Az-tec - thx for the everything as usual buddy! I love yur office wink.gif

Kittie - yes! The ball is hanging in my car ')

Yo yo Al, hehe....Meli....Veronica....Dennis (and bro)

Cara / Ooana - yes, head rub, thx info, ahhhhhhhhhhhh



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Ez & Myrlin...always fun chillen' with my homeys...and especially thanks to you Myrlin for the hook up...really appreciate it...you're not really much of an asshole I thought you were. wink.gif

Az-tec...thanks for everything bro...love your view of the office.

JoeyDollaz...thanks for letting us in at the top.

MissKittie...seeing ya again made my night...missed ya hun...keep in touch will ya...geez. wink.gif


i think i'm p A r A n O i D and C o M p L i C a T e D . . .

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whats up pappa .,..=) i think ppl are def sleepin late today =) .. ugg i'm shot ..i didnt get home til about 7 ... gotta give props to the late night krew : al, melli , veronica and cara , stayin til music off and lights on ... dope ass night , hopefully you guys can come out again .. maybe for felix da housecat roy davis jr ... or mcbride & morant, mike dearborn nd david hollands .. let me know if your down .. easy ..dollars ...



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YEA Im home!!!!!!! Damn I need more sleep or something...sheesh

Limelight music was awesome last night. The vibe was good too...except for some people I didnt wanna see..hehe.(noone from the board so calm down)

Anyway it was fabulous seeing everyone last night....ESPECIALLY Frankie and Charlie! It totally made my night seeing you guys you have noooo idea! Charlie THANK YOU for that much needed hug...you have no idea!

Claudio....Im glad to hear the ball is up! I know, its total cheese, but it made me think of your SeXy ass baby! (red hott lover huh?)

Oo---hope those braclets do what they are meant...at least I got a smile out of ya!

Well I saw a bunch of you but I dont feel like going through the whole list right now. You know who you are...as always its nice hanging with everyone...sorry for the disappearing act but I sort fell asleep...hehe

Hope you all had a great time! Now I must go get my teddy bear, SeXual Chocolate and take a nappy....ZzZZZzzZZZZzzzzZZZzzzZZ



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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Kat...was GREAT to see you. I'm sorry I didn't stay longer but what I ended up doing was perfect for my spirit. I feel 100 times better. :-)

Music IS the answer!

Lottsa love, hugs and kisses, hon!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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To everyone I saw last nigth... Thanks for coming out...I hope ya all had fun.

I aint gonna do any shout outs cause I dont feel like writing a novel smile.gif

But it was great seing ya all.

Come by my office again soon cwm35.gif



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Had an excellent night at Limelight.

Myrlin, hope the princess got you that beer, Charlie, thanks for chillin w/ me toward the end, Pyramid and Jilly, for cutting the rug w/me, Frank....love ya doll!, Al & chacha for experienceing the wonderful lesbian porn w/ me. Ooana...my love, glad you enjoyed your night!, JoeyD!, thanks! and Andy dear, thanks for the hook-up at the door.....love the Limelight!...LOVED THE DOPE-BEATS!

Shit, if I forgot someone....so sorry!


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hehe.. Okay -- this has to be quick cuz the campus bus waits for noone... yuck...

Al and MojoJoJo -- I love you guys!!!!!! Another successful night... and only one of the many we will undoubtably experience together!!! Mojo -- gimme a call at my room so we can hook-up for dinner!!

Myrlin -- Great seeing your smiling face as usual...

Joey -- What can I say? I told ya we'd finally meet up! hehe...

Cara -- Who else would enjoy the novelty of live lesbian porn (and not get off on it)?! hehe.. Great seeing ya, girlie!!!

Okay.. I'm out of time... I'll finish later..

Peace ya laterz!! lol...

- Meli - cwm7.gif



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me


... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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