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Good Omen!! (A funny story to end the day)

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Last Friday, I met up with my other half, Mitchell, to have dinner after work. I normally don’t wear too much jewelry cause I lose them all the time! However, I decided I would surprise Mitchell by wearing the engagement ring just this one time. I haven’t wore it yet cause we were getting the ring fixed (it was too big) and also because I’m so deathly afraid I’ll lose it. But just this time I thought I would surprise him. cwm38.gif

Anyway, we went to republic in Union Square and had a great time and afterward we were on our way to seek out a dessert place. While walking up Broadway we started talking about how we were meant to be when I realized that my ring was NOT on my finger!! It was not there!! Of course I started crying while Mitchell was trying hard to calm me down and look around at the same time. wzbigcry.gif

We went back to the restaurant and made half the staff scurry around looking under tables with a flash light while I was crying harder than ever. Other patrons were getting up from their chair looking under their tables as well. It was scene to remember! Especially this one other girl who was also engaged, she looked the hardest.

But during all this Mitchell kept on telling me how he didn’t remember seeing the ring on my finger the whole night. From the minute he picked me up at work. Hmmmmm . . . .

So after no success at the restaurant, we went back to my work and I looked in the restroom. Won’t you believe it?!! It was right there by the sink in the bathroom!!! eek.gif

Now let me inform you that I work in the World Financial Tower, and my office floor is occupied by hundreds of people. Women go in and out of the bathroom all the time . . . but my platinum/diamond ring was right there by the sink, undisturbed the whole entire NIGHT!!

I can't even begin to describe the relief that took over me. I told Mitchell that it was a good omen sign . . . that we were meant to be. smlove2.gif

Just thought I’d share that with you guys. Sorry for the useless, long post. You may carry on with your drama. Thanks!



"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love." - Anais Nin


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Thank god something leight hearted smile.gif

I have an old ring of my Granda's.. so much shit went on in th family about this ring.. if i ever lost it i would be shot. I am constantly doing the same... it's one of those heart sinking though you arse moments.

I will get back to you about Ibiza... gona chase some people... been rather busy this weekend wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Mmmmhhhhh....that's so sweet and I'm happy for you that you not only found the ring but also the man you are meant to be with...all the happiness to you two!!!

It's good to read something sweet, hearty and nice...especially with so much drama going on at some other places on this board.



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