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The path.......

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He walks alone atop the cobbled road. His hood drawn up over his head, protecting him from the bleak, dreary winds which batter his frame. A strong thunder arises in the distance forecasting showers, mirroring his mood as power emanates from him without thinking.

He sees the road he knows, the path he knows well, and thinks perhaps to himself that maybe, just maybe, it will be different. The air shimmers and for a brief instance, the road seems happy, the weather seems bright and sunny. For that small passage of tiem, he can see an eagle soaring high, high above the clouds scouting the grassy fields for its prey.

Then, as always, the mirage is blown away by the onset of freezing sleet, buffering him lower to the ground as he keeps his balance by sheer willpower. Even in the onslaught, he smiles, he even draws forth a laugh. Things are what they seem to him, they always are.....to think otherwise is folly.

However, he never forgets those brief seconds where he saw the other side....the side that could be one day. He cherishes them and holds those memories safe in protected part of his soul. The part that has known happiness and pain. The part that NOOONE can take from him.

The traveller moves on.......



"possessing all the beauty

hungry still for more"

"Give it up or Shut the Hell up"

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..on to the Playboy Mansion where Hef has decided to implement the mean lean weather machine to prevent horny little zitfaced teens and potential-lawsuit-heartattack-prone-viagra popping old as shit men (in short, men like himself). how could one resist being greeted by Hef's triplets at the door? for all the happiness and pain that he's known, he's also realized that there's nothing like bliss.. bliss in a bottle, bliss on tap (the "let me give you some inside information about God" type'a bliss)

(anyone want to continue?)


morph_ cwm13.gif

ps: i'm just too fuckin bored.. i hate waiting for people to take me to dinner.. i'm fuckin hungry too



This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church.

is from faithless's god is a dj.

but he never says 'it's in natural grace"

he says "It's in a narrow escape."

now you know, and i feel like a did somethin.

Aight, I'm goin back to sleep. if you want to debate this. Just wake me up from the bottom step at factory 3rd floor.

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

xhead68 and morpheus...

could you two possibly have contributed more crap to something that has nothing to do with the first post...morons...

yeah really.....christ



"possessing all the beauty

hungry still for more"

"Give it up or Shut the Hell up"

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Originally posted by silveeohh:

The only path I'm on is the one from NJ to NY

These are usually the guys later that complain about not being taken seriously.

**takes note in his book**



"possessing all the beauty

hungry still for more"

"Give it up or Shut the Hell up"

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