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Do your parents know you use drugs?

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

my parents know nothing about what i do, nor would i want them to. i just recently admitted i've smoke pot on occasion (understatement of the year).....then my mom told me she wanted to "get high just once in her life" so i told her i'd get her some weed and she got all bent out of shape!! she found a pack of cigarettes in my pocket when i was in high school - i was grounded for weeks. not that i can be grounded anymore but i'd hate to distress my folks for no good reason!

I'm totally with you on that one uknjx. My parents know nothing about that side of my life...nor do I ever want them to find out. Maybe it's easier to keep those things away from them as much as I do cause they live in another country/continent. Still, not even my friends at home know about those activities...but then it has always been pretty easy for me to separate and live different lifes depending on where I am at the moment. So, whenever I go home visiting my friends and family or go and see other people from my "clean past" I'm someone else...I am the person they once knew...and that's all I want them to know about me. That's the good thing about having been at so many different stations in life...it makes it easy to be whoever you want to be at the moment wink.gif



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I told my parents a few years ago. My parents aren't liberal or anything, but I can talk to them about ANYTHING. At first my mum freaked, but when we talked and she looked in to it all (she missed it all in the 60's), she was ok.

My dad has arthritis in his hip, we have even said that if the pain gets bad (the pain killers they give him are very strong), that I would get him some weed to try.

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My parents know EVERYTHING I have done.. no secrets.. they are really cool... don't get me wrong my parents were pretty strict when I was growing up..We've just alwyas had an open relationship, they have always preferred us (my sis and I) to be open with them rather than go behind their backs, you know? My mom caught me smoking when I was 13... She would always ask why I smelled like ciggies, I always said it was someone else.. she knew though, she would always say to me "I know you're the one puffing away, kids your age are doing that..)Then I went through I pretty rebellious period so that was that.....I used to smoke pot in my room and ciggies..My parents have gotten cooler as we got older.... My mom was always the "cool" mom when I was growing up rolleyes.gif


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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OMG I cannot imagine telling my parents that I even tried drugs. They'll be so upset and probably lock me up in my room before I get hurt.. My Mom always sees those reports on TV about club drugs and makes sure to warn me to stay away from ppl who use drugs. I'm pretty sure she knows that I tried smth but she's just afraid to ask straight out and find out that her kid is not an angel frown.gif And even if she asks, I'll probably lie through my teeth. Better than my Mom worrying about me every single minute frown.gif

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When I lived at home I told my mom about some of my drug uasge. She's one of those people who are all about "where you went to school, how much money do you make, what kinda car you drive".

I was like "I got into Columbia, by the way I smoke pot almost everyday". What could she possibly say?

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