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John Digweed - What did I tell you people!!!

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he played 1 track after hide you, some r&b soundin shit, wasnt too impressed. that dark ass journey was too much for me though. i think i'm gonna be too scared to make it next month. guess i'll have to switch over to being a pvdhead now...


chronic is the answer...

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Originally posted by eviljav666:

yeah my johnny friends went also...they said there was MAD FOREIGNERS with blonde hair..NAZI..



woah, settle down there fella ...



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Now that I got a few zzz, I can tell you a bit about last night. For those that were there, I don't have to say shit. It spoke for itself. And I'm not talking about those cats that took off running at 5 am cuz he wasn't hard enough.

I'm talking about the 250 of us that decided to stay until the end. We know what time it was... We couldn't get enough. Our bodies were beat severely from the lashes of Digger's set.

Next month will be Digger's alone again and he'll have to prove himself again to some of you that just won't give him the benefit of the doubt. He just blew us away! And that's why he is top 3 favorite djs.

Track of the night for me was that Heller track - Sputnik. It gave me a rush to carry me through until the end. Ofcourse, that new order remix of Blu Monday also helped me out. Sick!

for those 250 heads that I spent a few hours with, i hope u join us for the cox/tenaglia marathon. I can tell u this much, it will go past 1030...

night night!

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thats 2 weeks ina row u called a good night. i can't wait till next month.




pistol packin, monkey drinkin, no money bum, im from jersey cause that's where im from!!!!


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Originally posted by Nolimit:

Ofcourse, that new order remix of Blu Monday also helped me out. Sick.

THANK YOU DIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats what Ivew been trying to find out




And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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I went to see DT(him alone) at Space in Miami, I just have to say that by 1pm I was soo tired that I finally left. There were approximately 20 people left and he didn't finish till 2:30PM!!! I wish us all luck on the 19th. smile.gif I'm going to play it smart and not start really moving till like 5am. Who knows we might be there 3pm since it'll be Presidents day. cwm34.gif

Or I might end up like this guy----> cwm8.gif

Originally posted by Nolimit:

for those 250 heads that I spent a few hours with, i hope u join us for the cox/tenaglia marathon. I can tell u this much, it will go past 1030...

night night!


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

Duuuude your crushing my head!

[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 01-28-2001).]

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anyone read the mini interview they had with cox in muzik magazine. they asked him bout that night at twilo, and he said basically i'm gonna play an 8 hr opening set, and then danny'll go on and play another 2&1/2 weeks...


chronic is the answer...

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im ready for dt and cox. ill be there from opening till the sweep my ass out the door!!!!!




pistol packin, monkey drinkin, no money bum, im from jersey cause that's where im from!!!!


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Closing out -- the only way to fly... cwm35.gif

As far as Cox and DT is concerned, I am ALREADY there with flippin_e and trippintrance64... cwm38.gif

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me


"It comes and goes... the trick is to figure out how to get it to come more." - Randy James, Choreographer (speaking about focus... what were YOU thinking??)

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Umm... Meli?

that has to be the longest sig I've ever seen..

DIEGO: Thank you. That was a great party. I crapped out at 9. but he was really kicking my ass, esp after 5. Wow...


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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One word.."KISHNA" sega o o hinde co alum..sera ulo nang bata..

go ahead I don't know broken in the head is the kid..

needless to say i was all f#&'d up that nite but was sober for the last 3songs he played..

"Love in Traffic", Hide U and then that last song...I just don't know the title to it. Can someone help me with that...

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Originally posted by BKDJ:

Danny is off da hook, spun wit him at limelight back in da days! havent seen him in ny lately.. where's he been? i kno he used to spin at vinyl or sum isht.. wuts up wit him? cwm11.gifcwm16.gifcwm11.gif

HUH???????????DANNY?????????I though we were talking a bout Digweed?


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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w/o a doubt i will be standing at the end on presidents day




"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by p00h:

anyone read the mini interview they had with cox in muzik magazine. they asked him bout that night at twilo, and he said basically i'm gonna play an 8 hr opening set, and then danny'll go on and play another 2&1/2 weeks...


I hear you handled yourself rather well w/o your twilo buddy Friday. cwm34.gif

I guess I gotta book in some vacation time for this fest!

-Jamms "twilobuddy"


AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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Originally posted by p00h:

anyone read the mini interview they had with cox in muzik magazine. they asked him bout that night at twilo, and he said basically i'm gonna play an 8 hr opening set, and then danny'll go on and play another 2&1/2 weeks...


nice chillin saturday. i'm swinging by this week. we're gonna do this.

that freeland CD you gave me is BANGIN'.

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