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Hey AllNight23...I'm calling your ass out...

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Originally posted by allnight23:


Fuck you , you , and you

What the fuck I am playing with you people.

You think I am into this shit like you are? You got to be fuckin' kiddin me. Besides let me stress something again, you don't have to read all the postings, there is a scroll button on your mouse - use it!

And to all the annoyed people: who the fuck are you to tell me what to write on the public message board, obiously this whole "Club god" shit got into your heads.

Do you think out of over thousands postings you have done all of them were interesting, you gotta be fuckin naive. Mind your own Business, trust me it will be healthier for you...

Bunch of fuckin' posers, take out the dildo out of your ass and loosen up, it is all a JOKE! so have fun and let others have fun

Bada bing, bada bang!!!

boo hoo...you had me then you lost me...


yo knock yourself a pro slick, gray matter live performas down now take TCB'in man...


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allnight, have you been taking speed/crystal meth, cause you've been up for a while now. Maybe its time to take a nap, get some rest and lay off the narcotics brother. Before this gets any further, lay off the board relax for a while, your hands have got to be hurting from typing.



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YO allnight i told you mad people dont like when people post useless shit you fucking assfuck... Id kick your Stupid ass but my foot may turn retarded as well , PEACE




e-mail martin_izzo@netzero.net page 1917-243-0215

AIM:GLowbali <---



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Originally posted by glowball:

YO allnight i told you mad people dont like when people post useless shit you fucking assfuck... Id kick your Stupid ass but my foot may turn retarded as well , PEACE

That's the funniest shit you ever wrote yet... LOL


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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you guys better lay off the crap and (like allnight said) calm down a little...Damm.

Profanities and insults everywhere like its personal or somethng.

Most of you act like you own this damn board and your job is to censor the posts that aren't to your liking or something. Hell let him post whatever he wants, and i tend to agree with him about scrolling down past his posts if you dont want to deal or answer them w/o saying "fuck You" or "loser"...

I mean what are you trying to do? screen the posts for everyone else? SOme ppl might like to read other things besides "this club rox" "this one sux" and shit to that effect.

This stuff is really sad. Why the fuck would you gonna bash people for basically posting something that you dont like. At least he doesnt post offending or insulting personal topics. It seems like more and more ppl just reply and post with negative comments just cuz they got their PMS or something.

Dont wanna ramble anymore cuz its getting repetitive.

OH BTW Glowball: Are you that pissed that you mention of using physical force? SOrry to say but i think the only thing you can do is suck-a-fat-dick.

Why dont some ppl say something constructive for a change.

Thank you, goodnight!





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Hey guys bring back the Ya Yo topic - I’m laughing my ass off

Allnight - this is a sincere advice - people don’t like useless post - but on the other hand what is a useless post?

And to add to all of that most here are hypocrites and are quite lazy to click on the 3rd page to see their own post

Calm down stop fighting and chill

Besides you’re new here and if they choose to berry you - they will

and dont be a hypocrite yourself - if you post up whats the wildest place you had sex in - post up your own experience -except maybe you never did have sex?.... well thats another story

btw we do have a drama forum take all the fighting over there - i dunno what the hell you wrote to frank to get him all worked up like this but it isnt cool

and as for the peace offering - i dunno about the rest of the people i'll take my shot thank you very much smile.gif



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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Originally posted by glowball:

YO allnight i told you mad people dont like when people post useless shit you fucking assfuck... Id kick your Stupid ass but my foot may turn retarded as well , PEACE

LMAO. that's funneeee!! his foot may turn retarded............hehe



" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

[This message has been edited by sugar_n_spice (edited 01-30-2001).]

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