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Originally posted by cathyo:

I just checked it on freeality's reverse lookup and it is a listed number, not private.

Nothing illegal there.

Being posted in a phone book or the white pages via the internet is different than being posted on a website with alterior motives.

The person at that address can take legal action if they want to.

By the way..ia there a name to that listed number?



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Originally posted by iliana:

Being posted in a phone book or the white pages via the internet is different than being posted on a website with alterior motives.

The person at that address can take legal action if they want to.

By the way..ia there a name to that listed number?



Yea, it does say Iliana Escobar. You can see it on freeality.com. I do agree that numbers really shouldn't be put up here.



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Originally posted by iliana:

But please be aware if that number gets called and the person at that address get's harrassed they could definitley file a legal suit againt clubnyc and the person who posted the private information. cwm7.gif


Sorry sweety, but I think you're wrong on this one. If the Supreme Court says that AOL is not liable for content posted on its bulletin board systems and an appelate court says that Prodigy is not liable for content posted on its bulletin board systems, what makes you think ClubPlanet is?

So long as they respond to a request to take the message down, it won't even be heard in court. If they don't, at best, you will get an injunction. There's no constitutional, or otherwise, right to prevent the posting of public information.

On the (somewhat) bright side, I PM'ed e-tarded and then clubmaster telling them to take the msg down within the first few minutes when it went up. cwm6.gif

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Originally posted by aphelion:


Sorry sweety, but I think you're wrong on this one. If the Supreme Court says that <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://news.cnet.com/news/0,10000,0-1005-200-330496,00.html" TARGET=_blank>AOL is not liable</A> for content posted on its bulletin board systems and an appelate court says that <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.nylj.com/stories/99/12/120399a2.htm" TARGET=_blank>Prodigy is not liable</A> for content posted on its bulletin board systems, what makes you think ClubPlanet is?

So long as they respond to a request to take the message down, it won't even be heard in court. If they don't, at best, you will get an injunction. There's no constitutional, or otherwise, right to prevent the posting of public information.

On the (somewhat) bright side, I PM'ed e-tarded and then clubmaster telling them to take the msg down within the first few minutes when it went up. cwm6.gif

Well APEhellion...

I personally don't care. It's not my address or #. I feel sorry for anyone who has to pick up the phone and hear one of you retards ask for an iliana escobar.

Oh well.



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Originally posted by iliana:

Well APEhellion...

I personally don't care. It's not my address or #. I feel sorry for anyone who has to pick up the phone and hear one of you retards ask for an iliana escobar.

Oh well.



He was only stating fact and he did, by the way, say that he requested that the post be taken down. You don't have to jump on him and call him APEhellion and say things like "one of you retards".

Jesus, people try to be nice to you ocassionally and you're still nasty to them. What's up with that?

Honestly, and don't have a fit because I'm telling you this to HELP you, get your number changed and unlisted because I think everyone here believes that it IS your number by the way you are reacting.



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Originally posted by cathyo:

He was only stating fact and he did, by the way, say that he requested that the post be taken down. You don't have to jump on him and call him APEhellion and say things like "one of you retards".

Jesus, people try to be nice to you ocassionally and you're still nasty to them. What's up with that?

Honestly, and don't have a fit because I'm telling you this to HELP you, get your number changed and unlisted because I think everyone here believes that it IS your number by the way you are reacting.

Listen you fucking bitch....didn't you see how he spelled my name or are you fucking blind? Why don't you stick your nose where it belongs, up your smelly ass bitch!

Mind ya business.



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Originally posted by iliana:

Listen you fucking bitch....didn't you see how he spelled my name or are you fucking blind? Why don't you stick your nose where it belongs, up your smelly ass bitch!

Mind ya business.



LOL, you are too much! Are YOU fucking blind? Look at how petrol spelled it FIRST and then put that together with the fact that aphelion is fairly new to the board and even the simplest minded person would think that *maybe* he thought that was how you spelled it. Maybe...maybe not, but you have to err on the side of caution to avoid making an ass of yourself. Well, it's too late to save yourself that embarassment now.

I have to tell you, your posts are hilarious and pathetic all at once. It seems that you have the mentality of a very angry little 12 year old. It gives me a laugh to think about you sitting in front of the computer, all red faced and pouty, when you are typing those magnificent "comebacks" like "smelly ass bitch". That is fabulous and it doesn't make you sound like trash at all! Do you also stomp your feet and cry during these juvenile tantrums?? Like I said, I was only trying to help. You should learn to accept that when you can get it because with that attitude, it won't be offered to you frequently in life.

At any rate, keep us all laughing smile.gif I don't need to put you down, you're doing a fine job of it yourself.



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Originally posted by iliana:

Listen you fucking bitch....didn't you see how he spelled my name or are you fucking blind? Why don't you stick your nose where it belongs, up your smelly ass bitch!

Mind ya business.



LOL, you are too much! Are YOU fucking blind? Look at how petrol spelled it FIRST and then put that together with the fact that aphelion is fairly new to the board and even the simplest minded person would think that *maybe* he thought that was how you spelled it. Maybe...maybe not, but you have to err on the side of caution to avoid making an ass of yourself. Well, it's too late to save yourself that embarassment now.

I have to tell you, your posts are hilarious and pathetic all at once. It seems that you have the mentality of a very angry little 12 year old. It gives me a laugh to think about you sitting in front of the computer, all red faced and pouty, when you are typing those magnificent "comebacks" like "smelly ass bitch". That is fabulous and it doesn't make you sound like trash at all! Do you also stomp your feet and cry during these juvenile tantrums?? Like I said, I was only trying to help. You should learn to accept that when you can get it because with that attitude, it won't be offered to you frequently in life.

At any rate, keep us all laughing smile.gif I don't need to put you down, you're doing a fine job of it yourself.



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Originally posted by iliana:

Listen you fucking bitch....didn't you see how he spelled my name or are you fucking blind? Why don't you stick your nose where it belongs, up your smelly ass bitch!

Mind ya business.



Iliana, I meant nothing hostile when I said "IANAL." I'm disheartened by your assumptions, but I'm going to go ahead and explain it. That phrase seriously means:

I am not a lawyer.

It's commonly used on the Internet from what I've seen. (And it should be, especially when law is discussed.) Not everything is a personal attack on you.

I'm sure you'll reprimand yourself duly; there's no need for me or anyone else to do it here.

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Originally posted by aphelion:

Iliana, I meant nothing hostile when I said "IANAL." I'm disheartened by your assumptions, but I'm going to go ahead and explain it. That phrase seriously means:

I am not a lawyer.

It's commonly used on the Internet from what I've seen. (And it should be, especially when law is discussed.) Not everything is a personal attack on you.

I'm sure you'll reprimand yourself duly; there's no need for me or anyone else to do it here.

Hey look at that, you learn something new everyday. Thx aphelion, I didn't know that. BTW, I don't want you to think that I am in anyway dealing out unwarranted abuse. As you will come to see, Iliana attacks people without provocation very often. But, I will let you find that out on your own. I just don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. The best way to decide on these types of things is to do a seach under the member name and you can see all the fireworks that surround certain memebers.

As for you Iliana, well, I guess neither of them spelled your name wrong, which is exactly why I said that you should err on the side of caution and not jump all over people before knowing the facts.



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Originally posted by petrol:

While he should be responsible to the innocent, it is my understanding that the provider of such a service as a bulletin board is generally not legally responsible for the content.

Now, IANAL (i am not a lawyer) so I can only presume there are legal limits to what he must moderate (ie kiddy-porn), but regardless... posting personal info against one will seems a reasonable line to draw... and remove from the thread.

Unfortunately, it appears it's not so well known as I thought since two people read this thread and missed the association between the letters in all caps and the sentence in parenthesis.

It's a disclaimer, not an insult. Iliana, the safest assumption on this board is that people agree with you, or at least support you to some degree, so if it seems you're being attacked out of nowhere, like what happened above, you may want to reconsider the assumption that you're beig attacked.

peace to you,



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

Edit for clarity

[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 01-30-2001).]

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To: Dave

Apparently someone has posted an address and phone number in the Drama Board that is assumed to be mine. Fortunatly, it isn't. But please be aware if that number gets called and the person at that address get's harrassed they could definitley file a legal suit againt clubnyc and the person who posted the private information.

Hopefully the address and phone number are fake. If not, please use all your power to correct this incident from happening again.



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I just checked it on freeality's reverse lookup and it is a listed number, not private.

Nothing illegal there.



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~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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While he should be responsible to the innocent, it is my understanding that the provider of such a service as a bulletin board is generally not legally responsible for the content.

Now, IANAL (i am not a lawyer) so I can only presume there are legal limits to what he must moderate (ie kiddy-porn), but regardless... posting personal info against one will seems a reasonable line to draw... and remove from the thread.

Edit: corrected 'mot' to 'not' (a lawyer)

[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 01-30-2001).]

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