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PhOtonS v.s GloWsTicks

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well i am quite partial to photons (blinky lights) the glowsticks are two much a waste of money, since they wear out so quick. The combination can be quite nice tho. lots of collors cwm35.gif

oooo pretty colors



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Sticks if you want to do strings.

Photons if you just like using your hands.



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<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.angelfire.com/nj3/PinJinTu/Pintu.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.angelfire.com/nj3/PinJinTu/Pintu.html</A>


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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

what the fuck man dont be starting that shit!! what do u like titties or pussy....damn niggah both!! LMAO

Damn brother relax!!!!!!!!hey man i just wanted to know so when me and you are cutting Twilo up the 9th we know what the crowd wants to see. na meen player

plus you know glowsticks is gonna be holdin it down that night with his boys young and shit so we got to hold it down with da photons kid!!!!!!!

ps.....call me later so we can BLaze kid!!!!


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Glowsticks of course...come on now much better than photons...Man its gonna get ugly Feb 9th....Me and my boys are gonna make some people look real silly..You didnt see the half of it at diggers...try and contest and you will get fire spit all over you..UNLESS its star from what I hear hes the king of NY..I will gladly pass my sticks to him and watch and learn....Fellas i dont know...what do you think..



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

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i personally think combining glowstix and photons makes it look hott if you know what ur doin. i can rip it up easeir with glowstix cause there easier to see and you don't have to be pushin the damn button all night. ill see everybody in the club

SF Saturday nights

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

Glowsticks of course...come on now much better than photons...Man its gonna get ugly Feb 9th....Me and my boys are gonna make some people look real silly..You didnt see the half of it at diggers...try and contest and you will get fire spit all over you..UNLESS its star from what I hear hes the king of NY..I will gladly pass my sticks to him and watch and learn....Fellas i dont know...what do you think..

Yo I def hear dat kid but me and tino r gonna hold it down on photons. and If digger what you and young and your crew did was not even half of what you actually have then all I can say is watch out everyone cuz glowsticks is NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by trikki:


How are they "played out"? just because people have been using them for a long time? If that's why, then everything in this world is played out, including you! Your probably just bitter cuz you can't dance!

Sorry I have major beef with the experession played out!!! People use it way to much in the wrong context

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Err, wtf trikki?

i personally agree with naydogs.

Why do you have to put glowsticks down like that. Maybe because you can't use them? Or maybe you get epileptic seizures from those blinking photons?


I personally prefer watching skilled ppl do glowsticks than photons, (prolly because i like to try and use glowstx too) but that doesnt mean im gonna tell anyone to stop using photons or something.

Let people use whatever makes them happy/enjoy the club experience better.

Rad_ cwm9.gif




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Yes, you are sooooo right, I am so upset because I can't dance, that's the reason that I put glowsticks down!!! Get a life honey. Glowsticks are very "PLAYED OUT" nobody wants to see them anymore unless you are between the ages of 17 and 20, because that is the only age group that makes it their business to go out and make that trip to TOYS R' US to buy them to make sure that they are fully prepared for the evening. Get over it.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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Originally posted by trikki:

Yes, you are sooooo right, I am so upset because I can't dance, that's the reason that I put glowsticks down!!! Get a life honey. Glowsticks are very "PLAYED OUT" nobody wants to see them anymore unless you are between the ages of 17 and 20, because that is the only age group that makes it their business to go out and make that trip to TOYS R' US to buy them to make sure that they are fully prepared for the evening. Get over it.

Actually sweets I'm 22 and maybe I don't bring them with me anymore, but if someone hands them to me, I'll rock them, so once again your wrong! and if nobody want to see them why do I see tons of people using them and even more people watching them.

And played out? WTF is that, are you one of those shallow people who won't like a track anymore even if it tears ass, just because it's "played out"?

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Originally posted by clubhead32:

If digger what you and young and your crew did was not even half of what you actually have then all I can say is watch out everyone cuz glowsticks is NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep yep......I second that......glowsticks and his boy had me seeing sparks after he broke out the high intensitys.......he got his props from me already though.......



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Originally posted by trikki:

Yes, you are sooooo right, I am so upset because I can't dance, that's the reason that I put glowsticks down!!! Get a life honey. Glowsticks are very "PLAYED OUT" nobody wants to see them anymore unless you are between the ages of 17 and 20, because that is the only age group that makes it their business to go out and make that trip to TOYS R' US to buy them to make sure that they are fully prepared for the evening. Get over it.

Time out are you FuCKin kidding me please darling your joking right!!!!!!I hope so. How can you say a stupid thing like that. Listen if I enjoy doing photons or glowstix then let me enjoy it but who r u to tell me that its played out I guess you stopped going to clubs and raves cuz everywhere I go I see people doing it. So word of advice if you dont like it then stay the Fuck away from it when people are doing it!!!!



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I go in there and knock right into those stupid things and could care less what you little RAVERS think. The people that are watching you idots engage in this stupidity are those who are immature like yourselves and envy you people...Why I have no idea. Seriously, they need to be retired.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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Photons vs. Glow Sticks to be honest, I use them both.. I like Glow Sticks, because you are able to move a bit more freely. Photons are cool also, but require a very consistent movement of you hands. The Photon II has an on / off switch which is very convenient

To the folks who think Glow Sticks are played out; that is your opinion. However

Critizing people, because they choose to use them is somewhat ridiculous. Glow Stick / Photon users add an interesting element to the environment of a club; just like beautiful people, and good music. I am on this board quiet a bit; and it seems that anything people do as means to express themselves; seems to offend certain people. Going to a club is about having fun; in whatever way makes you feel comfortable, and with do respect to others. Judgmental behavior; should not have a place in a club. Clubbing should be about having fun !!!!!


Major props to my fellow Glow Stick / Photon users !!!!!!




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Originally posted by trikki:

Did I touch a nerve with all of you kiddies?

God trikki you just love drama huh?..look at you just starting with everyone. GO TO THE DRAMA BOARD.

Oh....and I think it is kind of ironic how you are calling us kids when your acting like a kid yourself!!! I think your making yourself look like a fool!

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Originally posted by trikki:

I go in there and knock right into those stupid things and could care less what you little RAVERS think. The people that are watching you idots engage in this stupidity are those who are immature like yourselves and envy you people...Why I have no idea. Seriously, they need to be retired.

Jealousy is such an ugly side of some people...Straight up If you want ill give you some lessons Ill turn you into a Raver I know thats what you want...You dont have to sit in the club humpin the poles...get on the dance floor and work it partner..Dont go against the current youll never end up gettin upstream...For real though come check me out at Twilo. Me and my boys will be in the middle of the cirlce tearin it up..Stop the hate...please




Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

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