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REAL reason not to post real names >

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An important rule was brought up by the other post ( http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/020660.html ) before it went off on a tangent. Perhaps the most important reason not to use other people's real names on this board (unless it's ok with them) is that Big Brother is watching. I work in the computer industry and along with my fellow geeks here know just how much of our online activities are being tracked by our employers. If you surf the web from your office, every site you go to, every image you view with your browser and every email you send could be monitored. Let me give you an example: there is software at my office that tracks all of the aforementioned plus how much time I'm on the web, what parts of the day I'm online and which sites I frequent the most. Also, there are "filters" on our email servers that search for certain phrases or words.

Normally, employers look the other way and don't usually view all of the info that the software gathers. However, if they ever want to fire you and can't think of a politically correct and documentable reason that you wouldn't be able to sue them for...guess what?

1) They'll start to sift through your surfing habits.

2) They'll see that you spend time on Clubplanet

3) They'll use Clubplanet's handy little "search" feature to look for posts with your name mentioned ANYWHERE in them.

4) They might find a post about what you'd "consumed" the previos night.

5) Since each post has a unique URL, they'll backtrack to your corporate IP to verify that your REAL name corresponds to your screen name

6) Moday, there'll be a mandatory drug test for all employees...guess who'll fail miserably.



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well i'm very happy to say i don't have to worry about that in my office. no-one is watching me and if they were they wouldn't give a shit....as long as this place is running smoothly i can dick around on the computer......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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I hate Co. that do that, and I hope I never have to work for a Co. that does that. They should ASAP tell you like a week before they will start doing that so you know what to look out for. Co.'s that go behind people's back should fail miserbly. (sp?)



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Originally posted by uknjx2:

....as long as this place is running smoothly i can dick around on the computer......

Same here: out of the five computers I have on my desk, one is dedicated to nothing else than dicking around on the web. My employers couldn't care less either as long as the poo doesn't impact the proverbial ventilator...then I'd be screwed.



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Originally posted by vejita:

As long as my work is on time and solid, my employers could care less if I smoked crack at work! I'm not too worried.....

Ha! I do smoke crack with my employers...lol

And we surf the web lookin for free nudey sites!



- "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - uNKoWN

- "It's better to be baked, not fried!" - GrOOvE

- Myrlin's ho!

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I agree with the post and we should all be careful, however...an employer cannot give you a drug test without prior notice. If your company did not notify you at any time that they would be doing random drug testing, they can't just decide to do one. If I am wrong please, let me know, but if my employer came to me tomorrow and said, here pee in this...I would tell them no.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by translucent:

Let me give you an example: there is software at my office that tracks all of the aforementioned plus how much time I'm on the web, what parts of the day I'm online and which sites I frequent the most. Also, there are "filters" on our email servers that search for certain phrases or words.

If they bust me for anything, which infers that they have spent money on that shit instead of giving me a fair salary, I would very glad to work elsewhere.

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when a company hires you, and you sign the forms many companies have you sign a form with little bitty writing that states they can drug test at any time. i guess the bottom line is to use caution on line. smile.gif have a good weekend everyone.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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