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Have you ever felt guilty cause...

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nope, never!! not only do i post on this board but i watch tv and sleep too (when there's no surgery going on and i'm the only one here)!! i usually bust my butt for this place and it's rare a doctor will say thankyou. a lot of doctors are money-hungry jerks and i say this b/c i've seen it with my own eyes. you wouldn't believe the extent some of them will go to make another dollar....sooo greedy. not all doctors are like this but a lot are. can you believe that one of our patients died before her surgery day (i deal mainly with geriatrics b/c this is a cataract and glaucoma facility) and the doctor said "too bad she couldn't hold on for another week"....all for a lousy thousand medicare dollars. sickening!! so no, i don't feel bad at all as long as the job is getting done....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Yeh i do.. sometimes, i got a performace bonus when i first started posting and i felt a twinge of guilt. Didn't last long though.

Nicki i know what your saying about doctors. I worked for them for 7 years they are ruthless with money.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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