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Bad Pills

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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

Sorry, I have been out running errands. Well, the whole point of leaving my email was so that people who were concerned could discuss this privately. The reason to not ID the pill is to not create a panic. People who have been interested enough have emailed me.

I suggest using a site like dancesafe and a product like EZ test to check your pills.

Why wouldn't you want to put up the name of the pill unless you are making this all up?

BTW, why would you want people to email you? Do you want to have their email addresses for some reason?



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At the risk of sounding paranoid, a couple of your past posts, as well as this one, are a little "strange". Particulary the ones when you asked for clubbers who use E, K, GHB and crystal meth to email you so they could be on a "TV show" and the one where you were asking if anyone could email you with information about where "crystal" would be partying on a particular night.

Getting on a board and asking where to get crystal meth and wanting to meetup with people who use E, K, G and CM make you sound like a narc.

If your not, sorry, but if you are you need to be a bit more discreet.



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Originally posted by xlr8a99:

Sounds like? How does it SOUND like? Have you looked, not heard, but LOOKED at the test results? Two have you already replied for NO reason AT ALL. This thread was merely to tell you NOT to take them, not to fight about what exactly IS in them. There is NO DISPUTE about what these UFO's CONTAIN. Which part DON'T you understand? DO NOT EAT THEM, and for christs sake, stop trying to look like you're smarter than the next guy.

Slow down... original post didn't even say what the fucking pill was... SO GO FUCK YOURSELF...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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I don't have any authoritative knowledge and I didn't mean any harm in my comment. But, as I'm sure you know...you can't be too careful.

I'm sure that the authorities do check sites like this, especially if they think they can get hooked up with a dealer. You have to admit, finding a dealer this way is much easier than shaking down a kid at SF.

Anyway, like I said, no disrespect.

As far as ID'ing the pill, it would be better to put the name up whether it's been tested or not. Better question would be "why not put it up??". Someone might have it in their hand at this very moment. Again, better safe than sorry.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 02-04-2001).]

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Yup yup, they were floating around here in the fall. I did have two friends that got VERY fucked up on them. Not hospitalized but almost there.

I recall hearing that they did have PMA in them, I guess there is no way to know for sure. I don't think PMA shows up with EZ test.

At any rate, good call, if anyone come across them I'm sure they'll stay away.



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Originally posted by cathyo:

I recall hearing that they did have PMA in them, I guess there is no way to know for sure. I don't think PMA shows up with EZ test.

It doesn't turn colors at all...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

It doesn't turn colors at all...

What if it had methamphetamine/amphetamine and PMA (if that is possible).

Would it still change colors because of the m/a content anyway??



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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People arent stupid. Next time have someone down at the NYPD make up the story for ya


i could be wrong....but seems to sketchy to me. cwm35.gif


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

2 people I know ended up in the ER this weekend after taking the same type of pill (1 guy took 1 pill, the other guy took 2). We found out through the grapevine and from the ER doctor that 4 people who took 1 or 2 of these pills ended up in the ER really messed up, with chest pain, unable to speak or function normally. The symptoms have lasted for more than 24 hours now.

I don't want to creat a panic, so I won't identify the pills here, but if anyone has had a similar experience recently or even this weekend, by all means email me. If enough people name the same pill, I guess I/we should make the identity of it known. These guys are really pretty messed up.




TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I think 4 sick mofos warrants the release of the identity of the mistery pilll. Give it up, dont let us die coppper!

BTW, the pill that is my sig is actually a speed/crystal meth pill disguised as an E-pill. I know a couple of people ended up in a hostpital in Philly with seizures after taking a couple of them. I dont know these people, just read it in the news.heeehheee



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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

You say "People aren't stupid". Your post seems to demonstrate otherwise.

Out of curiousity, what seems sketchy

Well i am glad that you ask....asshole.

1) You state that there are dangerous pills out there. Which would be great, and would be, in fact, appreciated.....if you would had named the type of pill it was before someone called you out (cathyo.)

2) So, you make a post warning all about said pills, and randomly ask everyone for thier email addresses, which can EASILY be traced via IP addys. (does it seem sketchy to you yet?)

And you know...you are right. there may be a few people on here that are stupid. Ok, maybe just one. Stating that there is a dangerous pill out there, and not making it a public warning is probably the dumbest thing I'VE ever seen. Let's say you are what you say you are. Giving out the information to ONLY the people that show interest, via e-mail is ludicrous. Does that mean, that if there was a nuclear bomb going off in a building, you would only warn those who's email addresses you possessed? it's an extreme analogy, but death is death. The fact that you did that alone doesnt make you believeable.

Im sorry, not trying to cause any drama, but look at it from this point of view, and next time you will think twice about who you call stupid. My $0.02


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me





AIM: fantom0680

[This message has been edited by trippintrance64 (edited 02-05-2001).]

[This message has been edited by trippintrance64 (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Im sorry, not trying to cause any drama, but look at it from this point of view, and next time you will think twice about who you call stupid. My $0.02



Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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I have to question his/her motives... sorry if you were sincere.

But it struck me as a great way to get on someone's mailing list. Or in a more paranoid vein, on some other list.

Give up the info... don't be vague. Those who should be concerned shouldn't have to write to you.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Al has very good points... and if you call him (or any other concerned board members who mean well) stupid again, I will be forced to whoop on you... cwm21.gifcwm23.gif Okay.. maybe not whoop on you, but it's still wrong -- this is a community in which we look out for each other and are protective of our own. If you're getting all huffy about that, then you are just outright wrong.

- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Well i am glad that you ask....asshole.

1) You state that there are dangerous pills out there. Which would be great, and would be, in fact, appreciated.....if you would had named the type of pill it was before someone called you out (cathyo.)

2) So, you make a post warning all about said pills, and randomly ask everyone for thier email addresses, which can EASILY be traced via IP addys. (does it seem sketchy to you yet?)

And you know...you are right. there may be a few people on here that are stupid. Ok, maybe just one. Stating that there is a dangerous pill out there, and not making it a public warning is probably the dumbest thing I'VE ever seen. Let's say you are what you say you are. Giving out the information to ONLY the people that show interest, via e-mail is ludicrous. Does that mean, that if there was a nuclear bomb going off in a building, you would only warn those who's email addresses you possessed? it's an extreme analogy, but death is death. The fact that you did that alone doesnt make you believeable.

Im sorry, not trying to cause any drama, but look at it from this point of view, and next time you will think twice about who you call stupid. My $0.02

Al, I love it when you get mad, grrrrr wink.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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