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do you believe in astrological signs?

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As far as describing people's personalities, the horoscopes are usually so right on about me that it's freaky sometimes. The ones about predicting your day vary - some of them are lame, and others are sometimes so accurate that it pisses me off - am I really that predictable? I'd like to think not...

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i never take any of that stuff too seriously...i still read it for kicks though...but i think if u really look into it, you'll see theyre all so vague in what they say, u could say that to anyone and it will be true eventually.

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astrological horoscopes are recycled from the years past, when they can't think of new ones. i know someone who works for a paper:P

my sign always brings me bad luck anyways, so i don't pay attention:P




aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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yes, i believe the energy dynamics of celetial bodies have a sort of effect on everyone.

horoscopes and the like are only interpretations of these energies and the general effect of how it may influence your daily existence. it is up to you to figure out which you believe to be trusted (rather accurate) souces, and you ultimately have to see how the reading applies.

some may believe this leads to self-fulfilling prophecies!! cwm12.gif




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Originally posted by ReginaP:

Some of it. Some things I've read about my sign (Aquarius) are just too true to be a coincidence, but I get along w/ signs I'm not "supposed" to get along with as well. It's mostly just for fun. cwm12.gif

I am an aquarius also! I get along with many signs that I shouldn't. It is still fun to read about!



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They work by being generic, saying things that people either want to think about themselves or happen to everybody.

People always remember what works and forget what doesn't work. I don't beleive but i can say that i have read things and though that is me.

Some make me laugh saying look out for somebody with S in the name.. i mean if you carn't see through that.

Ok here are two Tourean scopes now read them, firstly the contradict each other. Secondly they both give different advice, so even if it is true which one do you beleive?

And if it is a science why isn't it precise?


Jupiter's link to Venus gives the week an encouraging start. It then becomes your task to maintain that momentum. There's no great secret skill required here; merely a willingness to be serenely philosophical in the face of inexplicable inconsistency. Well, perhaps more than a willingness; a resolute commitment to your highest sense of perspective. There are some ludicrous things taking place around you now. Don't resent the ridiculous. Just recognise it and refuse to let it distract you from that which makes perfect sense.


Search your feelings. Be objective. Do your duty to resolve alienation. In time, people will appreciate the work that you do on yourself.... You are challenged to act in your own best interests.... Network. Exchange ideas. Enjoy social as well as business meetings.... Spur yourself and your partner to new levels of stimulation.

Current Influence of the Outer Planets

Each influence lasts from several weeks to a month or more.

Be sure to reward the loyalty you value.... Develop your ability to process technical data. Make an effort to think. Dare to become more intense, novel, complex, original and brilliant.... You are challenged to be charismatic. Express your fantasies. Steer clear of hypersensitive folks.


Today you feel your own personal power and you are content to play the waiting game with a loved one who has not yet decided on the way to go and you, being content in your knowledge of his/her love is in no doubt as to the outcome; neither will you be disappointed.

Then there are these type which will ring a bell with maybe a good percentage of people but not others. So what they do is rotate subjects, they will say on Monday go on about Relationships, Tuesdays go on about works problems so that by the end of the weeks you will have 'found' two things in them that have something to do with you and belive it all. Somebody i know who used to write a column for a British paper told me this.

Oh and it's been around for thousands of years and tehre is NO evidance it works.



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by Unbound:

I am a libra and i am not supposed to get along with other libras - but i still do - what about your observations? do you believe this stuff?

I tend to find this very true when it comes to a male and female libra together. However, myself also being a libra, I can tell you that being friends with a libra of the same sex can be very rewarding when having good times and easily forgiveable when in little disagreements but when it comes to (especailly libra girls) a true fight breaking out be careful because the libra although out to have balance in their lives will spite you big time too if you tip their scale too much. With Libras I tend to keep this quote in mind..."Keeps your friends close and your enemies even closer"

Libra and Libra compatiablity

When two Libras come together in a love affair, they form one of the most agreeable, romantic and well-balanced relationships around. Harmony and aesthetics are of utmost importance to Libra; two Libras together bring their magically balanced and beautiful touch to everything they do together. Libra is the Sign of Partnership; Libra loves to be in love, and two together spells relationship bliss. If they're just dating, they spend their time at romantic movies and coffee houses; if they're cohabiting, their house looks like an art gallery, full of the finest and loveliest of everything.

Libra wants everyone to love them -- sometimes to a fault. They abhor conflict, and if one arises they're apt to back down just to maintain the peace. It's not that they're insincere or that they don't care, it's that conflict makes them extremely uncomfortable. The Libra-Libra duo understands this about one another and it's rare that either one will push the other to compromise their shared sensibilities. Libra is most balanced while in a relationship, and each of them love having someone to admire and dote upon. They're happiest when they have someone with similar interests with whom to share their experiences.

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Originally posted by melichacha:

I find them to be pretty darn accurate... I know that I am definitely Aries through and through...

- meli - cwm35.gif

Babe, don't slap me, but I didn't know you were an aries! As a matter of fact. You have never told me your b-day! cwm23.gifcwm34.gif I'm an aries too. I agree with ReginaP, I find them to be to damned true to be coincidental. But I don't think that they are very true on the day to day scopes. Most of them describe my personality traits to a T. Funny thing is how they also describe your perfect partner. Some of their predictions have been true w/ me. Maybe they are just things everyone thinks about themselves but don't talk about.


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

Duuuude your crushing my head!


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nope. by far, they are so off for me.. i used to be really interested, even fascinated by it. now i'm like wtf? because it's so generic, they make the predictions general so that it could apply to anyone.

but anyways, the only possible thing that leaves a lill light at the end of the tunnel for me is the fact that it's been around for such a long time. that makes me want to believe that there's something to be desired in the positions of the moon and stars... but i still wonder what... until then, i'm not a fan of astrology...

peace! --daniela



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

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