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paging: fagbasher

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I want to help see the following link on Psychology, look at the following...

Judging by your symptoms you are Histrionic, help is available. Then you can move on and get a life... if there is anything I can help you with just PM me. It's tuff and you act the way you do for a reason, you may tell yourself it's because you find it's funny but getting past that denial stage it half the battle.


DSM Characteristics of Several Personality Disorders

Match up the following disorders with the descriptions of the party:

Paranoid: suspicious, argumentative, paranoid, continually on the lookout for trickery and abuse, jealous, tendency to blame others, cold and humorless

Schizoid: has few friends; a "loner"; indifferent to praise and criticism of others; unable to form close relationships; no warm or tender feelings for other people

Sociopath: breaks rules and laws; takes advantage of other people for personal gain; feels little remorse or guilt; appears friendly and charming on the surface; often intelligent

Schizotypal: also aloof and indifferent like the schizoid; magical thinking; superstitious beliefs; uses unusual words and has peculiar ideas; a very mild form of schizophrenia

Borderline: very unstable relationships; erratic emotions; self- damaging behavior; impulsive; unpredictable aggressive and sexual behavior; monophobia; easily angered

Histrionic: overly dramatic; attention seekers; easily angered; seductive; dependent on others; vain, shallow, and manipulative; displays intense, but often false emotions

Narcissistic: grandiose; crave admiration of others; extremely self-centered; feel they are privileged and special; expects favors from others; emotions are not erratic

Compulsive: perfectionists; preoccupied with details, rules, schedules; more concerned about work than pleasure; serious and formal; cannot express tender feelings

Passive-Aggressive: indirectly expresses anger by being forgetful and stubborn; procrastinates; cannot admit to feeling angry; habitually late



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I want to help see the following link on Psychology, look at the following...

Judging by your symptoms you are Histrionic, help is available. Then you can move on and get a life... if there is anything I can help you with just PM me. It's tuff and you act the way you do for a reason, you may tell yourself it's because you find it's funny but getting past that denial stage it half the battle.

STFU...ASSWIPE....rip you a new pussy...you fag...WERD....dont preach that shit to me...just find me an easy chickie...WERD...


>I am 40 years old, can't find a girl to marry me<

>Girls don't want to screw me, so I buttfuck Frankie Boy<

>I take care of my Korean people<

>Blueangel is the greatest person in the World<

>Frankie, did you cook my dinner yet?<

>I am moving to LA cause girls there are dumb, I can trick them into marrying me<

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

b2b, need a guest speaker at one of your meetings? i'll check my sked and let you know...

Great thanks for the offee, It apears EVERYBODY is having problems with these sad intelectually stunted creatures.. i may have a long hard task to get these people back in to society... but somebody has to do it..

Anotehr article on these weird people who take the piss on message boards. At least the medical profesion if recognising it as an ILLNESS. Freaks. http://www.driesen.com/support_groups.htm

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As for getting rid of the online attention-seekers, Yorker says confrontation is probably the most reliable way of stopping the postings. These people often go on to to become loaners as they distance themselves from society and start to believe their manufactures persona.

Source: WebMD Medical News

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sup, kids-

Well, 5 out of 9 ain't bad...

But seriously, I'm getting a bit scared... cwm36.gif

Somebody help me...




gOInG BoNKeRs???


Sometimes, Excess is Barely Enough...


You Know What I Was, You See What I Am: Change Me, Change Me!

[This message has been edited by notforkids (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

As for getting rid of the online attention-seekers, Yorker says confrontation is probably the most reliable way of stopping the postings. These people often go on to to become loaners as they distance themselves from society and start to believe their manufactures persona.

Source: WebMD Medical News

b2b, don't be spoiling my fun, now! as fagbashing is great sport to some, so is countering it to others. I shall never surrender!


Administrative Signature:


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

b2b, don't be spoiling my fun, now! as fagbashing is great sport to some, so is countering it to others. I shall never surrender!

Sorry, all i can do is offer my support in your countering effort.. although i don't think you need it wink.gif

Regina, call that an EMAIL? smile.gif

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Originally posted by ReginaP:

What do you want from me, blood?! cwm14.gif

sup, kids-

Ah, I suddenly like this ReginaP person... saevil.gif



Fresh Meat and New...


Sometimes, Excess is Barely Enough...


You Know What I Was, You See What I Am: Change Me, Change Me!

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