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That's it! I'm starting my own whoring business... My pimp ain't shiznit!

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well if one of my pimps, i mean my only pimp, would hook me up with some nice wigs i may bring in more ching-ching but right now all i have is nambla members after my ass and they're all a bunch of FREAKS!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by schwingep:

Ladies Ladies...maybe if you paid me every now and then you wouldn't get the severve treatment I've been dishin out. And damn business is slow cause you've just been frontin and not givin out the goods...I was about to drop all yo asses out by the holland tunnel, but come over tonight and I'll give ya one more shot, or else you go find yourself another pimp cause I don't need any more of you cheap ass ho's that don't make me any $$$

- Pete"daddysgettingprettyannoyed"


See what I mean people???! He ain't shiznit! Always talking about, "Bitch betta ha mah munnie."

Hey, you going to SF on Sat???


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

See what I mean people???! He ain't shiznit! Always talking about, "Bitch betta ha mah munnie."

Hey, you going to SF on Sat???

Well if ya actually got off your ass...and stuck it in the air that is, maybe you'd be bring in sum dollaz, but I'm through with $.10 whores, you're not even worth $.02 of my time....and no SF 4 me this sat but next sat Mac and I will be spinning downstairs again so get there early.

Nikki, I told you I'd take you down to 8th street to get you the Monica Lewinsky special or the Brittney Spears wig but you keep blowin me off biatch

- Pete"time2findsomenewbitchestosmackaround"





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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

how about you can stay in my room at the wmc and be my little sex kitten for the whole time, food, pool, music and... well like someone said, can't talk on these lines!

Waaaiiit a minute! You're going to the WMC, now??? OK, we're going to have to do a litle negotiating, a la R. Gere and J. Roberts in "Pretty Woman"!


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

Waaaiiit a minute! You're going to the WMC, now??? OK, we're going to have to do a litle negotiating, a la R. Gere and J. Roberts in "Pretty Woman"!

I was thinking more woody harrelson and demi moore...where he offers me a million dollars to sleep with you

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: ???

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Originally posted by jammy:

<..> And I treat my hoes very well (ask Jessica cwm27.gif )

Yeah, she's p1mp-tastic! Not only do I get to sell my ass on the streets and make money, but she treats me with kindness and dignity. I mean, she always slaps her other man-whores at least twice a day, and I only get p1mp-slapped once! cwm4.gif

Btw, what happens when a man-whore and a she-whore have sex? Do they write each other IOU's or something?



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Oh, so now you're trying to say that you'll only sleep with me for a million dollars??? See, always popping shiznit!


no I'm saying Spheric has to pay ME a million dollars to sleep with you...i don't touch my ho's

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: ???

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Waaaiiit a minute! You're going to the WMC, now??? OK, we're going to have to do a litle negotiating, a la R. Gere and J. Roberts in "Pretty Woman"!

I'm Djing two parties while I'm out there! I got a phat room with a sick pool area as well!!! We can definitly negotiate!


"Play every record like it's your last"

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Originally posted by schwingep:

no I'm saying Spheric has to pay ME a million dollars to sleep with you...i don't touch my ho's

- Pete


Wait a second, I'm housing your ho and you want me to pay...Hmmmmm! I don't know about that!



"Play every record like it's your last"

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My new price will be $0.10 per hour (a really nice person on the board said that I'm a 10 cent ho, and silly me has only been charging 5 cents all this time, can you stand it!) I don't make house calls, appointments are held at my brothel.

Now, all I need are some clients. I need to make some money for my trip to Miami!

Oh, and all you other whores are more than welcome to join me in my new business venture... We have to stick together you know!


Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Girrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I already have my establishment up and running. And I treat my hoes very well (ask Jessica cwm27.gif ) I cannot discuss monetary compensation over these lines but a call to my p1mp phone should do the trick...Just be sure to have a resume handy, b/c I do background checks.

-Jamms "tapthatass"



AIM: ynicholas face50.gif

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Diva, forget that dime work. Come over to my lair, and work for me. All the bedrooms are theme rooms, the space room, the Rio room, Wild West room, etc. Hell, I even got a Disney porn room.

All costumes, rooms, laundry services and meals provided to you by the house. And i'll even give you a solid $3/hr plus tips. As a bonus, with the help of a certain friend, I'll also get you on a good food stamp and government cheese program... Now that will get you ready for the WMC.



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Ladies Ladies...maybe if you paid me every now and then you wouldn't get the severve treatment I've been dishin out. And damn business is slow cause you've just been frontin and not givin out the goods...I was about to drop all yo asses out by the holland tunnel, but come over tonight and I'll give ya one more shot, or else you go find yourself another pimp cause I don't need any more of you cheap ass ho's that don't make me any $$$

- Pete"daddysgettingprettyannoyed"





Upcoming Shows: ???

My new web site...Version 1.04a



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