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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Off Board Etiquette

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Well, Ive had many, many people bring this to me and I've decided to bite the bullet and say something about it.

People have argued and express concerns regarding the "board" and "board names" in the real world. So ive tried to compile this fun list

1) When someone introduces their friends, they will state whether or not they are on the "board"

2) If you do not know if someone you knows friend is on the board, dont ask them....ask your friend or acquaintance.

3) If the friend of someone you know is of the opposite sex, definately dont ask...lol

4) If you dont give a shit, proceed as before but know some people dont like it.

Now this is a compilation of many peoples opinions and thoughts, so enjoy and flame away.

oh and 5) You must rub my head if yur female, it brings good luck ask around LoL



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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Originally posted by myrlin:

5) You must rub my head if yur female, it brings good luck ask around LoL

Which one...perv?



-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"We where somewhere in the desert, near Barstow....when the drugs began to kick in" -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas




AIM: fantom0680

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Al thanks for asking.. lol i didn't wanna get a funny look next time i seen myrlin and rubbed his crotch, now i know which head to rub... i'm in need of some more luck!


xoxoxo mwwahz



lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




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Originally posted by momadance:

I dont get it, is being on the board some kind of secret? why cant you ask someone, what am I missing?

Yeah, it is...we're trying to turn this thing into a secret society like Skull and Bones. We're all getting CP tatoos and starting to initiate new members by paddling their naked asses...Yeeehaaaw..Bring out the goats!



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Originally posted by momadance:

I dont get it, is being on the board some kind of secret? why cant you ask someone, what am I missing?

No it's no secret...it's just etiquette. Just because I'm talking to someone, doesn't mean that person is on the board. I could have just met that person 5 minutes ago. So it's not cool if 300 people come running up and directly asking this stranger what her board name is! Say hello to me and let me do the introductions please. If she/he is on the board I will definitely make sure to tell you.





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Why do I have the feeling between the crowd and the music and lights and screaming I won't have any idea who I am talking to?!

Oh well-not that it mattters I'll talk to anyone anyway.

Just look for me so I don't have to think so hard. SCORPIO shirt OK



The music makes the people come together...


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