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PVD was off the hook, but....

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Originally posted by keshiki:

bullshit you racist! You refer to me constantly as an "asian slut" and a "chinese slut" etc. so stop lying!

He tries to hide being a racist... when the original post is so apparently prejudiced and racist.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

ur the one whos looking stupid, ur asshole, yeah but we all know that ppl use the term b&t, theyre talking about white ppl, guidos,etc , so give me a break and yes it is racist what was said to me , alright, Oh yeah hold up i forgot....its only racist when its remarks about minoriites...my bad...

Uhm, no it isnt. Bridge and tunnel simply means people who do not live in Manhattan.

Regardless of race, religion and creed.

***Racism - the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, which results in the other races being treated unfairly ***

Keep trying



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 02-11-2001).]

[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 02-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

ur the one whos looking stupid, ur asshole, yeah but we all know that ppl use the term b, theyre talking about white ppl, guidos,etc , so give me a break and yes it is racist what was said to me , alright, Oh yeah hold up i forgot....its only racist when its remarks about minoriites...my bad...

Oh please... shut the fuck up already... you're DUMBER than I thought.


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


[This message has been edited by ezdreamer (edited 02-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:


Hey, brain farts are good... you get temporary moments of thought... which is good to know that you have at least some brain activity going through what is normally an empty skull...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Originally posted by myrlin:

Uhm, no it isnt. Bridge and tunnel simply means people who do not live in Manhattan.

Regardless of race, religion and creed.

***Racism - the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, which results in the other races being treated unfairly ***

Keep trying

thanks for the definition...


we all know that when ppl on the board say B&T crowd , u know whta they're refering to, okay if u dont , read other posts, and see how they diss b&t crowd, okay,so u keeep trying..


aim: amafrk1


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Oh great, there goes another several posts by ezdreamer and his buds (myrlin and shadowchaser) What is it about you guys?

You need 3 ppl to gang up on one just because he or she is stating their own opinion?

If they dont like twilo or think the vibe is shitty compared to other clubs, thats their business and thats it. Obviously they have some sort of a basis for their opinions: maybe past expereinces?

Fuck man all i ever see is about 50 fucking posts about twilo being " the shit" " the best club", "every other club sux ass" and crap like that. Its like if anyone has any hint of negativity in their message about twilo, there is a bunch of lamers jumping down their face, like they just insulted your "church" or something.

And stop ganging up on ppl for no apparent reason like you always do.

Rad_ cwm23.gif




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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

You need 3 ppl to gang up on one just because he or she is stating their own opinion?

This entire arguement is about someone who is racist and hipocritical among other things. People are allowed to enjoy any club they want, etc etc. Arguing about what club is best is always fun.

The rest of this is purely about someone who has racist issues and isn't afraid to say so then deny.......Least if he was racist and said he was, hed have more credibility.....



"The light, the glimmering light of her eyes, the shining exuberance of hope, the sparkling smile, Thats Life"


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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

And stop ganging up on ppl for no apparent reason like you always do.

No apparent reason? If it was stated without any racial remarks fine... I don't even bother with peeps saying Twilo sucks... big deal...

So please get a fucking clue you moron...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Hold on who are you talking about now?

IF your talking about the original message of this thread, then i see nothing racial about it at all. Only what was experienced by someone.

WHat nobody can share his experience of a club night if they dont agree with you guys?





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BOO HOO, Boo hoo, we asians are always discriminated against by you whiteys trash. boo hoo...will you feel sorry for me?...boo hoo..boo hoo...i just cant stop crying ....i only like to cry....boo hoo...i cant find a white girl..they all reject me cuz i'm asian....asian girls hate me cuz i'm ugly....boo hoo..boo hoo...


>I am 40 years old, can't find a girl to marry me<

>Girls don't want to screw me, so I buttfuck Frankie Boy<

>I take care of my Korean people<

>Blueangel is the greatest person in the World<

>Frankie, did you cook my dinner yet?<

>I am moving to LA cause girls there are dumb, I can trick them into marrying me<

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Oh please... shut the fuck up already... you're DUMBER than I thought.

yeah i know everyones stupid and dumb, when they dont agree with something, and also if they have different opinions...whatever

p.s. u dont fuckin know me, and ur the dumb one, for not knowing me and calling me dumb, u fuck...get a life


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

p.s. u dont fuckin know me, and ur the dumb one, for not knowing me and calling me dumb, u fuck...get a life

Dumb, dumb, dumber by the second... don't have to know someone to know they're fucking dumb like you...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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Ezdreamer: you're extremely quick to call everyone a moron or stupid.

Almost every message that i read by you or your buds, at the end or the middle theres always something about others being ignorant moronic and other shit.

Do you have some kind of superiority complex and think that everyone that has a diff opinion is a moron?

Please..., your very intelligent!

It makes you even more intelligent when you call everyone stupid.





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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

Do you have some kind of superiority complex and think that everyone that has a diff opinion is a moron?

That is my opinion when I read stupid shit. So what? Should I spell everything out for you too?



Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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lol, yes, i dont get it. OMFG

More and more remarks from you.

Is there anyone else just as smart as you guys? Please someone respond if you are, cuz from what i see, you guys are the most intelligent ppl on this board.

This is too funny, but sad.




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Hi Charlie....you asians rule....we whitey trash sucks....myrlin...charlie...we run this board, .....yes yes...lollollollollloll....we are the cnyc posse...we gang up cuz we are cowards...


>Charlie is my BOSS<

>I like little boys<

>Blueangel is the best, the best, the best, did I say that right Charlie?<

>Whenever Charlie gets horny, I bend OVAH<

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Dumb, dumb, dumber by the second... don't have to know someone to know they're fucking dumb like you...

wow such intelligence coming from u.. what r u in 1st grade??? oh wait i give u too much credit ...grow up...


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

That is my opinion when I read stupid shit. So what? Should I spell everything out for you too?


Your right..as always charlie baby....Twilo is the best..the best..the best...the best...

Asians are the best...you guys rule.....i wish i was asain...i wish..i wish....


>Charlie is my BOSS<

>I like little boys<

>Blueangel is the best, the best, the best, did I say that right Charlie?<

>Whenever Charlie gets horny, I bend OVAH<

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

So, you're saying Asians should have a stupid smile on their faces 24/7... gimme a fucking break. Should they kiss your ass too? Maybe you're the one who doesn't know how to talk to people. Seems abundantly clear to me that since you have been on the board... more nonsense spews outta your brain. Sewage for thought, no doubt...

I want to kiss your ass charlie...hey nobody can kiss charlies ass except me....taste so goooood...


>Charlie is my BOSS<

>I like little boys<

>Blueangel is the best, the best, the best, did I say that right Charlie?<

>Whenever Charlie gets horny, I bend OVAH<

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Aight.. damn you guys are soooo big, bring all your buds and gang up one person.

Ezdreamer and Myrlin, you guys are sounding stupid. Your using phrases that little 12 year kids use. Grow up!!! What allnight23 said from his FIRST POST was not racist at all!!! Maybe if you people weren't so ignorant you could see that. Allnight23, Foxyroxy, rad_Z and a few others had some opinions with reasons to back them up. Obviously you don't. Your just posting stupid ass comments.


*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Well this B&T CHICK was in a pissy mood for awhile. Why?

After crossing a BRIDGE, paying for parking and waiting 3 HOURS ON LINE to get in...yea I was in a PISSY MOOD.

Those pushing me and shoving me while I daringly crossed the room, I SHOVED RIGHT BACK!!!! OOPS TOO BAD IF YOU DROPPED YOUR STICKS...


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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