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What Does Being in "Rare Form" Really Mean??

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I think I can speak for myself, trippintrance, majesticmelodi, flippin_e, and the rest of the Union City crew by defining "rare form" as the amazing mood and state we look forward to being in on an exceptionally special night... or if a DJ is particularly fabulous one night, he's in rare form.


- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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ahh but frank.. you cease to realize that many of us *are* in fact in rare form in accordance w/ the actual meaning as we "seldom" do drugs



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for me being in rare form is being so fucked up out of your mind that you are hardly ever like that, but not toooo fucked up as to you have no clue what is going on of feel sick


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

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Originally posted by melichacha:

I think I can speak for myself, trippintrance, majesticmelodi, flippin_e, and the rest of the Union City crew by defining "rare form" as the amazing mood and state we look forward to being in on an exceptionally special night... or if a DJ is particularly fabulous one night, he's in rare form.


- meli -

yo chach there is also the "rare form" of being FAWKED up beyond belief... thats always fun lol... damnit i miss u girl... grrrrr


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AIM---> PrncssVrnc

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That's a great point Frank.......but "rare" also means excellent so I guess when people say it they mean it in that sense........well, sometimes.

hey, you should check out George Carlin if you haven't already......he does a half hour or so of depicting things in the English language that we all say but never bother to think about what it actually means.....it's hilarious and brilliant.......you can get it on napster or any others.......type in "George Carlin - English Language"........you'd prob like it.... cwm12.gif



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Just wondering because I've seen and heard people say they were in "rare form". . . how so?

If a person gets pretty fucted up every week and all the time...that's not exactly being in "rare form"...pulling your pants, grabbing your nutz and chasing your friends around the room and saying "I'm a bucking bronco!"...now THAT'S being in rare form...

Rare : seldom happening or occurring.


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel...to breathe...to know I'm alive. . .


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 02-17-2001).]

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

ahh but frank.. you cease to realize that many of us *are* in fact in rare form in accordance w/ the actual meaning as we "seldom" do drugs


i couldn't have said it better!!<3




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My college buddies and I always used the phrase "in our elements" to describe moments when all was right between us and the world around us, when you felt perfectly chilled and comfortable in your own skin. I kind of think of that as being in rare form.


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When someone says "you're in rare form tonight", I always take it to mean that a side of your personality comes out that is great, and amusing, that only comes out when you're in a certain type of mood and only so often when you're just "on". When people have said that to me it's always been when I'm laughing my hardest or just in a wacky mood. I don't know, thats the best I can describe it. But I definitly think it's a good thing.


"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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