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Who just doesn't understand boys?!


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Originally posted by sarahb:

When you call her, sound interested--ask her questions, like how's work? Or, how did that project go you were working on? Or, how was your girls birthday the other night? Things to show her you listen, even if you don't give two shits. And if you're other line clicks in, don't leave her on hold for 5 minutes. And if you don't like her, tell her, or at least make the hints OBVIOUS that you are calling her strictly as friends.

sarahb I don't mean to be the devil's advocate her but I think he's made it obvious enough ie enough for you to post this and say those things I quoted you on.......I think you should listen to what blueangel said a few posts up and tell him not to bother calling you anymore.......plain and simple.



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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I hear what you're saying, Tyco, and this is not about what I should do, rather why guys do the things THEY do. It doesn't make sense that he calls me after not calling me in 3 weeks. But three weeks ago, when he called me, he was cool, and totally came off as interested. Then I don't hear from him in 3 weeks, then he calls and tries to bullshit some small talk with me. My question is, why are guys so unreadable? What message are you trying to send by acting like that? That's the question I ask!

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I hear what you're saying, but in the same token, I am not asking for advice on what I should do--rather asking, why the fuck do boys do what THEY do? Why is there a constant mixed message? Why call me three weeks ago, act totally interested, then not call me for three weeks, then call and shoot the shit with me for 10 minutes? I don't understand the intentions behind it.

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Originally posted by sarahb:

Guys play games. It may not be intentional, and for the most part, the game is what lures us (women) in. And we play our own games too, don't get me wrong.

Wow, this makes sense! Guys play games and it's bad. Girls play games too but it's ok. Maybe I'm missing something.

But wait, there's more!

Originally posted by sarahb:

Like when a guy sporadically calls you, once in a blue moon, but shows interest in you when he does make the effort. [...] I mean, if you're interested, SHOW SOME FUCKING INTEREST THAT IS NOT SPORADIC! And if you're not interested, TELL ME! I am an adult and I can deal with that, but I can't deal with thinking about the situation all the time, then getting over you (from not ever hearing from you) and then just when I get over it, you call me!!!

OK, let's see if I got this one: a guy calls you out of the blue, you interpret this as interest and get hung up on it, and just when you've gotten over it, he calls again and the cycle repeats. That's more adult-like than I've ever seen. I have news for you - if a call and some actions which can be interpreted as interest is all it takes to get you hung up on it, then maybe you should switch teams because, let's be realistic, this ain't the last time it occurs to some male acquaintance of yours, "Hey, dinner and drinks sounds nice, I wonder if Sarah would be up for it?" and gives you a call.

Not constructive enough? Well then. You've spelled the solution yourself - guys play games, women play games too. Play your game and blow him off a couple of times. Two possible outcomes: A) he drops out, B) he becomes more interested. That's how it is...

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I guess when writing all this it sounds much more simplistic than it really is. I don't really tend to dwell on situations like this--it never seems worth it to me, but now, particularly, I think a lot of other shit has been going on that coincides with this, and it just frustrates the shit out of me. I know it sounds trite, and I know girls and guys both play their own games, but I am asking, in particular, why do guys act so off and on without consistency?

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It doesn't sound like a game to me. He's not interested in being anything more than friends -- plain and simple. He's certainly not interested in any meaningful relationship. Otherwise, he wouldn't call you out of the blue after three week intervals if he were interested. He'd give you the attention that you deserved.

I bet this guy probably gets lonely every once in a while, needs someone to talk to, and thinks of you.

One other plausible explanation is that he thinks of you as the "booty call" girl. Either way, he's not thinking serious relationship.

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