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The Truth Abouth Exit (Friday & Saturday)

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Before i begin i would like to say thanks for all the support. I guess we are doing something right.

The Truth....Thorin & Sevan got fired this Sunday @ Exit!!

The Reason....We did not want to be a part of Exit Saturdays anymore. So the owner & Adam S get rid of their best Friday night team (REAL SMART BUSINESS MOVE).

Fridays should have nothing to do with Saturdays. I was with David when it was CARBON and i have been an EXIT PROMOTER since the day it opened. This was a rude awakening. It doesn't matter how hard you work for this man (DAVID MARVISI), he will never give you respect. I will miss a couple of people....Draper, Joey X, Frankie Santos, Tony Montana, Steve Zoomba (they did nothing wrong)......Everybody knows what me & Sevan are all about. HARD WORK!!!! When we work a room we give an owner 100%. WORK HARD PLAY HARD...thats our motto. David & Adam are currently trying to buy my promoters and its not working. This shows that we have the best team in NYC and i love you guys!!!!Mr Dom Capello (Thorin & Sevan's resident DJ) was offered a residency and a raise @ Exit. Dom told MR MARVISI that "Thorin brought me into EXIT and now i am leaving with THORIN" DOM cannot be bought. All DOM wants to do is SPIN and he has proved he is worthy of any main floor in NYC.

Remember when this business used to be about the music....not anymore!!!! Its all MONEY MONEY MONEY. It makes me sick. I guess it bothers me more becuase i watched the decline over the last 10 years. This past SUNDAY @ TWILO opened my eyes again.....it should be about the MUSIC!!!!!

i have to get going.....thanks again for all your support


Thorin & Sevan

EDUCATE TO ELEVATE....................

Exit is offering my guys $15.00 per head...lololololololo....they will pay you $15.00 per head but your list is going to get cut in half. So you are actually making 7.50 head!!!! I have sad news for all Friday night sub-promoters....YOU ARE GETTING ROBBED. Trust me .....i used to be in that office every fri. night.

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Originally posted by thorinaiello:

Remember when this business used to be about the music....not anymore!!!! Its all MONEY MONEY MONEY. It makes me sick. I guess it bothers me more becuase i watched the decline over the last 10 years. This past SUNDAY @ TWILO opened my eyes again.....it should be about the MUSIC!!!!!

Sorry to burst your bubble but Twilo is if not worst then Exit when it comes to greed and being all about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. Just because they bring in the most talented well known DJs don't think twice that if there's a way they can use you and make money . . . THEY WILL!



“Once in a while, in the middle of this thing called life, love throws us a fairy tale.” - Unkown


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Originally posted by thorinaiello:

This past SUNDAY @ TWILO opened my eyes again.....it should be about the MUSIC!!!!!

AH, now those are the things I like to hear.

Sorry about your raw deal, fellas.

Any of our other Exit people have an opinion on this? We all love hearing sides smile.gif



Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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Screw Exit Sat-go to the Tunnel this Sat and use my <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> </A> -SHINE- if your goin call me on my cell@914-399-3991 and leave your name -last initial and how many head your bring with you and your in-any other info about other clubs-comp's or drink tickets give me a call


Saturday @ the Tunnel

10-3 Anthony Nero

3-close DJ Renegade

and special guests DJ Slick and more

[This message has been edited by awkwardscience (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Thorin!!! Stop it already! What are you trying to prove? People will g oto Exit...some other group of promoters will get hired by David and prolly will get fucked over eventually...oh well! Thats the way life IS. Get over it already...its been almost a week! Not to give you an advice or anything like that...but if you are one of the best (like you say)...get some other party going!!! smile.gif Good luck w/ everything smile.gif

L smile.gif

[This message has been edited by risa06 (edited 02-22-2001).]

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