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Midtown Lunch!!! Finally!!!

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Hey Midtowners smile.gif Wouldn't you say it's time for another lunch??? Haven't had lunch with you guys for the longest time! Sneha? Marcella? Mario? Arthur? Brian? Who else is in this area??? I don't have any particular suggestions since I don't get to go to lunch very often.. But I'm not too picky so please suggest places that you'd wanna go to! I was thinking around 1? Is that good for everyone??? Lets see who's alive and hungry today.....

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Originally posted by sdm1976:


I'm always hungry! so pick a place and a time and I will be there!


I suggest we meet up around 1. Not too early, not too late.

Where? Hmm.. I don't have a favorite place around here frown.gif I can pretty much go for anything.. Someone please help me pick a place! smile.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hmmm... Are we in the same building LMAO? I'm in 1290.. You?

No I'm in the 1285 building, but we must be across the street from each other. 1:00 is good, but where? I'm so clueless as to places to eat around here ... tend to go to that Chinese place on 52nd b/t 5th and 6th, or get stuff from the concourse.

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

No I'm in the 1285 building, but we must be across the street from each other. 1:00 is good, but where? I'm so clueless as to places to eat around here ... tend to go to that Chinese place on 52nd b/t 5th and 6th, or get stuff from the concourse.

Haha.. yeah I know, I go there a lot too.. Is 1285 the PW building?

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Ok, Zoya and I decided to go back to Connolly's. We haven't been there in a while. The address is:


44 W. 54th St.

Between 5th & 6th Ave (closer to 6th)

Let's all meet downstairs in the bar area at 1p.m. Chris and the others...hope to see you all there. Marcy you better come!





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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Haha.. yeah I know, I go there a lot too.. Is 1285 the PW building?

Yeah it's the PW building. It's also the Will&Grace building. Wasn't it pretty during the holidays?

Wait, what's Connolly's like? Um, this is my first ClubNYC meetup. Is this going to be a long sitdown lunch? What should I expect?

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

Yeah it's the PW building. It's also the Will&Grace building. Wasn't it pretty during the holidays?

Wait, what's Connolly's like? Um, this is my first ClubNYC meetup. Is this going to be a long sitdown lunch? What should I expect?

Hey mel-o-d...you work in the same building as me! If you want PM me your number and we can meet with Zoya and walk on over there together!

Connolly's is an Irish restaurant. It's usually about an hour lunch...unless you're eating at TGI's..(remember that one guys?) You have a decent selection on the menu and the price isn't too bad, about $10 - $15 for most plates.

[This message has been edited by MarioNY (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:

Yeah it's the PW building. It's also the Will&Grace building. Wasn't it pretty during the holidays?

Wait, what's Connolly's like? Um, this is my first ClubNYC meetup. Is this going to be a long sitdown lunch? What should I expect?

We work across the street and you're in the same building with Mario. We usually meet outside my building before heading to the restaurant.. If you wanna do that, it's cool, so you are not looking around connelly's trying to figure out who we are LOL..

Yeah, we're gonna sit down and chat and eat.. Usually around an hour or so.. All of us need to get away and relax smile.gif I think a drink is in order for me coz I'm dying here LOL..

I'll send you my # in a PM in a few minutes and hopefully we'll meet up a lil before 1 and go to meet everyone else there.

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Okay, so I just PM Mario my work number. I guess he'll give me a call and we'll come meet mysteriousss before heading over to Connolly. Heh heh heh ... I am totally sneaking out of work for an hour lunch today, have only did that once before. Usually I grab something and eat it at my desk. My MD would kill me if he knew. cwm4.gif

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