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you can easily find detailed how-to's online. materials are pretty accessible. the anhydrous method produces the best product

this is solely for informational purposes. i am not posting this with any intention to try to encourage people to synthesize methamphetamine and increase its supply in the city. that would be absurd


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by mr.sick:

It's easy to make as long as it doesnt blow up and kill you while you cook it.

there are "cold" methods that reduce such risk of too-fast, exothermic reactions. takes frickin' forever though. in some methods, the most dangerous part of the synthesis just releases some H2 gas. no worries unless you're making kilo upon kilo upon kilo upon kilo upon kilo... and in this case, just open a damn window and don't smoke. if you use a method that requires red phosphorous, just don't light off a large amount of it

*informational purposes only. use what you know


"real fucking high"

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Yeh it is easy you need a some coffee filters a few fairly easy to get chemicals and time, that is it. You can find it easily on line, the easy method was developed by Nazi soldiers in WW2 i THINK it's called the Nazi method. So if you search on meth and nazi you may find something.. but the gasses are explosive and you don't have to be cooking much if you in a small space that isn't ventalated.

And it's illegal and i of course would not condone this at all... that is just some info i know.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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I've studied this reaction intensely. I concur the dehydration and subsequent catalytic hydrogenation is most effective/safe route to go. Point being that the possibilities of dangerous side rxn impurities is nearly zero. The solvents (besides DCM) are all safe for human consumption if there are residual traces of solvent left. Also, the only products would be either product and reactant and no intermediates!

Just a chemical commentary - this is purely for informational purposes only.

The real high is Twilo and roadracing

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