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Transvestites on the prowl at SF

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So, I'm downstairs by the dancefloor to the right of the big bar. I'm walking by and a guy taps me on the shoulder and says,"hey, this blond girl over there likes you, why don't you say hello." I could tell he was gay, but I thought, so what, he can have straight girlfriends, and turned around to see two "girls" on top of the speaker. Its so damn dark and smokey down there and they were sitting all the back against the wall so I took a few steps closer to see what the girl/s looked like. Well, all I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THE STROBE LIGHT!!! Beacuse as I got closer, I was like something doesn't look right, then the strobe light came on and I was like AHHHHHHHH! I told the guy sorry I don't think so and moved along! Now, these weren't the big 7 footers that walk around I'm talking hard core post op transexuals. It was kinda hard to tell from a distance, in the smokey pitch black.

Now I have no problem with gay people what so ever, but don't try and trick straight people. That's just F@#KED UP!!!

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As soon as I could actually see who he was talking about I was outta there in a hurry!!

Somebody tells you a girl likes you, usually you wanna see who she is. Since I wasn't that close when told, all I could see was feet hanging off the speaker. As I got closer, I could tell that wasn't a woman, THAT'S A MAN, MAN..

I just thought the whole thing was fucked up!!

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why are you getting offended? i think it's a compliment if you look good to both sexes. i, personally, feel equally nice if a guy tells me i'm a cutie and when a girl tells me i'm a cutie-- it doesn't make me any less heterosexual just b/c of lousy compliment, right? wink.gif

besides, i love trannies at clubs, they add to the diversity and flamboyance of a club (particularly at SF where "diversity" is a bit lacking).



*turn it around baby*

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