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Post an ethnic joke (if you dare!)

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What's the difference between the White-linen Irish, and the shanty Irish?

The White-linen Irish take the dishes out of the sink BEFORE they piss in it.

I know it's probably not that funny to alot of people...just showing some equal opportunity here.






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you are an ethnic joke..

Originally posted by mugwump:

OK so I posted a sight from Mix mag for the asian club headz thinking it was cute and now they want my head!

Does any one remember a time when you could joke about each other without everyone getting pissy?

I think that's the problem with this world these days..

Everybody takes everything WAAAY TOOO seriousley!

Can any one remember movies like Blazzing Saddles or comedians like Richord Pryor busting on whites!?

It's OK people...Jokes are a great way to poke fun at yourself...

I think if everyone was less insecure and lightened up this world wouldn't be the rascist "click" filled place that it is in today!

So I am officially opening up the board to ALL races and stereo types to post a Joke about your own race....

I'm Italian so I'll take the first punch!

Who knows any good Italian Jokes out there?

(Bonus points if they are club related)[img]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm35.gif[/

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ok here's an italian joke, italians were spawned by niggers, your great great great grandmother fucked a nigger. years have passed but its so amazing how similar italians and blacks are... so in fact, italians are not white. does it qualify as an ethnic joke?

Originally posted by mugwump:

OK so I posted a sight from Mix mag for the asian club headz thinking it was cute and now they want my head!

Does any one remember a time when you could joke about each other without everyone getting pissy?

I think that's the problem with this world these days..

Everybody takes everything WAAAY TOOO seriousley!

Can any one remember movies like Blazzing Saddles or comedians like Richord Pryor busting on whites!?

It's OK people...Jokes are a great way to poke fun at yourself...

I think if everyone was less insecure and lightened up this world wouldn't be the rascist "click" filled place that it is in today!

So I am officially opening up the board to ALL races and stereo types to post a Joke about your own race....

I'm Italian so I'll take the first punch!

Who knows any good Italian Jokes out there?

(Bonus points if they are club related)[img]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm35.gif[/

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Originally posted by kyoung:

ok here's an italian joke, italians were spawned by niggers, your great great great grandmother fucked a nigger. years have passed but its so amazing how similar italians and blacks are... so in fact, italians are not white. does it qualify as an ethnic joke?

Ignorant fuck. Don't get mad and just spout shit. If you want to start an argument, post something intelligent. That post made no sense and showed your maturity. Everyone welcome kyoung to the board. On your 24th post you write something like that? You'll get a lot of friends around here, cocksucker.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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kyong, u got lotsa anger boy, chill a bit, smoke a cig, anyway heres a few:

whats the definition of confusion? fathers day in harlem (drum hits!) (crickets.....)

ok ill try again:

whats the definition of confusion? two blind lesbians in a fish market (drum) clap... clap..

cmon people gime some slack

ok last one:

two jewish guys are walkin by a church and theres a sign: convert to cristianity and get $50 on us! so the first guy goes, "you know Haim, im broke shitless, if i convert, this $50 is gona help me out, and no one will realy know, ill still be jewish!", "ok, do it then" sez the second guy, so the first guy goes in and comes out half an hour later. "so did u get the money?" asks Haim. "Money, money, money, thats all you jews ever think about!" ciao -mike cwm2.gif



-u menya seychas odna problema, nauchit tebya dvigat telom-

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Originally posted by kyoung:

ok here's an italian joke, italians were spawned by niggers, your great great great grandmother fucked a nigger. years have passed but its so amazing how similar italians and blacks are... so in fact, italians are not white. does it qualify as an ethnic joke?

YEA! That's one of my favorite scenes in True Romance!

Walken and Hopper..L*

Good one Kone!

Mugz gives you bonus points for quoting a kick ass movie.

And you are Right I AM an ethnic joke!

And god forbid I took my ethnisity so seriously that I loose my sense of humor!

Thse are all great..

Keep em coming!





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Ooohhhhh . . OKAY!! I have TWO jokes!

Joke #1: The Construction Company

There was this Spanish guy, this Korean guy and this Russian guy all working for the same construction company. At the beginning of the day the boss comes out and says to the Spanish guy, "You're in charge of the cement."

Then he said to the Russian guy, "You're in charge of the dirt."

Then he said to the Korean guy, "You're in charge of the supplies."

Then he said, "I'm gonna be back at the end of the day to check on your work. It better be good or you're fired."

So they all go off to go get their work done.

At the end of the day, the boss comes back to check on their work. He looks at the big pile of cement and goes, "Good work," to the Spanish guy. Then he looks at the big pile of dirt and says, "Good work," to the Russian guy. Then he couldn't find the Korean guy so he asks, "Where the heck is the Korean guy??"

All of a sudden, the Korean guy jumps out from behind the big pile of dirt and yells, " SUPPLIES!"

Joke #2: The Rabbi and The Korean

A rabbi is sitting on an airplane next to a Korean guy. After they have been flying together in silence for a while, the rabbi leans over and says, "You know, I've never forgiven you Chinese for what you did at Pearl Harbor."

The Korean looks shocked and replies, "What the hell are you talking about?!?!? It was the Japanese the bombed Pearl Harbor, not the Chinese. And besides, I'm not Chinese or Japanese, I'm Korean!"

The rabbi says, " Korean, Japanese, Chinese, what's the difference?"

A little while later, the Korean man says, "You know, I've never forgiven you Jews for sinking the Titanic." The rabbi looks confused and mad and says, "What are you talking about? The Jews didn't have anything to do with that! An iceberg sank the Titanic!"

The Korean guy replies, "Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, what's the difference?"




"Be as you wish to seem." — Socrates


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Originally posted by andre9000:

Ignorant fuck. Don't get mad and just spout shit.

It's all good man...

that's from "True Romance."

It's a scene between christopher Walken and Dennise Hopper

No beef here bro..

It's all good cwm35.gif



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OK so I posted a sight from Mix mag for the asian club headz thinking it was cute and now they want my head!

Does any one remember a time when you could joke about each other without everyone getting pissy?

I think that's the problem with this world these days..

Everybody takes everything WAAAY TOOO seriousley!

Can any one remember movies like Blazzing Saddles or comedians like Richord Pryor busting on whites!?

It's OK people...Jokes are a great way to poke fun at yourself...

I think if everyone was less insecure and lightened up this world wouldn't be the rascist "click" filled place that it is in today!

So I am officially opening up the board to ALL races and stereo types to post a Joke about your own race....

I'm Italian so I'll take the first punch!

Who knows any good Italian Jokes out there?

(Bonus points if they are club related)Sigcopy.jpg

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