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**Official Twilo Digweed Friday Post** For those who know the crew

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Two words that would best describe the night are "WHEW!!!" and "WOW!". I loved the private section for chillin with the peeps. HUGE props to jammy for keeping me warm outside while 50 of NY bravest put out the "fire"! Another night to remember. For those who stayed until the bloody end- WE WIN!!!!




Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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The night was definately insane... the real party started when diggers dropped that first track as everyone filed inside. Does anyone know the name of it???


Is it Friday yet???

Procrastination is the art of.......... never mind, I'll finish this quote later.

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I totally agree.... on the late late hours, the vibe was just phenomenal!!

OMG, what a night... a very special one indeed...


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!



[This message has been edited by mp3some (edited 04-01-2001).]

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i see how it is. as soon as you come around, there's all of a sudden an "official" Digweed review when we've all already been reviewing Digweed for the past two days

you think you're so great

too bad everything thinks you're that wizard guy with the wand. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



Leave me



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myrlin i ws right up front after the fire too, why didn't i see you????? and damn, i wish i could last as long as the rest of you but at my age i just CAN'T!!! digweed kept me shakin my bootie until about 7 or 7:30 then my tired aching body had to call it a night - and what an incredible night it was. can't wait to see everybody again soon!!! love to all!!!

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well, it's sunday night and i guess have to post my review . . .

crackorn's praise of my dancing skills made me so hot that our make out session in the mirrored box caused that fire . . .

isn't it great when you hang around hot ladies like yevette and sinem it causes guys to stupidly think "that guy must have a lot of money" . . .

mikey, you're my boy, but i'm taking deanna11 as my new partner, sorry . . .

lexxi, thanks for the water . . .


Life is too short to be small.

[This message has been edited by eggmok (edited 04-01-2001).]

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alas i had an early fallout due to substance abuse, didn't get to experience much of my favorite dj. i expected nothing but praises however, as he never fails to produce anything but absolute auditory frenzy. till next week for wink...


got drugs?

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Originally posted by p00h:

alas i had an early fallout due to substance abuse, didn't get to experience much of my favorite dj. i expected nothing but praises however, as he never fails to produce anything but absolute auditory frenzy. till next week for wink...

glad to hear that everything was ok bro.. had us nervous for a time there..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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What can I say. March had been such a bad month we were waiting for a good night and frankly, once things settled down we got it.

The VIP area was interesting if a bit odd to be cordoned off from the "people". A few strange occurences early in the night. However....right around 3:30 when Jummy was getting into a nice groovbe, the night began to have promise....promise of a new month in the making. When the "fire incident" happened, I never doubted I would be back inside....call it a hunch...Had some fun outside with group hugs, jokes, we even sang some....when the biog cheer went up to go back in....the night began.....

I walked straight up to the DJ booth in front of Diggers and Yelled "PLAY BLUE MONDAY"

He looked down at me, smiled and laughed.........needless to say I got my wish a few hours later..... smile.gif

He then began to build....and build...and rise....and rise....and Holy Shit, January flashbacks came on......Then the bombs came down, hard.....fast....furious.....daring us to dance harder.......The vibe left in the club...oh my....

Then....to weed out the non troopers (YOU ALL KNOW WHO U ARE FOR LEAVING EARLY)

a lull in the usic till about 9:15.....by then, the pansies had left.......And then......when I thought I was done, when I thought I would leave.........

BOOM.....The build....the bomb....the build...the bigger bomb....OH MY LORD WHAT A FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE ENDING. Dead sober I was lifted up, out and over Digweeds masterfull mixes........

Hmm, post got long....needless to say the last hour was worth it to no end........the songs, the beat, the fucking vibe.....the vibe was insane.



Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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I resent that, deanna11, after all the "cute guy hunting" i did for you. ::sigh::

It was truly a great night, standing outside included. I really enjoyed the chance to chill in the VIP sect and talk with the crowd. Big huge "thanks" to SarahKim for bringing me as her guest.

Diggers was good good good for my ears, but unfortunately my legs crapped out around 8:30... but that's ok. I'm still smiling.


"Get off of my bed, you fucking psycho!"


AOL IM: petrol01

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Deanna - STFU, u love me

PooH - Phew.....

Eggmok - All I remember is saying HOLY SHIT, Eggmok is still here too!!!

To everyone who left early -

**sticks his tongue out**


Yada yada yada.....got home on Sunday



The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

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Originally posted by deanna11:

great to finally meet the renowned eggmok!

the rest of you all suck

i was so surprised when mikey said who you were on the board . . .

one thought in my head "shit she can dance, mikey can't keep up" . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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Originally posted by eggmok:

lexxi, thanks for the water . . .

Anytime, it was my pleasure! I like being the "go to" girl! It was great to meet you. God that sounds cliche......hmmm........you better dance with me some more at 10 in the morning!




"what I want is what I've not got, but what I need is all around me" - DMB

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Originally posted by jammy:

Hey eggmok, what about my world famous massage??? cwm32.gif

-Jamms "handsofgold"

Wait, wait, what's this I hear about a world famous massage? I'm a massage hog... you hiding your skillz from me woman???


March is a nightmare, hopefully April has betta dreams in store...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Wait, wait, what's this I hear about a world famous massage? I'm a massage hog... you hiding your skillz from me woman???

Ahh, ahh, no of course not...I am always welcome to new customers. I do carry a hefty price, my hands are very delicate and tire easy :P...

-Jamms "fullorhalfsir"


jamms on hiatus...more at 10pm face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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Wow, i had a hell of a weekend, Twilo was awesome on friday, good to put faces to all the names. I had to leave at 800 cause my boys were gettin tired, and i didnt want to take the subway home. Anyway see you all on friday....peace



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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Originally posted by jammy:

Hey eggmok, what about my world famous massage??? cwm32.gif

-Jamms "handsofgold"

jamms . . .

i love you . . .

i can honestly say that was the best massage i've had. shit, you made me fall asleep. after the handsofgold were done reviving my body, i was a machine till the end. that was the best! now i'll be expecting one everytime i see you. yummy yummy yummy!


Life is too short to be small.

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what an EPIC night!

the fire, POOH (thank Godness your okay) Yvette your an angel.. I'm glad your a close friend!, John Digweed (Amazing)..and the rest of the group (MUAHHHHHH!!!!!!!)

Ursula... Miss America.. I think your clubplanets beauty! You should walk around with a tiara on your head!

Yvette: u were jamming as usual..

Richard Suede!!!!! and Vitory! Did we have a blast or what! (we almost had the boys over! hahahah but they bailed on us last minute! hahah if you ask me they were smart to leave while they still had the chance..) We still have time to get the dungeon ready for them..

Ooana&Cove! You two are the best.. Madam Oo, thanks for looking out for us.. and giving us the time of our lives!

Crackorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for suprising us!

Korzo: We have to practice some more on our dance ritual.. thanks for being such a good sport..

there is soo many of you... I loved hanging out with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG EGGMOK he's ALIVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I loved pushing you around the dance floor. it was great! Your the cutest!!!!!!!!!!! I have to bite you next time I see you! remind me to introduce you to that british dude I thought was you! I can't even remember who's friend that was!

Eggmok for president!

Pfloyde: is only 19!!!!! I can;t get over it!

Ezdreamer and crew! it was great hanging with you boys as always!

Mikey I still think I dance better then you do!

OMG I'm done posting for a week!



I love everyone today!

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Sinem, you're a nut...But I love you! biggrin.gif

BTW - As far as the english lad, do you mean Rich? He is finally a member of CP...But I forgot what his SN is. My memory is going...

-Jamms "lovetoyouall"


jamms on hiatus...except this Friday, VINYL is the Answer! face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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Damn......why the hell am I getting picked on? he he......anyhow, I'm in agreement with everyone......a fabulous night with peeps I know and those I met......too many to point out but you guys know who you are...... wink.gif

Originally posted by eggmok:

i was so surprised when mikey said who you were on the board . . .

one thought in my head "shit she can dance, mikey can't keep up" . . .

ha ha ha......let's not get carried away now...... smile.gif why don't we let deanna11 speak for herself on this.......

damn, if we need a dance off to settle all this business, I'm down....punks.... smile.gif



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

[This message has been edited by tyco (edited 04-02-2001).]

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