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do you consistently overanalyze everything to death?

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

O i don't know i loose track..

my next project, after the are you cool program (see the are you cool thread). Is a Rob's post emulator to randomly select 80's song lyrics.. smile.gif

Rob... 'i am a lover not a fighter' wink.gif

do i get to endorse it?


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

do i get to endorse it?

Sure, no royalties though. We could get an informercial.. like the bow-flex one... it will be sweet.

You could be like 'Hi i am Rob.. do you want to muscle up for summer? Well this product isn't for you if you do'

It would be great.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Sure, no royalties though. We could get an informercial.. like the bow-flex one... it will be sweet.

You could be like 'Hi i am Rob.. do you want to muscle up for summer? Well this product isn't for you if you do'

It would be great.


but there's gotta be some kinda of payment coming my way..

and i wanna be like ron...

just think.. ROB-CO

has a nice ring to it smile.gif

and i get final say on what tracks we use.. and the official Rob-co tradmeark has to be on it as well..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Originally posted by PFloyd40:


but there's gotta be some kinda of payment coming my way..

and i wanna be like ron...

just think.. ROB-CO

has a nice ring to it smile.gif

and i get final say on what tracks we use.. and the official Rob-co tradmeark has to be on it as well..

Sounds good to me.

You will HAVE to practice a really cheesy grin for the end of the infomercial.

And we can get some testamonials from people off the board..

'i bought Rob-Co's greatest hits and it's changed my life'

'I was 290 pounds, i still am but Robs lyrics slay the ladies'

Man we are on a winner here.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Sounds good to me.

You will HAVE to practice a really cheesy grin for the end of the infomercial.

And we can get some testamonials from people off the board..

'i bought Rob-Co's greatest hits and it's changed my life'

'I was 290 pounds, i still am but Robs lyrics slay the ladies'

Man we are on a winner here.

we can tap the movie market too..

ROB-CO will become a household name..

definetly got a winner here.

time for some field research...


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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double post sorry


An bag of KB's $50

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[This message has been edited by exodust (edited 04-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by exodust:

Damn guys ~ try IM, or get a room!!!.....Jeez! cwm32.gif

ok we can get a room smile.gif

b2b, sorry this is gonna have to be a *private* meeting..


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Originally posted by exodust:

Damn guys ~ try IM, or get a room!!!.....Jeez! cwm32.gif

ROB-CO we are DEFINATLY on to something here.

Due the OBVIOUS effect this is having on the ladies i think we should get in to the herbal sex remedy market as well.

I know some old ugly people we could have in the advert.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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I use to..

Now I just dont give a shit...


Do I not give a shit because I think I shouldnt?

hmmmm..perhaps I dont think I should so I really do and that's just because I tell myself that I do that makes me think that I really don't...


Perhaps I don't and I should because when I do I'm actualy analyzing something...

Oh never mind (sigh)



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Originally posted by exodust:

Right back at you guys-

except I might not be around the year after....will you guys visit me when I'm in prison - or better yet know any lawyers???

i posted about this in another thread; i met some 70-year old lawyer at Nick/Sander/Pascal. he specializes in murder cases. but he also mentioned that all his clients are in jail. anyway, if you're interested after you kill someone, let me know. maybe he'll cut you a deal for some rolls


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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Originally posted by deanna11:

if yes, then get the hell out of my face. i am empathetic to these people, but god damn it, just realize WHO FAWKIN CARES??? i sure don't cwm11.gif

wussup girl am I gonna get some credit for this thread or wha cwm1.gif

I'll tell ya right now for all those people who don't give a fuck and your out there bangin out pill after pill lik after lik like I did for so long, punchin people when they bump you wrong (which got me 2 weeks in jail, 2 years in court, a million dollar civil suit) sleepin through class, shitting on everyone around you, bascically just not giving a fuck about you or the people around you....

all I can say is WAKE THE FUCK UP to think you can breeze through life without givin a fuck your just ignorant and naive. It all catches up to you...believe me when your in jail you'll care, when your depressed from doin to many drugs you'll care, when people around start dissapearing you'll care no doubt about it I am a clear cut case of someone who would do anything at anytime to anyone, anywhere...and now it's definitely beginning to take it's toll. It's a very humbling experience. So maybe analtyical and not giving a fuck are two different things most definitely..but this is my perspective of not giving a fuck and how it's played out over time....

To each his own I would never suggest a lifestyle to anyone. We all work in different ways. biggrin.gif

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As someone who regularly deals with the whole left brain vs. right brain issue.. (I teach accelerated learning and hypnosis).. let me add this:

Analysis is a good thing... over-ANAL-ysis leads to paralysis.. Someone with a strong analytical mind combined with a highly intuitive mind will be hugely succesful in all aspects of life.

The most succesful people are the ones who do not lean in one particular direction, but rather use their whole brain when processing.

If you know what cross-crawling is, you can use those exercises to stimulate both parts of your brain.

you can also break up the set patterns you have in your life to create some neural flexibility.. For example, brush your teeth with the opposite hand.. Or put on your clothes differently.. Vary your routines in everything you do and it forces your neurology to create new pathways and become more flexible.

To check your particular leanings, try running this program:


It will ask a series of questions and determine whether you lean left brain or right brain or auditory/visual

If you lean greatly in one direction or the other, I suggest you start doing this to open up both sides so you can be MORE succesful in life.

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Originally posted by visions:

wussup girl am I gonna get some credit for this thread or wha cwm1.gif

I'll tell ya right now for all those people who don't give a fuck and your out there bangin out pill after pill lik after lik like I did for so long, punchin people when they bump you wrong (which got me 2 weeks in jail, 2 years in court, a million dollar civil suit) sleepin through class, shitting on everyone around you, bascically just not giving a fuck about you or the people around you....

all I can say is WAKE THE FUCK UP to think you can breeze through life without givin a fuck your just ignorant and naive. It all catches up to you...believe me when your in jail you'll care, when your depressed from doin to many drugs you'll care, when people around start dissapearing you'll care no doubt about it I am a clear cut case of someone who would do anything at anytime to anyone, anywhere...and now it's definitely beginning to take it's toll. It's a very humbling experience. So maybe analtyical and not giving a fuck are two different things most definitely..but this is my perspective of not giving a fuck and how it's played out over time....

To each his own I would never suggest a lifestyle to anyone. We all work in different ways. biggrin.gif

If your referring to me - PLEASE DONT!

I don't shit on people and I'm not a drug addict, and I won't end up like you so don't compare yourself to me again. Thanks anyway!


An bag of KB's $50

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Originally posted by exodust:

If your referring to me - PLEASE DONT!

I don't shit on people and I'm not a drug addict, and I won't end up like you so don't compare yourself to me again. Thanks anyway!

What's this Mr "I don't give a shit" is overanalzyzing, I never once made a direct personal statement towards anyone, it was a very objective generalzation while actually speaking in first person. So Reelax...practice what you preach and don't over analyze my comments. Thank you

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My apologies, I really thought you were addressing me. In which case I was forced to disagree with you.

My bad then!


An bag of KB's $50

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Originally posted by exodust:

My apologies, I really thought you were addressing me. In which case I was forced to disagree with you.

My bad then!

No doubt hun smile.gif you seen my final note on my first post, I don't pass judgement or try to preach but sometimes different perspectives can help lead people in different directions, so I was merely offering a different prospective.

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yeah what the prof said seems on point, from personal experience I certainly analyse, but gave up on over analysis long ago....a couple of philosophies go along way in this kinda area......'sieze the moment' being one but to balance that you need the companion 'no regrets' policy, kids life is a learning curve and as the prof so eloquently put it 'over analysis leads to paralysis'...live it learn it and if u fuck up learn about it and get over it .....

lol I would go seriously LOCO if I overanalysed all the dumbass shit I've done (plus if u can't remember it what's there to analyse lol)


If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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