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The newest oppressed race??

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Originally posted by kitty19:

you don't know what/where that african-american woman has been through. so don't underestimate her just b/c you thought your friend was "more qualified".

I'm sure that you understood the intent of my post but I just want to clarify on this point that I didn't think that my friend was more qualified, I was just going on the fact that the employer said he was the most qualified that they had seen coupled with the fact that the jackass actually said it was a race/gender issue. I think I would have rather heard a lie.

i just wanted to bring up another point. cool? wink.gif

cool smile.gif I understand what you are saying...it's just a bitter pill to swallow when it happens to you or someone you know. cwm36.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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As an African American Woman, I must respond.

While "reverse discrimination" may be wrong and incite feelings of anger, the fact still remains that a white man has more oppportunities available to him, and will receive a higher salary, than I do. Because he is a man, and because he is white. And that is wrong, and makes me quite angry.

I'm not an advocate of giving jobs to unqualified people just because of their race, but I think that affirmative action does have some merit. It forces employers to give others a chance, when they normally would not have. One way I think of it is... The teacher who always calls on the smart kid, passing over the not-so-smart kids. (I've seen this happen all through my schooling.) The principal steps in and makes the teacher realize the problem. The other kids, while they have the potential to be just as smart, are being neglected and overlooked. But once the teacher starts to engage them, their potential can start to be realized.

I know that at some point in my work history, I've gotten a job because I am a "double minority", but I could not have kept that job without the ability to do the job.


Is it Friday yet?

Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

Question for thought: When having emergency surgery after a near-fatal motor vehicle accident, who do you want as a surgeon,,,the most qualified person possible, or the person who got into college, med school, and residency, because their skin color provided "diversity"?





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Originally posted by drbabybutt:

Question for thought: When having emergency surgery after a near-fatal motor vehicle accident, who do you want as a surgeon,,,the most qualified person possible, or the person who got into college, med school, and residency, because their skin color provided "diversity"?

ummm good point...wouldn't they have graduated to be a surgeon and have had gone thru pre-med then medicine and had many years of training...



If only he'd use his power for good instead of evil............... boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by boa_boy:

wouldn't they have graduated to be a surgeon and have had gone thru pre-med then medicine and had many years of training...


ah, but you forget, kind sir, that having just a suffix of "M.D." does not a good surgeon make.

that is, although this is an extreme & hypothetical (albeit one that really hits home if you're the one on that operating table) example, truth of the matter is, race/creed/religion/ethnicity/quotas aside, i'd rather place my life in the hands of THE MOST QUALIFIED surgeon, and *NOT* a surgeon who got his M.D. from meeting a quota.

bottom line? personally, i'm pretty much ambivalent about this whole affirmative action thing (i recognize the sound arguments made from both sides), but in the extreme example posed above...i say chuck it out the window.




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