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Sopranos Producers: SUED!

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Something I came across from Reuters and posted on Jersey's Board....I think its absurd. Your opinion?

CHICAGO (Reuters) - In the town where Al Capone gave even mobsters a bad name, an Italian-American legal group on Thursday sued the producers of cable TV's popular show "The Sopranos," saying it paints Italians as born criminals.

The suit against Time Warner Entertainment Co. seeks no money or modifications in the show, but asks a court to proclaim that the program violates the Illinois Constitution's guarantee of individual dignity.

"This is like no family I know," said attorney Enrico Mirabelli, pointing to a poster of the fictitious mob family in whose name the letter "R" is depicted by a pistol.

"I don't know Italian mothers, ever, who try to have their son killed. That's not realistic," he told a news conference called by the American Italian Defense Association. The group filed the suit in Cook County Circuit Court.

The association issued a statement saying the series "suggests that criminality is in the blood or in the genes of Italian Americans and that Italians as early immigrants to this country had little opportunity other than to turn to crime."

Added Theodore Grippo, chairman of the group:

"We're looking for a vindication of our reputation. We realize that we can't stop the free speech rights of Time Warner. We're not looking for money. We want a moral victory here, we want to balance things."

Time Warner Entertainment is a division of AOL Time Warner, which issued a statement saying, "We are very proud of 'The Sopranos.' We're hardly alone in our assessment that the show is an extraordinary artistic achievement."

The hit program about the intrigues of a New Jersey crime boss and his family, in its third season, is carried on HBO. This season's premier episode drew 11 million U.S. viewers.

The Chicago group said a boycott of the show and its advertisers was a possibility down the road.

If the court does issue a judgement holding the show depicts depravity, hatred, abuse and criminality to an ethnic group as forbidden by the state constitution, he said, the next step might be to take that ruling to Time Warner's shareholders to ask them why the company should still be spending money on such a program.

"I personally would love to see them do away with the show," Grippo said. "I think it's bad for America. We're having children shooting each other in schools and we have a program that is deifying and romanticizing the shooting of people in the head."

He said Hollywood has churned out 700 movies since the 1930s with Italian bad guys, but said "The Sopranos" is in a league by itself, beyond even TV's "Untouchables," which depicted the U.S. government's Roaring '20s war against Capone, who was born in Brooklyn, New York, to an immigrant Italian family.

Grippo accused advertising agencies of "piggy-backing" on the popularity of "The Sopranos" by drawing ads that also besmirch Italian Americans.

The group said it has brought its concerns to Time Warner in a letter earlier this year but received a reply that was "totally unresponsive."


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Yeah...I heard this on the radio this morning...I think its f'in stupid, but I'm not Italian American...

Any Italian American's out there feel this way about Soprano's????



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This is especially silly considering the story line that has been worked in, revolving around Dr. Melfi's (ex?)-husband giving her a hard time for treating a mobster. Including all of the comments about tv and movies depicting italians in a bad light. I think that most intelligent adults should be able to look at a television and see that it is just a show. GODDAMMIT!!! Why the fuck are people so sensitve. WTF?!?!?!?!?!

btw..I'm not Italian







[This message has been edited by blueguy808 (edited 04-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

Any Italian American's out there feel this way about Soprano's????

Actually I was talking with my Dad about this a few weeks ago. He is very proud of his heritage and he does have a problem with the show. But he is not as militant as these guys. He just doesn't watch the show.

But, I can absolutely understand why these guys are upset. It would be the same way if someone made movies about hispanics, blacks, asians, etc... that were stereotypical. If that were the case no one would question this suit.



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I am an italian-american and so is my boyfriend. His family has some shady characters as does mine but lets be realistic.... The Sopranos is an exaggeration of a stereotype that most people. Let's be honestly this show is far from a documentary. Its purpose is solely for entertainment and in that it has succeeded.

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